Extreme Yama System

Chapter 898: ins and outs

As long as it is a living being, producing offspring to allow its own group to continue, this is the necessity and instinct of life. Of course, there are various means of continuing descendants, such as humans, such as zombies, such as dragons and snakes. But as far as man is concerned, there is only one means of perpetuating the race.

Xue Wusui is not sure if he is still a person now, but he is sure that he was definitely a human before. In other words, his previous generation must also have human blood.

If that woman named Ning Ling is really Xue Wusuan's mother, then Xue Wusuan must have a father. And this man, who may be Xue Wusuan's father, did appear in Naning Ling's numerology. A sturdy-looking man.

Compared to Ning Ling, this man who must be her husband is even more mysterious. Because Xue Wusuan can only "observe" this man through Ning Ling's numerology, and this man himself is blank in the records of Tiandao!

Having said that, Ning Ling's numerology is the biggest mystery. Hundreds of thousands of years ago, this Ning Ling started to practice from birth, and finally reached the cultivation level of Nascent Soul Realm. All this is clear, and then, before the "Day of War Demons" that Haotian once said Before long, the numerology was completely blurred, even broken. Then, when Ning Ling's numerology became clear again, it was hundreds of thousands of years later, that is, a year before Old Man Liao picked up Xue Wusuan.

This person seems to be black in the middle, and since Xue Wusuan was picked up by old man Liao, the woman and the man beside her disappeared completely.

"Tian Dao, it seems that you are not as powerful as you said. You are a mere creature, and you can't even accept simple numerology. Oh, I have to say that it makes sense that you were almost wiped out."

Xue Wusuan was very speechless, Tiandao Fang was so irresponsible, he didn't pay attention to the creatures below casually, and he didn't even fulfill his responsibilities. He deserved to be overturned by the monks bit by bit. But when I turned around, I thought that the backing of Tiandao was strong enough, and Dao was backing him, and the fate of daring to bubbling was also miserable. If you look at Haotian, you will know.

The way of heaven is everywhere, it just depends on whether he is willing to accompany you or not. Sometimes Xue Wusuan even thought that Tiandao was probably the laziest existence in this face.

"Why does the devil mock me? My emotions won't fluctuate because of these words. You are just wasting your words."

Xue Wusuan is not someone else, Tiandao can be too lazy to pay attention to others, but he can't help but pay attention to this Demon Lord who has some commonalities with his way of existence. So Xue Wusuan's voice just fell, and the sound of Tiandao sounded like a machine.

"What's the matter with the numerology of these two people?" Xue Wusuan pouted, feeling a little funny in his heart, and he subconsciously regarded Tiandao as an emotional creature to communicate.

"Don't you know the truth of the impermanence of the world? In that battle, not only this aspect was affected, but me and the avenue behind me were severely affected and even damaged, irreversibly damaged. So, it's like Just like the sequelae left by human injuries, not only the records of numerology are missing a lot, but I have also been severely injured in other aspects. This is the reason why I was threatened by those monks later. It is also the reason why the heavenly people don't like your magician. ."

It was just a bland sentence that made Xue Wusuan a little regretful that he was not able to witness the battle that was bound to be extremely tragic. Listen, Heavenly Dao and even the Great Dao were affected, and even Heavenly Dao was severely damaged. These words alone are hard to imagine the horror of the scene at that time.

Of course, this is also part of Tiandao's answer to Xue Wusuan's question just now, but it's not over yet.

Tiandao went on to say: "That woman existed in the past numerology, then disappeared, then appeared, and then disappeared again. There is only one possibility: after she disappeared for the first time, she was beyond the limit of my control, and then came back. It's been a long time since the Great Dao interfered with this side and that plane, so the numerology followed the record. It disappeared in the end, which is the same reason."

"Which man is that?"

"I don't know."

"What's the meaning."


Xue Wusuan was silent.

The meaning of the Dao of Heaven is very obvious. The reason why Ning Ling's numerology is so strange is that, on the one hand, it is missing because the Heavenly Dao has been affected on the day of the war. Escaped the "five declines of heaven and man" under the intervention of the Dao.

In addition, regarding the man who is more mysterious than Ning Ling, Tian Dao has actually given the answer: from outside the realm.

Such a result reminded Xue Wusuan of Haotian's inference about the method on the jade plaque that also came from the baby: from outside the realm.

Combining the information in his hand, Xue Wusuan has suspiciously and easily connected it into a roughly complete logical level, and found a relatively reasonable outline for his life experience.

A monk named Ning Ling from the original world began to come into contact with the extremely prosperous monk civilization at that time after he was born, and quickly embarked on the road of cultivation. Of course, this Ning Ling was an extremely talented cultivator. However, her luck was not very good.

When Ning Ling practiced to the realm of Nascent Soul, the monks in the outer domain broke the barrier between the planes and came, and at the same time brought a world-destroying bad news: a kind of evil force called "devil" has killed Ning Ling. This azimuth is regarded as the next target of destruction~www.wuxiaspot.com~ According to the description of those monks outside the realm, in the vast boundless myriad planes, the devil is the disaster, the disaster of all living beings, the power of a single plane is fundamental. Can't fight it. For the sake of the truth, they have tangled thousands of powerful planes to fight against demons together, and are preparing to set up an ambush front in the original world to destroy all demons in one fell swoop.

This is bound to be a terrifying battle, and the preparation time is not long but not long.

Among the large number of foreign monks, a man fell in love with Ning Ling, and the two had feelings for each other.

Well, what follows is a blank message that lasts for hundreds of thousands of years. Xue Wusuan could only guess that Ning Ling survived the day of fighting the demon and left the original world with the man outside the realm.

But for some unknown reason, after hundreds of thousands of years, Ning Ling returned to the original world with the man from outside the realm. At that time, Ning Ling was already pregnant, and the era of monks in the original world had long since passed.

And Xue Wusuan was also born after Ning Ling and the men outside the domain returned to the original world. But he was abandoned shortly after he was born.

"Since you don't want to give birth, why do you want to come back and give birth? Since you decided to give birth, why do you have to throw it away after giving birth?"

The question in Xue Wusuan's heart is a puzzling question that all abandoned babies have...


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