Extreme Yama System

Chapter 912: Qihoo quite

The six giant liquid spheres mixed with blood and saliva of the vampires did not smash directly towards the Yin Soldier array, but began to extend independently, as if to connect the six **** together to form a liquid cover to cover the entire Yin Soldier. The array is covered.

The blood ghost's approach seems superfluous and even a little ridiculous. Smashing it directly can maintain the sufficient thickness and volume of the liquid, and it can also penetrate the defense of the Yin Soldier array, and then cause huge damage. Now that you thin the ball into a cover, doesn't this lose the effect of breaking the surface? Once the attack is dispersed, how to penetrate the defense of the array? Isn't this funny?

But it was this seemingly ridiculous move that made Wang Tianyun's face in the army change greatly.

It is indeed a conventional and effective way to break the face with a point, but this is not the most worrying situation for the Yin Soldier array. Because the single strength of the Yin Soldier is actually incomparable to that of the Blood Ghost, even with the mutual blessing of the formation and the army formation, it is still not outstanding in the "face" defense. The effect of the three-talented formation is purely defensive, and the defensive power of the weak "face" can be transferred to the strong "face" for key defense.

Therefore, compared to "breaking the surface with a single point", the Yin Soldier array is more worried about this kind of all-round coordinated attack without dead ends, not to mention that the entire "defense surface" has always been subjected to the squeezing force of the blood ghost formation.

"Auxiliary soldiers are ready to charge up, defensive blessings, dispersing blessings, and healing blessings! Each yin soldier prepares the first base of healing medicine supplements! Tell the left wing, when the blow comes, give me all-out formation, I want to see their protruding parts do become!"

While deploying the left wing, Wang Tianyun also made preparations to accept a full-scale attack, and even prepared to suffer injuries. Outside the army formation, the vampires were prepared just as well and very quickly. After the six large **** were connected together, they immediately began to shrink. Only at this time did the Yin Soldiers realize that they had underestimated the poison that these blood ghosts poured out.

Unlike the soul poison, the liquid mixed with the blood and saliva of these vampires cannot harm the soul body, but the problem is that it can actually harm the yin iron!

The soul can be virtualized and can avoid the erosion of these corrosive venoms, but the weapons and armors made of yin iron cannot be virtualized! Even if the space is opened to hide these weapons and armors, it is too late, and the general Yin Soldier does not have the ability to open the space.

Lightning and flint, the attack is coming, and the defense is coming.

The mana isolates the corrosion, but it prevents the soul body from being completely incorporeal, and as a result, it has endured at least 30% of the strength of the corrosion power. It can be said that with this all-round attack, the combat effectiveness of the Yin Soldiers array has been reduced by at least 20%. The mana reserves consumed are almost bottomed out, and all weapons and armors have been damaged to varying degrees. This is the loss that makes Wang Tianyun grit his teeth.

However, while suffering the damage, the 25,000 Yin soldiers on the left wing, who had high expectations, successfully gritted their teeth and broke away from the shape of the Sancai formation to form a protrusion, and then the rest of the Yin soldiers followed the protrusion and began to officially enter the defensive counterattack. stage.

Wang Tianyun has already seen clearly the current strength and plans of the vampires. This is to eliminate the Yin soldiers to the greatest extent. That's right, it is "elimination", otherwise it will never attack the Yin iron weapon, and it will not always maintain the coercion of the formation. This is actually an incomplete use of their own strength. , is also a strategy of sacrificing one's own attack ability to consume the Yin soldier's endurance and waiting for the chance to kill. It can be said to be a very insidious and highly targeted strategy.

What Wang Tianyun is doing now is to fight out, and he must fight for the greater losses that will inevitably occur outside the atmosphere of being held hostage. Otherwise, the vampire will attack again with the corrosive venom just now. Incredible. It would be difficult for the Yin Soldier without the protection of Yin Iron to harm the blood ghost who has evolved dozens of times and is still a demon cultivator.

The vampire's methods have basically been taken out now, and there is no reservation. At the same time, there are also disadvantages: the formation method is a good thing, but when facing the same well-trained and well-equipped Yin soldier array, in order to Holding the opponent's array and the advantages of the formation also sacrificed his own violent attack wave. This is not a feasible trade-off relationship, and it has become a weakness of the current blood ghost to some extent.

Wang Tianyun's experience is rich, and his judgment and decision-making are also extremely sharp. He accurately discovered this weakness of the vampire and immediately counterattacked against this weakness.

At this point in the battle, if neither side has reinforcements, there is actually no need to think about it, and the outcome is all at stake. Whoever can bite his teeth will win, otherwise he will be defeated.


Xue Wusuan's voice came from above, and the blood ghost and the ghost soldier stopped at the same time. Retreat on both sides and make way for a wide area in the middle.

The blood ghost suffered serious injuries of more than 58,000 and minor injuries of more than 119,000.

The Yin soldier suffered serious injuries of more than 10,000 people and minor injuries of more than 80,000 people.

This is the last battle strength loss of both sides after this exercise. This is not to mention the Yin iron weapons and battle armors that have been damaged by the poisonous erosion in the Yin soldier array. If we really want to continue fighting, the Yin Soldiers will definitely be reduced, and the blood ghosts will also face the risk of death. Because at the end of the day, I can't keep it any longer.

Overall, Xue Wusuan was very satisfied with this exercise. The Yin Soldiers are indeed stronger than before, and so are the Blood Ghosts. It is also very fresh to play in a well-organized manner, highlighting their respective strengths and weaknesses. It can be seen that after this time, the two sides will definitely work hard to rectify their own weaknesses, and next time they will be stronger~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is a good competitive relationship.

Winning or losing, in Xue Wusuan's opinion, is not important, it is all the fighting power under his command, there is no need to compete for superiority. Moreover, the Yin Soldier Array is not the time to compare it with the vampire. After all, in a real fight, the number of superior vampires alone can crush the Yin soldier array.

Therefore, Xue Wusuan thought that as long as he showed the limits of the means and abilities that the Yin Soldier array should have, the purpose of the exercise was also here.

Xue Wusuan doesn't care about winning or losing, but he cares a lot about the top and bottom of the Yin Soldier formation. With a sigh of anger, I was ready to move back to the city with the vampires after receiving the blessing of the inscription of the soul this time, but who would have thought that the vampires had been playing with them before, and this time it was real, it was better than them Strong on the line.

Unwilling, you can tell by looking at the expression on the commander Wang Tianyun's face, the black one is the same as the bottom of the pot. The most irritating thing is that this time, the equipment wear and tear of the Yin soldiers do not know how long it will take to repair, and will it affect the "actual combat" that Yan Jun said next.

The blood ghosts silently returned to their habitat on the third floor of hell. Under the leadership of Wang Tianyun, the Yin soldiers returned to the Yin soldiers camp full of grievances. After returning, they had to recover to the best conditions within the three Yin food seasons. The state of war, including the equipment in their hands.

"Don't worry, you will soon have the opportunity to vent at will." All the Yin soldiers echoed what Xue Wusuan said to them before returning to the camp.


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