Extreme Yama System

Chapter 949: Reality

Xue Wusuan brought things to the country, and he naturally knew the power of each one. As far as the current level of completion is concerned, who would dare to call them? Getting beaten up by a railgun is pretty much the same.

Besides, the original world is under the knowledge of his divine sense, and if there is any major derailment, he will of course not stand by and watch. A smashed original world is not what Xue Wusuan wants to see.

"But now it's all in first-level combat readiness. Most of our company's scientific research force has begun to turn to help the military develop new projects, and most of the commercial projects have been terminated. If we really want to fight, how can we get it?"

Not only Zhou Huiru's Longshan Company, but which is different among all domestic companies? Even the gas stations that were everywhere outside are now mostly closed. Not to mention the basic war materials such as various metal mines, they are forced to control and prepare.

"I told you don't worry, don't worry. What you said is just in case, just a little less timid, and when you know how sharp the weapon in your hand is, you will naturally remove this level. Ready for battle." Xue Wusuan patted Zhou Huiru's head, smiled and comforted.

During this time, Zhou Huiru's phone kept ringing. She is a big person now, with a lot of nepotism around her, and they all call her in fear to ask if the situation is really as bad as the rumors outside. While Zhou Huiru was comforting others, she was at a loss in her heart, so she could only turn her head and seek reassurance from Xue Wusuan.

"That's good. It doesn't count, why don't we bring both parents over? I look at them and seem worried."

"It's up to you, you can take it over. Anyway, you shouldn't need to go to the company recently, so it's better to accompany them. By the way, I have to go to Old Liao's side later."

"I'll go with you."

"No need, you can find a car to pick up your parents."

Old man Liao can't stop recently. This is especially true after a state of war has been declared at home. I don't know what to think, but he actually put on the military uniform of his youth, shouted that he would return to the army, and said that the country needed him now. This seventy-sixty-eighty country needs you to stay at home, understand? If you really go to the army, that's just a fuel bottle! But the old man just didn't listen, which made the people in the orphanage very depressed. Funny again.

It's also because Xue Wusuan's tonic and tonic wine is good. Old man Liao's body and bones are indeed very good at this age, and he is much tougher than his peers. But that doesn't give the aging brain much benefit. As people get older, the things in their minds go back more and more, and they seem to become children.

"You stinky boy came just in time, hurry up, take me away, I want to leave this prison!"

The first sentence when we met, Old Man Liao shouted to Xue Wusuan. It looked like he was really being detained, and the two nurses on the side were so angry that they rolled their eyes, and it was estimated that they were extremely speechless to the old man.

"Prison? Tsk tsk, a prison with such good conditions?"

"Don't talk nonsense with me! Hurry up and take me away."

Xue Wusuan held back his laughter and asked, "Are you trying to escape from prison? Where are you going?"

"Go back to the army! Where have those recruits fought? I have to take them." Old man Liao said loudly. He has indeed participated in brutal wars with real guns and live ammunition, which seems reasonable at first glance.

"Why are you still going to war? Forget it, you are not afraid that the road will bump you to death a little bit? Don't worry, don't run and cause trouble for the troops. Don't worry, just listen to me. Now this battle preparation is just battle preparation, who told you that you can fight?"

When the two nurses saw that Xue Wusuan was coming, they stayed for a while and then made excuses to leave. They were probably relieved.

The old man Liao blew his beard and stared at Xue Wusuan, scolding him, what a white-eyed wolf, what a coward, and so on. Hearing that, Xue Wushou had a black line. I can understand why the two nurses left in a hurry. The old man was indeed a little dizzy.

"Come here, let me show you something." As he said, Xue Wusuan took out something that looked like a portable computer that was not so shocking to the world. It is not suitable to use mana in front of old man Liao, and it is better to use technology gadgets.

As he spoke, the fluorescent light flashed, and a 3D projection appeared above the laptop, like a 20-inch monitor. The image above appears to be an outer space projection of Earth.

"What is this? Why show me this?"

"Don't talk, look carefully. After reading it, you will know why I said it is impossible to fight."

Only then did Old Man Liao suspiciously put his eyes on the silver screen again. The camera seemed to be zooming closer to the earth, and after a while, it seemed to see a satellite sliding in the earth's orbit.

"This, what is this thing? It's not a satellite, right?" Although old man Liao was old, he still knew exactly what the satellite looked like. At least there can't be cannon-like equipment on the satellite, right? But there is this thing on the screen.

"This thing is called a railgun. As the name suggests, it is an offensive and defensive weapon set up in the orbit of the earth. At present, five of these railguns have been assembled. Well, one should be assembled this month. With this thing, let alone fighting, it is difficult for the fools of other countries to get out of their borders. So, you should stay at home and retire, you can't fight, and you don't need to bring any soldiers. Do you understand?"

Xue Wusuan's words are not to fool old Liao. No matter how sci-fi these words sound, the truth is the truth. Soon, some fools who couldn't help but jumped out to test the authenticity and power of this railgun. For example, the United States, which always likes to be a police officer all over the world.

"Report! It was found that the missile locked on the No. 5 assembly ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It is expected to contact in 1 minute and 21 seconds!"

The siren sounded loudly in the launch base. Several red marks appeared on the huge screen, and they were attacking the three domestic rockets that had just been launched at an extremely fast speed. According to the heat traces, these red marks are ultra-long-range missiles, and the launch source came from the high seas.

"Initiate countermeasures immediately!"

"Report, Surrounding No. 1 has completed the target lock and can be intercepted at any time!"

"Intercept immediately!"

An order. Thousands of kilometers away from the base, suddenly red streamers streaked across the sky, accurately destroying the missiles that followed the three component rockets at the same time.

"Report, all targets have been intercepted with 100% accuracy!"

"Continue to monitor. If there is a similar situation, deal with it according to this case!"


It seems easy and simple. But in fact, everyone in the base, including everyone at the top of the country, was staring at the emergency that took less than three minutes before and after. The big stone that has been hanging high in my heart has finally fallen to the ground.

There is no doubt about the power and accuracy of the rail gun, and the pressure from the outside world seems to have vanished.


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