Extreme Yama System

Chapter 962: Weird behavior

It is said that the third group was cautious after sneaking into the imperial city. Under normal circumstances, they would not dare to use their spiritual sense to spy on the core position, that is, the palace of King Shou and the palace of discussing politics would not dare to easily probe their spiritual sense. past. No one knows if there are any great monks around the emperor of the Shang Dynasty.

Therefore, when Zhu Liu's group was spying on the important peripheral targets of Chaoge City, the third group did not approach the core hastily, but spying on some peripheral information in the surrounding area of ​​the imperial city.

No matter which plane it is, as long as the word "Imperial City" is involved, there are similarities here. The high degree of dictatorship coupled with the feudal hierarchy and inhumane slavery made it impossible for all classes in the imperial city to be harmonious and beautiful, and mutual murmurs were inevitable, which also gave the third group a lot of Opportunities to gather intelligence.

For example, there are a lot of legends and rumors about the king of Shou in this imperial city. Although slaves and palace maids and concubines did not dare to talk about him openly, there were countless small words in private.

For example, this King Shou, as a king in a peaceful age, has nothing to do with cultivation and military power, but he is useless. After such a comfortable life for a long time, many bad habits will naturally appear, such as "arrogant", "arrogant", "lustful" and no moral bottom line.

The most strange thing is that this King Shou has been in office for more than ten years, but because his subordinates are obedient to him, he has a crooked idea of ​​"the king wants the minister to die and the minister has to die". If such a thought arises from a loyal minister, it is reasonable to say, but if a king also has this thought and believes in it, then something will happen.

During this period of time, King Shou Jing was thinking about it for a long time, and felt that it would be boring to stay in the imperial city all day, and there was really nothing to say except to play with beauties. Besides, those beauties were already tired of him, so how could they be interested. Then the crooked thoughts in my heart began to wander, and I inexplicably remembered that the wife of General Huang Feihu under my command was very beautiful. He had seen it at a state banquet before. Wang couldn't hold back for a while.

So, I don't know which tendon is wrong. Taking advantage of the wine, King Shou began to praise Huang Feihu's wife's beauty in public, and her face and eyes were extremely dirty.

Of course, all of the above things were learned by the third group of spies using their spiritual sense from the private words of the slaves and maids who served King Shou's banquet. It also gave them a preliminary understanding of King Shou's character and current situation.

"King Shou is immoral, lustful, restless in his mind and has no bottom line, so he can't be regarded as a serious king. The rest still need to be observed and followed up."

Before coming, all the Iron Guard spies had tasks in their hands. Of course, the insiders of these tasks were only the team leaders of each team, and the team leaders had to grasp the timing and maturity to assign tasks.

The first task is nothing but lurking, try to collect all possible useful information, get close to and become the immediate predecessors of key figures, but do not interfere rashly.

The king of Shang, Shou, is a core target person. It's hard to get close to him. It is even more difficult to get close without being discovered. So, don't rush.

On this day, Hui, who was lurking in the Huang Mansion, got a piece of news that shocked him, and he quickly fed it back to the team leader.

It was said that after Huang Feihu returned to the mansion, he scolded "madman" angrily, and also cursed "blasphemy" and other extremely terrifying words. The frightened wife of Huang Feihu quickly persuaded him, and it took a long time to calm down. It was incredible to ask the reason for it to come out slowly. Even as a secret agent, Hui, who claims to be well-informed, feels that this matter is completely "seeking death".

The day before yesterday, it was the birthday of the **** "Nuwa" in the world. As the lord of the world, the king of Shou bathed and changed clothes according to the custom. He set up the temple of Nuwa with the highest etiquette, and brought the civil and military of the whole dynasty to celebrate the birthday of Nuwa, and at the same time offered congratulations.

Nuwa's birthdays are very long apart, and only once in three hundred and sixty-five years in the lifespan of a mortal. Therefore, King Shou is also the first time to participate in this kind of celebration. I was quite concerned. I honestly packed myself in accordance with the etiquette, put on my royal robes, brought my ministers, and carried various tributes behind me, and arrived at the Nuwa Temple, which is a day's journey from Chaoge~www.wuxiaspot.com~ And Huang Feihu, as a general of the Shang Dynasty, naturally accompanied him.

So far, things are all right. The problem was after entering the Nuwa Temple.

This azimuth plane is not one of those low-middle-level planes. The gods and immortals here are as numerous as cattle, and they do not always hide themselves. The common people know their existence, and even miracles appear from time to time in the mortal world. For example, this Nuwa Temple, which was enshrined by successive kings of the Shang Dynasty, is an unusual place.

Nuwa is a real god. This is a well-known thing in this world, and it is a fact. Nuwa Temple is the only place where Nuwa, the goddess, is manifested in the mortal world, and it is extremely sacred. The sculptures in the temple are not ordinary clay sculptures or stone sculptures, but a deity that can be connected with the body, manifested by the mana of Nuwa.

It is precisely because of this statue of Nuwa and the fact that the king of the Shang Dynasty, "Shou", is currently in a period of inner restlessness and lack of morality, and the problem has arisen so strangely.

After King Shou paid his respects, he looked up and found that the goddess of Nuwa was actually charming and beautiful, more attractive than any woman he had ever seen. At that time, I only felt that my brain was hot, and then my mind came back again. So after admiring the beauty of Nuwa for a long time, he pulled out the long sword from his waist and left a poem on the stone wall in the temple.

Fengluanbao's tent is very beautiful, and it is full of gilded and ingenious makeup.


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