Extreme Yama System

Chapter 930: Attack for 2 hours

As soon as they arrived outside Tianmen, Wang Tianyun and the other soldiers immediately recognized the relationship between the enemy and the enemy. At the front, although the aura of those immortals who also wore standard armor was extremely deliberately hidden, pretending to be almost exactly the same as other cultivators, but in their perception it was extremely black and white.

There is an old saying that people are divided into groups, and they are all the same, how can they not know what they like and dislike? Therefore, Wang Tianyun immediately adjusted the army formation, and quickly switched from the regular path-exploring formation to the attacking and breaking-through formation.

"Drum! The individual soldier Huang Quanlei is ready, two each, listen to my orders!"

Wang Tianyun stood in the center of the army, with a black unicorn under his crotch to set off his vision, but he directly ignored the Dharma Body of Taishang Laojun, who was standing in the opposite distance and was full of fierce aura and mighty energy. He knew that this one must not be simple, but it was not important to him, because all the military strategists on the way had urgently analyzed that this battle to seize the door must be difficult, but it could not be a mortal situation, all resistance It will also be within the range they can bear, and other powerful existences must have other arrangements.

Therefore, the killing intent of the Yin Soldiers' formation is not erratic, it is just straight forward, and the one who is ahead on the opposite side will not be able to take care of them.

"What are you doing! Take them down!" Taishang Laojun's dharma body was ashen, and he couldn't remember how long it took a cultivator to dare to be so presumptuous in front of him.

The world has changed drastically, and the real body is still trapped in the outer world and cannot be contacted. The underworld seems to be the crux of everything, but he just can't go past the Tianmen and directly move to the lower realm, and there is another Tianmen guard who betrayed. There must be a profound mystery here. Let's see what's so great about these black armor minions.

Under the order of the Law Body, except for the Tianmen defenders, the rest of the immortals should immediately jumped up and rushed over with murderous intent. But in this short distance, the mutation happened again: halfway through the rush, most of the immortals gathered near Tianmen actually turned their backs and attacked their companions by surprise. The immortal who knew the situation lost his life on the spot!

What's the matter? ! The Taoist immortals rebelled collectively? ! And it is still hard steel in front of Taishang Laojun's legal body! Don't die, right?

Hundreds of immortals were annihilated by sneak attack, which made all immortals who didn't know what to do with them, how dare they continue to charge forward? Instantly opened the distance and wanted to move closer to the dharma body of Taishang Laojun. But at this moment, the keen Wang Tianyun saw the opportunity, calculated the gap between the advance and retreat, then raised his hand and waved it down, and hundreds of Huangquan Lei flew out of the army formation.

"what is that?"

"Whatever it is, call it back!"

You're not a fool. Is it not surprising to see so many dark objects thrown by the enemy? If I were a mortal, I would have to look at shouting and shouting. There are ways to deal with such fast things, but there are all immortals here, so there is no need to speak. The naked eye can accurately capture the clear trajectory of these things, and then shoot them down by means. Simply not too simple.

At a time, hundreds of torrents of mana shot out like flying swords, and the speed was many times faster than those "slow" black Huangquan thunders, and the distance was about to cross in less than a blink of an eye.



"what happened?!"

"Have you passed through?"

"This is impossible!"

Nothing is impossible. The weapon workshop made great efforts to equip all Yin soldiers with suitable and easy-to-operate long-range attack weapons. After many difficulties and difficulties, they were finally developed. If they were simple, they would be abolished by a flood of spells , then there is no need for Xue Wusuan to punish, it is estimated that Zhong Mei can wipe his neck first.

Huang Quanlei had already considered it when he was developing it. The biggest problem with this thing is that it is easy to be destroyed in advance when thrown. This is also the key problem to be solved.

Therefore, after research, a compound array method named "Virtual Shifting Array" by the weapon workshop came out with difficulty. This is a completely autonomous formation of the weapon workshop, a special formation that can only be described by a monk without a Taoist system and a ghost cultivator with a pure soul body. The effect is to make Yin Tie produce a quality similar to the transformation of void matter, and it can use the transformation of void to enter the space mezzanine, and then lock the enemy according to the intensity of the mana fluctuation and then pierce it out of the void and smash it down.

This is a very powerful and remarkable innovation, and its application level is far more than a weapon like Huang Quanlei. However, there is also a little regret. At present, only the medium of Yin iron can activate the function of this formation. In addition, the weapon workshop has not found other things or creatures that can carry this formation.

"It's gone! Be careful!"

The torrent of mana hit directly across the line, which is not a million. All the black yellow spring thunder that was hit then disappeared into the void and disappeared. Everyone knows that these things will definitely bring trouble, but want to Be prepared but do not know how to defend, and where is the danger.

The only one who could sense the movements of Huang Quanlei after he disappeared was the dharma body of Taishang Laojun. He clearly felt that hundreds of objects were shooting rapidly towards the cultivator under him in the void of the plane.

"Defense!" I only had time to shout this, and at the same time, Taishang Laojun's dharma body was also shooting, and a huge mask covered all the monks on his side. In between can be said to be impeccable. You must know that there are more than a thousand immortals under the threat of Huang Quanlei, and they are distributed in a certain range. They can be protected by means in the blink of an eye. It is worthy of the strength that a powerful person should have.

But as a dharma body who has never been in contact with the unreasonable underworld, even a powerful person is not so experienced, and mistakes in judgment are inevitable. Especially since there has never been a ghost cultivator in this plane, it is even more unavoidable.

Huang Quanlei's kills are Nine Nether Soul Flame and Soul Poison~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and it happens that neither of these two things can be predicted by common sense, and it happens that the defense method used by Taishang Laojun is a popular conventional method. Can it survive the erosion of the Nine Nether Soul Flames and Soul Poison?

I saw hundreds of Huangquan Lei followed the locked mana fluctuations and drilled out from the void of the plane, and suddenly a large fog of Nether flames spread out, and there was no obstruction at all. The defensive mask under the dharma body goes straight to the target.

"not good!"

The natural destructive power brought by the soul poison is absolutely deadly to the soul, and the higher-level cultivator can feel the creepy danger when facing the soul poison.

Now that the soul poison has reached the fifth rank, it is more than enough to instantly poison the earth immortal. Even if the true immortal encounters the soul poison, there is no room for resistance, but it is slower than the earth immortal. It would be very troublesome for Jinxian to be stained with soul poison, but it would not be fatal.

It's too late to say it, but a mistake in the dharma body of Taishang Laojun caused dozens of earth immortals to scream before they could be heard. It won't last long either.

"The thief is so courageous!" After adjusting the method, he dispelled the soul poison and the nine ghost soul flames that were still looting. The dharma body of the Taishang Laojun felt that he had never been so angry before, and with a shout of anger, he flew towards the army formation. past......


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