Extreme Yama System

Chapter 896: infer

Zhou Huiru has never seen her man so eager. No matter what happened in the past, this man always seemed to be in a hurry and orderly. But this time, it seemed that she was in a hurry, and even she felt unusually obvious. But even though he was extremely worried in his heart, he didn't dare to ask, so he could only follow Xue Wusuan back to the small county after a hasty three-day vacation.

Finding the orphanage did not require old man Liao to recall it. Xue Wusuan had found out where the things he wanted from his past numerology early on. After some simple inquiries and rummaging, Xue Wusuan took Zhou Huiru back to the residence with an old wooden box in his hand.

The box was a trophy that Old Man Liao brought when he was discharged from the army. It originally contained some jewelry, but it was later sold for the welfare home. Now the box contains a piece of yellow cloth that is two feet square, which is also the swaddle that old man Liao used to pick up Xue Wusuan.

Logically speaking, swaddling is only something that a baby can protect himself from, and it is also the only thing on an abandoned baby that can help him survive. But this kind of protection will be useless after the old man Liao finds the abandoned baby and decides to adopt it. It is impossible for a baby to live on this swaddle of a few feet for a lifetime.

But here is the problem. Why did old man Liao keep something that would soon become useless for decades. Not only that, but this thing was not handed over to Xue Wusuan along with the previous jade card. There is only one reason for this, that is, old man Liao's love for Xue Wusuan.

What does this have to do with caring? Naturally. And the problem was with that piece of cloth, which was a few feet square. Of course, old man Liao didn't know that the cloth he thought was actually not "cloth". The reason why old man Liao was not going to give this thing to Xue Wusuan was because there were more than a dozen characters written in red on the swaddling clothes, a type of characters that old man Liao had never seen before, and he was a soldier. It's easy to tell that the red on the "cloth" was made with blood.

When a normal baby is abandoned, how can it be written in blood even if you have to leave a letter? This made old man Liao naturally think of a possibility at that time, a story about Xue Wusuan's tragic life experience and his parents' last resort. It's not good for the child's growth. Therefore, Hidden has never said it, and originally wanted to bring it into the coffin. Because he tried that piece of cloth, and it couldn't be destroyed.

He didn't ask why Xue Wusuan suddenly came to look for this swaddle that had been hidden for decades. Old man Liao knew that the child he raised had changed a lot a few years ago. It was a secret, and he wasn't going to get to the bottom of it. Moreover, the child is old and has a family and a career. Now he takes the initiative to ask if there is something hidden in this swaddling or is directly related to the child's life experience. Old man Liao is not going to hinder it any more, just let it be.

After getting this swaddle, Xue Wusuan returned to the Dragon Tiger Academy again, but he did not bring Zhou Huiru with him, he only left a sentence "I have something to do". Even when he arrived at the academy, he didn't summon anyone. He found a secret room by himself and started a new exploration.

The material of the swaddling clothes is strange. It is not cloth, but a metal-like object that is ground into very fine silk threads and then woven into a shape. It is miraculously soft, durable and warm. It is also a metal-like object that Xue Wusuan has never seen before. And this thing once again proved that Xue Wusuan's life experience was definitely not as simple as he thought, and it seemed to corroborate Haotian's previous judgment on the origin of the jade tablet.

In the original world, there was no such strange metal-like utensils. In the numerology of Tiandao, Xue Wusuan checked the numerology of many ancient monks who had appeared, but there was no record of such things. In other words, this kind of metal-like thing is very likely to really come to the outside world.

But it is a pity that the swaddling clothes that once wrapped Xue Wusuan is not a magic weapon, nor is it something like a jade slip that is used for message transmission. Therefore, the dozen or so symbols or words on this swaddling clothes cannot be used at all. Use the method of parsing the jade card to understand the above meaning.

"Is this a reminder for me? Or is it telling me something?"

Xue Wusuan now has two voices in his heart. One tells him to give up. Why should the past be like the wind to pursue the things that have been covered up in the long river of time? But another voice kept reminding him, saying that he didn't even know his own life experience, and he didn't dare to pursue it. How could he face the enemies of thousands of planes that were bound to collide?

There is another important reason. Instinct intuition is telling Xue Wusuan that he has to figure out what is going on with his life experience, and he even feels that this is extremely important to him.

The cultivators all believed in their own instincts, let alone a Jinxian cultivator like Xue Wusuan. He gritted his teeth and decided to follow his intuition. He had to figure out his own background.

Of course, if you want to understand your life experience, you need patience.

First of all, in the numerology of the original world, Xue Wusuan still needs to continue to follow the clue of the jade card to constantly screen out the native creatures of the original world who have had contact with the jade card. This is an extremely huge project, even with his The search speed of the spiritual sense also has a feeling of exhilaration. Because the clues on the bright side are gone, the earliest time old man Liao came into contact with this jade card was when he picked up Xue Wusuan~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If it is pushed back, it has nothing to do with old man Liao.

Secondly, Xue Wusuan must mobilize all the unique knowledge about words and civilization that he has accumulated, using the information and words on the previous jade card as the only reference, and then infer by himself bit by bit What exactly does the handwriting written in blood on the swaddling clothes mean?

Both directions are not easy, but the only good news is that what is recorded on the jade plate is a Dharma. It can't be done in three or two words. This also gave Xue Wusuan a reluctant text sample that he could directly learn from.

There is always something in common between civilizations, especially when the development direction is roughly the same, and when they belong to the same kind of life, they have a lot in common.

The characters that are commonly used in the world in the original world are of little significance, but the characters in the monk civilization that once prospered in the original world can be used as a reference. Moreover, the texts on the plane of the White Snake and the plane of conquering demons and subduing demons in Journey to the West also have reference value.

"This word means "death"? Does it mean the end of life?"

When Xue Wusuan reluctantly deduced the meaning of one of the swaddling Chinese characters, he had been in the original world for half a year. This is the longest time he has stayed in the original world since he became Wudao Yama.



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