Extreme Yama System

Chapter 927: can't wait

It's time to talk about time again. This is a topic that Xue Wusuan has always been disgusted with, especially in this critical period of planning, he hates the word time. How good would it be if it could be like a ruthless underworld? If you don't have time, many things can be done very calmly.

Tiandao has been trapping Tathagata and Taishang Laojun for five years. The first three years, and then Xue Wusuan restored the heyday of Heavenly Dao's power after letting the system help, and two more years passed. Now it is the third year, and it is the last year that Heavenly Dao said before that it can guarantee everything.

In fact, with the cooperation of Heaven and Dao, it is not difficult to say that it is not difficult to attack one azimuth. After controlling the two Dao-joining powers in this azimuth, he quickly won the underworld with the current strength of the Wudao Underworld. The start of the attack process can be completed in just three or two days. But Xue Wusuan waited for five years. Even if the twelve yin gods of the underworld agreed to surrender, he did not let the system start the process of plane attack.

The reason is also simple, Xue Wusuan has absolutely no bottom line for the two powerful practitioners of the Taoist realm.

There are many things that can be seen in the numerology of the Tao of Heaven, but as the Tathagata and Taishang Laojun who have stepped into the realm of the Tao, the first thing they do after stepping into this realm is to transfer their numerology from the Tao of Heaven. deleted or scrambled from the records. In this way, they themselves will no longer be worried about being controlled by numerology, and they can be regarded as a defense against each other, and at the same time they are also on guard against heaven.

As far as Xue Wusuan's experience is concerned, the word "He Dao" alone is full of uncertainty, and there is no clue to base it on. He also went to the plane of the White Snake and asked the three magic cultivators there, but the answers he got were not satisfactory, very vague, and there were many flaws.

Imagine, if you start the attack program as soon as you come, all things in time will immediately feel that you have reached a major turning point, and as long as you are a monk, you can understand that this knot is in the underworld, and it will swarm. And both the upper and lower worlds will be like this, and it must even be extremely crazy.

If this happens, Xue Wusuan will have to fight with many cultivators before he is fully prepared, and the loss here may not be small. So he had to set aside time for his previous arrangements to be thoroughly rolled out and have an effect. In this way, the resistance force of this azimuth plane can be offset to the greatest extent.

In addition, what Xue Wusuan is most worried about is the two Dao Dao masters who are imprisoned in the outer world. Once the attack program starts, the two Dao Dao realms start to recklessly attack the imprisonment of the outer world, which is quite dangerous. . Because Xue Wusuan didn't have much confidence in Tiandao's ability to hold these two men from the very beginning. If it is broken ahead of time, all the arrangements in this direction will be useless and meaningless. This is not what Xue Wusuan wants to see.

Therefore, for five years, Xue Wusuan calmly allowed all the arrangements in the upper and lower realms of this world to have a relatively long fermentation time. At the same time, it is constantly adjusting its final layout.

Two years ago, Xue Wusuan came to the underworld and used no choice to force the twelve yin gods in the underworld into his own camp. At the same time, he saw the subtleties he wanted to see in a very short time. Result: After being forced to step into the ruthless cultivation system, the twelve remaining Nether tribes have no need to restrain their cultivation, and they are following the system without hindrance by the three white snakes, Xueji, Jade Emperor and Amitabha. The lighthouse built by the powers of the plane is struggling to break through, and it has now reached the final zero point.

Before that, these twelve Yin Gods or the Nether Race were indeed full of resentment. If they hadn't thought that the continuation of the race was on their shoulders, how would they have been submissive? of. But now, after stepping into the Wudao system, these ridiculous thoughts vanished.

Dignity and backbone have another explanation after understanding Xue Wusuan's good intentions and the real benefits to his own ethnic group. Not only did he no longer feel humiliated, but he even felt more grateful. Because with the continuous impact of the cultivation base on the commanding heights, these Nether Races feel more and more that the distance they understand the true meaning of life and death is really getting closer and closer, and many previous doubts seem to be constantly being solved.

Perhaps until the day when he breaks through to the Almighty, everything can be solved as the devil said.

Counting the time and looking at all the arrangements, Xue Wusuan frowned and tapped lightly on the table with his fingers.

The level of arrangement is not perfect. It would be best if we could get twelve Yin Gods to successfully break through to the realm of almighty beings. And there is still one year left. But Xue Wusuan became more and more worried, and had a bad premonition. The situation in the outer sky that day was changing every second.

"Can't wait any longer."

With the result in my heart, I really can't hesitate anymore, which means that Xue Wusuan has already felt something is wrong, and if he hesitates again, it is very likely that everything will be irreversible.

As soon as his mind moved, in the gap between the magical plane space, that is, the place where there is no way of the underworld, suddenly the wind surged, the cloud-like ghost suddenly became restless, and began to form a huge spiral vortex, and rapidly from top to bottom. Rotating, not long after, a huge void formed ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ which seemed to be a channel.

At the same time, Bao Zheng, who was working in the Guiya, and all the high-level emissaries in the unscrupulous underworld received a message from Yan Jun: Immediately enter the wartime state, and all affairs must make way for the attack! A logistical arrangement must be implemented as soon as possible! But those who slack will be severely punished!

And the ghost soldiers who have completed the cleanup of the Resident Evil plane world, and are summing up and trimming the array are really exploded at this time. The horns in the camp were shrill and full of killing intent, the roaring footsteps were dense and orderly, the shouts of the officers or the words to boost morale were varied, but no one could hear the strong excitement revealed in the words.

Only those with military merit are most likely to be canonized by the Yin class. This has become a way for almost all ghost people and ghost soldiers to be promoted. Longing for war, longing for slaughter, and even more eager to follow Yan Jun in this great apathy, leaving behind a glorious name that dazzles all worlds.

die? Extinct? Who is not afraid? But so what? The big deal is to leave a name on that heroic monument after his demise. This is not a waste of his own legend!

The cultivation of the stubborn spirit is now deeply ingrained in the Wudao Underworld, and Xue Wusuan can do everything. Today's sturdy folk customs and fearless values ​​make this Wudao Underworld, which wants to accommodate all worlds, even more potential. and infinite possibilities.

"It's at this moment to make a contribution and make a career! Everyone has it, marching formation, go!"


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