Extreme Yama System

Chapter 900: 1st trial

It was not Xue Wusuan's turn to come forward with the admissions matter. The children this time did not have as many good seedlings as the previous batch. They were relatively ordinary on the whole. They managed to record 30 people. What's next? Yi Ying was handed over to the new cultivators in the Demon Sect to be disciplined, and the cultivators who had been engaged in teaching tasks for a year now have other jobs.

On another mountain in the Dragon Tiger Academy, it is not as lively as the main peak, but the atmosphere is more serious.

This mountain is the place where the ruins of the heavenly world were found. After Xue Wusuan fixed the space overlap, a stone gate engraved with a formation was built as the entrance and exit. The stone gate is also engraved with the words: Purgatory of the Heart.

Xue Wusuan was very dissatisfied with the combat effectiveness of the Demon Sect. This is well known, and he has heard of this "Purgatory of Heart" for a long time. Even the chief professor of the academy, Haotian, gave the first batch of teachers of these academies a surprise attack early on, and even Old Man Jianchen and Ma Weicheng did not miss out.

The chief professor of Haotian of Zhouzhi Academy is a monk of Yuanying Great Perfection. He teaches practical experience and precautions by words and deeds, as well as some small skills to improve combat ability. These are all amazing things. Insane, I don't dare to slack off at all.

Haotian also said that the reason for all this is that they are preparing for the "Purgatory of Heart" that they need to enter next.

At that time, Haotian said to the monks of the Demon Sect like Jian Chen: "That is where your great opportunity lies, and it is also the place of life and death. There will be things you need there, and there will also be dangers that will kill you. What I teach you is my experience, but if you take it or not, I don't know if it will be suitable for you after you enter the purgatory."

Jian Chen and others would not think that Haotian was alarmist, because the place called "Purgatory of Heart" was not created by Haotian, but by a man surnamed Xue. How dangerous is possible. On the other hand, look at the magic array that has been put into use before this, it is making those boys in the academy want to die.

The dozens of students in the first batch were extremely excited when they first entered the illusion formation, eager to try it out, with an aura of giving up on me. But this time, after entering and then coming out, one by one almost changed shape. Many students came out crying like crazy. If it wasn't for the several college teachers who had been waiting outside, according to Haotian's arrangement, they quickly used the means of calming the soul to appease these children, or maybe one or two would have gone crazy.

It's so easy to deal with those children, let alone an old man and an old lady like them.

Jian Chen and the others, who were already mentally prepared, naturally did not take it lightly, they had long been waiting for this day to come.

"Professor Haotian must have made it clear to you before. I'll add three points. First, it is indeed very dangerous, but there is no mortal situation. Everything depends on your own reaction and brain. Second, there are many good things in it, such as rare and exotic fruits, exercises and methods, it will be a great opportunity for you to get any of them. Third, you will spend three months in it, and It's about three days outside. Once the time is up, the formation will move you out. Of course, those who die inside will not be counted."

As Xue Wusan spoke, his mind moved, and the Fang Shimen opened coaxedly, revealing a rather mysterious and colorful passageway behind the door. That is the fixed passage connecting the ruins of the heavens.

"If it's too late to retreat now, I won't look down on you, but it's just that cowards don't deserve to be in the Demon Sect." Xue Wusuan added another sentence. Then there was silence for about half a cup of tea. Seeing that none of Jianchen and the others flinched, they stopped talking, and pointed to Shimen to indicate that they could go in.

Jian Chen took the lead and saluted Xue Wusuan, then took a deep breath and strode into the passage.

"Jun Yan, let's go in and take a look too?" Haotian and other monks suggested in a low voice after entering the stone gate. He also wanted to see how much these cultivators, who had been taught a lot of practical methods by him, had grown.

"Then let's go, go in and have a look."

The lifeless and desolate scene in the past has long since disappeared, and this once heavenly world has now changed a lot. After passing through the passage, Jian Chen and others' first feeling was whether they had entered another world?

The gray sky here seems to be both dawn and evening, the sun can't be seen, and there are big trees all around.

Go to a high place and take a look. "Jian Chen has the highest cultivation level in it, and he scanned the left and right with his senses and found no danger, and immediately said to the monks behind him.

"Good doormaster."

As soon as Jian Chen's voice fell, someone behind him answered, and he set up a magic sword, pulled up from the ground, passed through the surrounding green cover, and flew high into the sky. It stayed for a while and then fell back again.

"What did you see?" Jian Chen asked.

"There are trees all around, and it stretches for an unknown distance. There is a mountain to the west and one to the south."

"It's all trees? Which mountain is closer?"

"It's closer to the south."

"Let's go, go to the mountain to the south to explore first, follow closely, be careful, and pay attention to any troubles."

Before they figured out the situation here, Jian Chen and the others were not ready to scatter to find their own chance.

Above the clouds, Xue Wusuan led Haotian to watch everything below~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Haotian smiled and said, "They are still quite cautious. It seems that there should be no danger in a short time."

To be honest, Haotian is still very satisfied with the series of reactions from Jian Chen and others. Although it has only just begun, at least these people did not put the search for "opportunity" first, but cautiously prepared to find out the situation first and save their lives. is the first. This is what Haotian taught them.

"Really?" Xue Wusuan smiled. This place was vacated by him. It is a place to train the mind and enhance practical experience. It is not a "wild survival training camp". Wouldn't such a timid and cautious move forward lack the opportunity to hone? Xue Wusuan was prepared to let Jian Chen and others relax.

After a while, the following situation changed as Xue Wusuan thought. The originally quiet woods suddenly began to tremble, and the ground trembled violently. Thick rhizomes burst out of the ground, tentacles attacking Jian Chen and the others with a powerful force.

"This is, the tree demon?" Haotian said in surprise. In the days when the original world was glorious, he had seen all kinds of demon cultivators, and the tree demon was one of them. But the tree demon has long been extinct, so where did these things come from?

"What happened to the tree demon? There are still many surprises waiting for them here. They must slowly adapt to fighting any kind of opponent to their death and win, otherwise it will be useless."


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