Extreme Yama System

Chapter 914: come

The sudden big change brought shock and deep fear, and everyone had no idea why this happened.

Millions of people in the holy city were stunned on the spot, looking at the huge void in the sky for a while, not knowing how to react. Only a few high-level officials of the Holy City who had had similar experiences could vaguely feel something, and they were quite excited, not knowing whether their guesses were accurate.

Of course, the three Zhao Quan brothers are the most excited. As the three souls of the Resident Evil world, they have their own senses, and they somehow know what the huge void in the sky is and what it means.

Therefore, the three brothers came back to their senses and immediately knelt down on the square outside the Yan Luo Tower, shouting in unison, "The soul-suppressing general Zhao Quan (Fan Mingkai) (Li Sirui) welcomes the coming of the Yama God!"

What? ! The **** Yama is about to come? !

The three brothers Zhao Quan raised their voices and immediately made all the senior leaders of the surrounding sects and all believers close to the tower come to their senses. After understanding the meaning, they ran to Zhao Quan and the three and knelt down, their heads slammed on the ground, and the blood flowed out of the force with too much force, but they kept shouting "Congratulations to the arrival of the **** Yama" in a frenzied tone.

One has two, and then more and more people began to understand, their eyes were shining like crazy, and after a while, a large group of people knelt down, and their voices became more and more tidy and louder, making the farther away from the tower. Everyone heard the shouting, and the speed was so fast that in less than a stick of incense, the entire holy city heard the news of the imminent arrival of the Yama god, and then everyone knelt down and shouted, the sound of the sky.

Ninety-nine percent of the people who have seen the **** of Yama have never seen it, but the one percent who have seen it is enough to make this **** who appeared after the end of the world the only one that has been accepted and believed by countless people. True God. Of course, the feedback of the power of belief after worshiping the portraits and shrines of Yama is also a strong proof that the Yama really exists.

The void in the air was getting bigger and bigger, and a thicker and thicker wave of forest cold spread out from it, pressing down on the entire holy city, so that many believers who were weaker were speechless and could only kneel on the ground. Shivering, I suddenly realized that this must be the coercion of the gods.

It seems that the expansion has reached the limit, and there is a sound in the high-altitude hole. The roars came from inside, and the sound became louder and louder, making people tremble unconsciously, and instinctively felt that a strong danger was approaching.

Of course, this strong sense of coldness and danger is not unfamiliar to everyone. Some people have been exposed to it many years ago, and it felt familiar at the first time, and then the roar came out and naturally all of them were recalled.

"This, this is the roar of a vampire!"

The people who knew it immediately shouted out, which cleared everyone's doubts. After all, not everyone has seen such a big killer. In the past ten years or so, no one around the holy city has used the summoning order of blood ghosts at all, because the scale of zombies here has long since reached the level of using the summoning order, and the ability users and warriors alone are enough to clean them up.

Sure enough, when the roars were incessant, blood-red figures rushed out of the void like a dense swarm of bees. It was the blood ghost, the countless blood ghosts.

Regardless of whether they knew the origin of the blood ghosts from the legends or not, everyone in the holy city still couldn't help feeling terrified when they saw the scene of blood ghosts like a sea. Even the three brothers Zhao Quan were a little puzzled at this time. Blood ghosts, and there are so many of them, this is probably a hundred and a thousand times more than the summoning order of blood ghosts, right?

After the blood ghost came out, it didn't fly far, just hovered high in the sky, and soon it was densely covering the entire top of the holy city. It wasn't over yet, the blood ghosts didn't come out from the hole anymore, it was enough, but not long after that, a dull drum sounded from the hole.

"This is……"

Just in doubt, all the people of the holy city, who were shocked by the sea-like blood ghosts, saw an even more horrifying scene: a neat and well-organized army armed with swords, spears, swords, halberds and black armor covered their faces from the hollow. open out.

Army! It's the army! Although mortals can't see the soul body, the armor on the Yin soldiers gives them a physical visual appearance in the world.

All the believers lowered their heads, realizing that the gods must appear next.

No need to introduce anyone, the last breath that wafted out of the void explained everything. It's not as **** as the previous blood ghost, nor as the killing intent of that terrifying army. Although the breath that came out at the end was the most brilliant, it did not mean to overwhelm people at all, and there was even a sense of comfort in the spring breeze. And this feeling is exactly the feeling that the believers feedback the power of faith when they worship.

"Congratulations to Yama God's Dharma Chariot! Sheng An!"

The voices were surprisingly uniform, the crowd of people knelt up and down like waves, and the power of belief surged towards the divine beast that had just stepped out of the void.

Slowly descending, then I could see that the divine beast was about thirty meters tall, covered in black fire, with four legs, a long tail, and long horns on its head. And this mythical beast is standing with a positive and negative hand on its head, oh no, it's a god! After seeing that appearance clearly, it is the Yama **** that every household is worshiping!

"The **** of Yama is holy!"

Now I feel at ease. As soon as Xue Wusuan came on stage, the trembling people below put aside their apprehension, leaving only awe and piety. This is our own god, the **** who rescued the dying world, the only true **** in the world, how could he attack believers?

Xue Wusuan didn't need to come here originally. His idea was to send the blood ghosts and ghost soldiers over to completely end this rotten apocalypse and accelerate the process of world recovery. After all, this place has been dragged on for too long, and the vast sea has become the biggest obstacle to the clean-up operation. Humans who want to rely on this aspect alone~www.wuxiaspot.com~ are estimated to take decades, and they will have to wait for at least the formation of Pill Realm. It is only possible for the monks to appear. This is really slow for Xue Wusuan.

Therefore, in order to integrate the resources of this world as soon as possible, Xue Wusuan sent Yin soldiers and blood ghosts. But he was there for other reasons.

"The pain in the world has reached an inexhaustible level. I don't want to see such a powerful civilization destroyed by your own hands, so I have given you many conveniences so that you can save yourself. However, it takes a long time and is not conducive to reconstruction, so this world The source of the rest of the disaster will be wiped out by this gentleman."

After Xue Wushen finished speaking, the **** ghosts in the sky quickly flew away to the west, while the ghost soldiers disappeared from the sight of the people in the holy city to the east.

The vampires are responsible for sweeping down all places in Europe, including the Atlantic and Arctic, where T-virus infections still exist. The Shadow Soldiers are targeting the Americas, Australia and the Pacific and the Arctic Ocean.

The sky is so clear again.

Mo Yun, the divine beast of luck, descended with Xue Wusuan, right in front of the nine-story pagoda, just in front of the three Zhao Quan brothers who were kneeling on the ground.

"A hundred years in the world is but a moment. You have been in charge of Yinyang Street for my lord for many years, and you have worked hard and made great achievements. When he succeeds, he will give you a generous gift."

After speaking, Xue Wusuan patted the shoulders of Zhao Quan and the others with a smile, and without waiting for their words, their figures disappeared in a flash...


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