Extreme Yama System

Chapter 964: 3 demons

Two thousand miles outside Chaoge City, there is a mountain range that stretches out for nearly a hundred miles.

This place is the "Xuanyuan Tomb" of Yaoshan Mountain. The common people don't know where the name comes from. The people in a radius of hundreds of miles have called this mountain that way for generations. Good food, flesh and blood, don't think about it again when you go in.

There is a small mountain village two hundred kilometers away from the Li Mountains. The purpose is to use the large area of ​​land outside the village suitable for growing herbs. Except for the necessary farming season, these 30 families will not often live in the village, and all the men who come here will leave as soon as possible after the event. .

Therefore, if it weren't for the herbs, the harvest of herbs planted here is much higher than outside, and there would be no villages here. But even though these medicinal farmers are cautious, at least one person disappears from the village inexplicably every year, which is extremely terrifying.

On this day, the cultivation of the medicine field ended. The medicinal farmers were considering whether to leave here before the sky darkened. After all, this place is not a good place. Two hundred miles looks quite far away, but it is still too close to the "Xuanyuan Tomb". None of them have had an accident yet, and naturally they want to leave as soon as possible.

But can you leave?

Before the farmers could discuss it, the sky, which was not dark just a moment ago, suddenly started to go wrong. The whistling wind, in no time for them, enveloped them in the night as if they were unable to see at all.

The terrified screams and shouts added to the terrifying atmosphere. What's even weirder is that they can't see each other's close companions at all, they can only shiver in fear and panic, or want to run back to the house, or just want to find a random direction to leave here first. Say it again.

"Save me, save me... ah!"

After a scream, the surrounding darkness suddenly faded away, and the light reappeared, which reduced the terrifying atmosphere just now. At this time, these pesticide farmers were horrified to find that they had not moved at all just now, but they were still in the dark. The original position when it came has not been moved!

"Where's Qi?!"


"Yes, there are monsters, Ah, Qi is gone, and was taken away by the monsters!"

"I want to get out of here! I want to get out of here!"

After another panic, the rest of the medicine farmers quickly packed their bags with pale faces, and hurriedly left the temporary village. I really don't know if anyone will dare to come here to grow medicinal herbs next time. Maybe, maybe not.

And just when these medicine farmers fled the village in a hurry, they didn't seem to see a black-robed man who had been sitting on a chair in the middle of the village. This man was wearing a cigar and wearing a black robe with gold kowloon, and was smiling at their backs.

"Come out, it's just a piece of blood food, why do you need to hide it like this? Look, those people ran away in vain, what a pity?"

The only person who can smoke cigars in this "Fengshen" plane world is Xue Wushen, who is a Taoist Yama. The secret agents of the Iron Guard sneak in and spy on the information at various key positions in this world, and Xue Wusuan will naturally not be idle. He still needs to complete many things himself, which is more secure. He does not want to make these joints. Half-point error.

As soon as the words fell, three demonic winds suddenly emerged from the ground not far from Xue Wusuan, and three figures appeared, one of whom was holding a young man who seemed to be dazed. "Ah Qi" said by the escaped pharmacists.

The three are all demon cultivators, with a strong demonic energy on their bodies, so they are not idle.

"Who is Your Excellency, and why are you here?" The one who spoke was the demon cultivator standing in the middle with Ah Qi in one hand.

Xue Wusuan didn't get up, he still sat on the chair, the aura on his body suppressed it and didn't spread out, but his eyes, like a knife like a halberd, plunged into the hearts of the three demon cultivators in front. The majesty that despised everything was in this look so that the three demons could see at a glance.

Therefore, the three monsters who were going to catch three blood-eaters suddenly stopped the "hunting" after suddenly discovering that this mysterious and extremely terrifying figure suddenly appeared, and they were extremely vigilant and could only watch the rest Blood and food slipped away.

"It's nothing, I'm just curious why the tomb of the dignified Emperor Xuanyuan has now become a place where monsters are entrenched.

"It doesn't matter what your business is, you should not know about it."

"What if I just want to know?"

"It's not good for you to know. No matter how high your cultivation level is, if you know too much, you may not be able to escape."

There is a lot of information in these words. At least as Xue Wusuan felt before coming, the three demons in Xuanyuan Tomb, and this cemetery, are far from being as coincidental and simple as they seem.

Who is Xuanyuan? It is the Yellow Emperor, one of the three emperors, whose status and cultivation are the top existences in the world. This place is called Xuanyuan Tomb, which is not actually a tomb, but a place of sacrifice left by Xuanyuan for later generations to worship and worship, and at the same time to show their achievements. But now, it has actually become a place where monsters are entrenched. How dare these three demons blaspheme a human emperor?

Not only that, but Xue Wusuan's divine sense scan revealed that the mountain range where Xuanyuan Tomb is located is not actually a group of monsters dancing like the outside world said~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The monsters in the mountain are apart from this. In addition to the three demons in front of Xue Wusuan, the rest are just little demons who are not very advanced, and there are not many.

"Eh? Hehe, I am the biggest bad luck in the world, so how can I be afraid of this. But then again, I see that your numerology is gloomy, and I am afraid that it is not far from the period when the soul will fly away. Be careful. When you are doing things, you have to think about it and figure it out, otherwise, you will end up being used and end up miserably. Wouldn’t it be a waste of thousands of years of cultivation?”

Talking so deeply in person? And I feel that the words of this mysterious man are not friendly. what is this? What is it that our numerology is not good, and we will lose our souls? It doesn't make sense! What does this man mean?

Although the three demons felt a panic in their hearts for no reason, they still shook their heads and drove them away, not believing the words of this inexplicable person.

"Nine-tailed fox, jade pipa, nine-headed chick. Tsk tsk, life and death are fate and wealth is in heaven. Don't forget what I said, you have to think carefully about what you do. By the way, my surname is Xue. I hope you guys can change to a less sloppy appearance when we meet again next time, but it's scary to look like this now."

As soon as the voice fell, Xue Wuan disappeared instantly, as if he had never appeared. The three demons were left alone, each with big eyes and small eyes, each not understanding why he suddenly felt a little panic in his heart. Could it be that this mysterious man is not just making up ground?


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