Extreme Yama System

Chapter 968: 3 Bewitching Imperial City

Originally, what seemed to be a routine pre-planning of a plane attack, after hearing the word "Hongjun", everything changed.

Of course, Xue Wusuan's inner entanglement is not enough for outsiders. Except for himself, no one else knows what he is considering now.

The three major sects are not important now, they are just little sparks that can be crushed at will, and there is no possibility of a prairie fire. But a Hongjun is like a big mountain, pressing down on Xue Wusuan's heart, and there is no safe way to remove it for the time being.

But the problem is solved bit by bit. As long as the key points are as Xue Wusuan guessed, there is still a lot of room for manoeuvre. There is no problem that cannot be solved in the world, it is just a lack of people with sufficient patience and means.

The three demons were ordered by Nuwa and began to invade Chaoge City. On the twenty-seventh day when Jizhou was besieged by Bei Bohou, Jizhou Housu Hu brought a small number of followers and his precious daughter Su Daji to the outside of Chaoge City. Except for a few loyal friends from North Korea and China who went to greet them outside the city, no one officially appointed came out to greet them. It can be seen that the knot in King Shou's heart has not completely changed because of the arrival of Su Hu.

But in the team this time, Su Daji, the daughter of Su Hu, was uncharacteristically calm, and she no longer looked like she was unhappy before. Because everyone, including Su Hu himself, felt that his daughter was forcing a smile, but no one in the team knew the truth.

Why forcing a smile, Su Daji may really dislike this trip to the Song Dynasty, which is like being abandoned, but she has disappeared now. Her soul has now been swallowed into the belly of nine demon foxes, and it has been absorbed into a stream of primordial energy. And Su Daji's bright flesh is now an empty shell, being occupied by the nine demon foxes.

Therefore, Su Daji is no longer the crying and weak Su Daji, but a fragrant puppet or tool.

"Father, is Chaoge here? Where is the imperial city?" Daji opened the curtains on the carriage, and asked Su Hu who was riding on the left side with a smile.

Su Hu looked at his daughter's smiling face and felt inexplicably that something was wrong, because he found that the smile on her daughter's face didn't seem to be pretending to be on purpose. What's going on? Could it be that you were frightened?

"Father?" Seeing that Hu Hu was cold, Daji asked again.

"Oh, my daughter is right, we are now within the confines of Chaoge City. As for the imperial city, you see, yes, it's on the right, it's time to turn a corner and walk a few cups of tea. Hey, Daughter, this time my father is ashamed of you." Su Hu said with red eyes, what is the difference between bringing her daughter to Chaoge and giving it to a beast? The pain in my heart can be imagined.

"Father doesn't need to blame himself, Daji has figured it out, it's not a bad thing to enter the imperial city, and you can see your father in the future."

Having said that, Su Hu's heart was still very sad.

In words, the convoy followed the road to the gate of the imperial city, and was then welcomed in.

But what Su Hu didn't expect was that his arrival was at the time of the pilgrimage, and that King Shou actually asked him to take his daughter to the pilgrimage immediately. This is to ask him, Su Hu, to send his daughter out in front of civil and military officials! This is hitting his old face! But how can things come to an end? If he regrets it now, he is afraid that the surrounding guards will immediately make him splatter five steps with blood.

Everything is like a dream, a dream of humiliation, for Su Hu.

For the nine-tailed fox demon who had successfully occupied Su Daji's body, it was a rare and unique and interesting event.

Haha, what kind of emperor in the world, what kind of **** ruler? Isn't it the same as those mortals? When he saw the beautiful skin, he couldn't hold back, his lower body was raised, and his brows were full of wretchedness. Seeing this made the nine-tailed fox demon very excited, and he didn't feel disgusted at all. She likes it too, and this King Shou is so lustful, doesn't that mean that her task can be much easier?

The implementation situation is also as good as Daji's judgment. From the first sight of her, King Shou was irreversibly fascinated by her, and the tall lower body explained everything. Then, just after the end of the court meeting, for three consecutive days, the emperor of the Shang Dynasty did not leave the palace. It is said that even the food was used in the palace. Jin was turned to the extreme.

An emperor can't start to go to court, this is a very bad start. In addition, the previous process of King Shou forcing Su Hu to hand over his daughter was extremely inappropriate, and there were many voices of dissatisfaction in the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty, and at this time, it also rose to the extreme.

"Your Majesty, I still have two sisters. I heard that I was going to enter the palace, and I was very worried. I wonder if I can let them enter the palace to meet the concubines? Let them know that Your Majesty loves me the most. Okay? Well?"

Daji likes her current life very much. Although he couldn't take away King Shou's yang energy unscrupulously when he was doing business, the pleasure in it was not bad. After all, King Shou was also a cultivator, far from what ordinary men could compare to.

King Shou has lived a very comfortable life these days. Sister Sultan's physical body and the strength of the nine-tailed fox have allowed him to experience a life he has never enjoyed before. In my heart, I often talk about how women never get tired of playing. At this time, I heard that Daji's best friend wanted to come to the palace to visit, naturally without any objection, and nodded in agreement.

But when King Shou saw the "girlfriends" that the two Daji mentioned, the originally indifferent eyeballs seemed to ignite...

"Prime Minister! It's been more than a month now~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Your Majesty is ignoring the court. How can this be?"

"Yes, Prime Minister Bigan, won't the affairs of the court continue to hang like this? You have to ask His Majesty to come out and make up your mind!"

The ministers in the court have not seen King Shou for more than a month, as they said in the above remarks. Not only was the court suspended, many important matters were pending, and even a few old officials were blocked from entering the palace to ask for a meeting.

But even if he didn't see King Shou, some news from the deep palace still fell into the ears of the civil and military people of the dynasty, and they all knew the reason why King Shou did not appear in court for more than a month. To everyone's surprise, it was because of a few women!

The ministers who were still complaining about the Jizhou Marquis Su Hu before are now silent, and they don't even look at Su Hu seriously. See you soon! You Su Hu taught a good daughter, but she actually spoiled the imperial court in the harem and dragged the Sheji's hind legs. This kind of woman is simply a scourge! It must not be a good thing for Su Hu to teach such a daughter! Tsk tsk, what kind of righteousness did you pretend to be before? It's really shameless!

As the head of the civil ministers in the court, and an old minister of the three dynasties, at this time, Taishi Wenzhong went out to exterminate the barbarians before returning to the court. Although I didn't express the slightest bit about the complaints of my colleagues around me, I already had a plan in my heart...


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