Extreme Yama System

Chapter 933: polymerization

"Shhhhh!" Suddenly two different lights came, with the rules of the heavenly way, they came in an instant as if torn apart a space barrier, and just hit the emerald green mask placed by Amitabha Buddha heavily. After the roar, the mask actually let the mask A clear crack appeared.

"It came fast enough, but sometimes it's not the right time. Amitabha, just leave it to me here, you can deal with them." The Jade Emperor reappeared, holding a sword and pointing away, and the first Taishang Lao, who was a little weak. King Dharma Body, and said to Amitabha Buddha at the same time.

"Good, that's it, Jade Emperor, you have to hurry up."

"Don't worry, this person is already at the end of the game, and it won't take much work."

Jade Emperor's words are not wrong. The rules and powers of various immoral systems carried on his sword awns have already formed a considerable undercurrent in the body of this dharma body. Just adding some more will attract great power. When it erupts, at that time, this Dharma body will no longer have the possibility of surviving.

In addition, the strength of the two different mana rays that suddenly came over was considerable, and the two figures in the spiritual sense were also approaching rapidly, and the fluctuation of the breath was very strong, but they were familiar, and they were exactly the same as the Dharma body in front of them. This person is the remaining two Almighty Dharma bodies in the message.

In fact, you can ignore the two dharma bodies coming from behind and directly take down the one that has become meat on the felt board, but the group of Yin soldiers behind you can't ignore it. Guarding the Tianmen and dealing with the follow-up counterattacks that are bound to come like waves, it is not enough to rely on the Jade Emperor and Amitabha. If you want to complete the task, you must start with the priority arranged by Yan Jun, otherwise once there are mistakes, this Responsibility Although the two of them are powerful people, they cannot afford it either.

Therefore, the Jade Emperor continued to move towards this Dharmakaya that was about to die, while Amitabha was facing the other two Dharmakayas that were rushing towards him.

"You will all die without a place to be buried!" The scarred dharma body saw that his companion was stopped by the strange monk, and it was still difficult to break through the interception even in a two-on-one situation. After one attempt to contact the real body, he was full of resolute words.

"Really? Since we are here, we are sure to kill you all, so you don't have to be angry, and soon your two companions will follow your footsteps." Jade Emperor didn't care about this weak Threatening, after replying a sentence, the long sword in his hand swayed again with a terrifying sword glow, preparing for the final blow.

"Really? You really think you have everything under your control? Hmph, a group of poor outsiders!"

The Jade Emperor frowned, feeling that something was not good, and the mana in his hand was even stronger, but at the moment he was preparing to drop this Dharma body, the Dharma body actually dissipated like this, even those swords that were captured by the Jade Emperor The ruthless rules that Mang buried in the body also fell out.

"Not good! Amitabha, watch out for a change in your heart!"


The two Taishang Laojun Dharmakaya who arrived later shouted in unison, and their tone was full of grief and anger. They knew what the situation of the companion Dharmakaya who was forced to "scatter", which means that the Dharma body is true The annihilation of the dharma body is gone, but it is not completely, because the consciousness of the Dharma body is scattered, but there is still power behind!

There are currently six planes under the Wudao system. Although there are not many, there are not many. The strong complementarity and resource sharing properties generated after gathering are quite potential. Especially in terms of knowledge, people like Amitabha Buddha and Jade Emperor have great potential. The Almighty Ones also benefited greatly from eye-opening. However, six is ​​only six after all, and there is no comparison with countless planes at all, and the means that have not been known are definitely not conceivable.

The condensing of the law body is very difficult, but it is very common. The Jade Emperor and Amitabha knew how to condense the law body before joining the Wudao Underworld, but they did not condense their own law body, and they never thought about being in other planes. There is still a method different from what they know about condensing the Law Body.

The "convergence" of the two Dharmakayas shouting in unison is another way of condensing the Dharmakaya in this aspect that the Jade Emperor and Amitabha don't know about. Pass the power left by yourself to other Dharmakayas. It's like puncturing a paper cup, but the water in the cup is still there, but it's just put into another cup.

"Hehe, goodness, goodness, I didn't expect to underestimate the means of this aspect, and the dharma body can still be so useful. No wonder that Taishang Laojun took pains to condense the three dharma bodies of the realm of almighty people, and so "aggregate" If the means are there, the legal body can be regarded as some trump cards when it is used to fight."

Amitabha's face remained the same, but his eyes showed more caution. Together with the Jade Emperor who was approaching, he watched the two Taishang Laojun Dharma Body, whose momentum was rising. My heart is also a little depressed.

The Jade Emperor and Amitabha originally wanted to destroy the three Dharma bodies one by one, but now it seems that the three Dharma bodies are not as easy to deal with as they thought before. Only then did one Dharma body "dissipate", and the remaining two have been The breath is 50% stronger than before. If one more "dissipates", wouldn't the last remaining Dharma body triple in strength alone? !

A powerful person triples the strength. This is not a simple one plus one so easy to guess the result, and it must be extremely troublesome to deal with~www.wuxiaspot.com~ However, now it seems that there is nothing but a hard cap Good way.

Of course, in addition to the depression in their hearts, the Jade Emperor and Amitabha were also a little excited, and they were also a little eager to meet some opponents in actual combat who could let them know their true strength again. Too weak is really meaningless. .

"What is your origin? How dare you do such a treacherous thing!"

"And you! You rats, you dare to betray my teaching, just wait for your soul to fly away!"

The two avatars were blessed by their strength, and their aura was also full. They questioned the Jade Emperor and Amitabha with sharp words, and also asked those immortals such as Chu Shenji who defected.

"It's sad that you don't know when you're about to die. Amitabha, let's do it one by one. Let's try to see how far we have come to comprehend in these years of ignorance."

"Sane, I think so too."

Having said that, the four powerful ones were killed together again. At this moment, the entire Upper Realm is in uproar. Thousands of powerful immortals are continuously emerging from the vast upper realm. After hearing the news of the great change in Tianmen, they quickly gathered in front of the Tusita Palace. After the unified deployment, this mighty kill came.

At this time, it had been five hours since Xue Wusuan officially started the plane attack.


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