Extreme Yama System

Chapter 993: Shangyang Mountain

This is an untouched mountain. It's not because of how bad the geographical environment is, or because the monsters and monsters are rampant, but ordinary people simply don't know that they can't get in here.

This is Shangyang Mountain, a small mountain in the northwest border. But within five hundred miles around, no one knew the name of this mountain. But when asked where to go, it was a unified caliber, pointing directly to this place.

According to legend, there was a human emperor Fuyi preaching in Shangyang Mountain to solve doubts, leaving behind many classics, which attracted the attention of people for a while, and it is a holy place for people. Then it quickly faded out of people's sight for thousands of years. The things about Fu Yi's preaching have really become legends, and even slowly little-known. To this day, few people know the name of this mountain.

In the cultivation world, this Shangyang Mountain is also unknown, and it is estimated that not one of the hundreds of monks knows about this mountain.

Ordinary hunters who want to go into the mountains to hunt will only be in the periphery of Shangyang Mountain, and they will never dare to go ten miles deep.

Not because the beast of the forest is ferocious, but seems to be cursed. As long as you go deep, no one has ever come out alive. No one knew what was going on, and they dared not go in and investigate. There are many cultivators who have heard of it, and there are also curious and self-proclaimed high-strength people. They have all gone and never returned.

On this day, an outsider came to a small town outside Shangyang Mountain. He was dressed in gorgeous clothes and was swinging a bewitching red flower folding fan. His long hair was hanging down wantonly, and the corner of his mouth was smiling, but no one dared to come over to speak. Looking at it from a distance, I feel terrified.

There is a tavern in the town. It is not big and has no name. People who know it call it "tavern". It is also the only tavern in the surrounding area.

"Little Er, is there any good wine?"

"Guest officer, the wine here is the most famous among the eight villages in ten miles and eight villages. When paired with the stir-fried fresh game from the mountains, anyone who has tasted it will be full of praise. Would you like to try it?"

Xue Wusuan nodded, whether it is delicious or not, let's not talk about whether it is a good wine, just being able to meet a young man who can speak so well and can come up with two idioms in this mountain field is enough to add fun.

"Let's pick it up, the remaining money is a reward for you."

"Ah? Much, thank you guest officer, thank you guest officer, guest officer wait a moment!"

A full one or two gold beads rolled on the table, and the sweet thumping sound made the little 2 almost urinate. With both hands, he quickly went down with a thousand thanks, and he bit his teeth uneasy on the way. , it really is real gold! This was the first time he saw gold.

A jar is said to be famous for the good wine "Jinyu Roasted" in Shili Baxiang, and three dishes of stir-fried game. The aroma diffused, and Xue Wusuan also moved his index fingers.

It's been a long time since I had such a relaxed meal in a pub. In the past, when I was an immoral Yama, I liked to learn from those high-ranking and arrogant banquets, but now this enthusiasm has faded. I happened to pass by this place, sitting and sitting, and I was curious about some things and wanted to ask someone.

The little Er who won the big reward stayed with him at the table, and the shopkeeper also came, and was going to return the reward just now. It is estimated that he feels that he will not be rewarded for no merit, so much gold is somewhat beyond the scope of "rewarding money", and he is worried that he will not be able to hold it.

"You take what is given to you. You are a lifeless person. Are you afraid that this gentleman will not succeed in your calculations?"

I ate a chopstick of game, um, how should I put it, it's not the best, but it's not bad, the rough cooking shows the taste of the ingredients themselves. However, this wine is a bit unbearable, and the clear soup with little water is not much different from the mashed glutinous rice. One word: inferior.

"I am going to Shangyang Mountain, do you know how to get there?"

"Ah? Shangyang Mountain? Small, small, I don't know." Xiao Er answered first, but he really didn't know this place.

The shopkeeper standing beside him also muttered and shook his head.

"Then is there any dangerous place near you? It's the kind of wild place where you can't get out."

"This is there! Guest officer, you can see a large mountain ridge eighty miles north of the town. There is a ghost forest. It is said that there are countless evil ghosts in it, and those who enter will be eaten and torn to pieces by their souls in a moment. I didn't listen. Whoever goes in can come out. Hey, I also hear it, but the guest officer must not try it for yourself, it is not worth it."

Xue Wusuan smiled and nodded in response, and then asked, "It's so sinister, what legends are there?"

"Yes! The most frightening thing is that there lives a man-devouring monster, with wings, as high as a mountain, and you can empty the living creatures within a hundred miles with a single breath. He was sealed by the Emperor Fuyi and could not come out of the mountain. . . …”

I have to say that these legends are still very interesting. The shopkeeper and the shopkeeper have been chatting for a long time. There are more than a dozen versions of the legends, which can be regarded as scary. But the root knot is actually the same: there is a peacock monster in the mountain, trapped by the emperor Fuyi and unable to escape.

This is where the erosion of time between legend and fact can be seen. Fu Yi and Peacock are all real, but the narrative of the incident has completely changed its flavor, and it is not an exaggeration to go the other way.

After eating the game, but the wine was criticized by Xue Wusuan as useless, leaving behind the embarrassed tavern shopkeeper and the shop assistant who nodded and bowed, shaking the folding fan, walked all the way through the town, and walked towards the north. When I passed by the archway in the town, I bought two strings of candied haws, and the hawthorn looked good.

"The shopkeeper, what's the origin of the guest officer? Is the prince of this monarch the prince of some vassal state?" The second shopkeeper looked at Xue Wusuan as he walked away, then turned his head and asked the shopkeeper beside him curiously.

"Stupid! The prince doesn't call himself the emperor! That's the emperor's self-proclaimed! I don't know the origin of the guest officer. By the way, your reward is just to offset the salary you paid in advance... ..”

All the way to the north, Xue Wu can be regarded as a leisurely tour. He even casually folded a green bamboo, refined it with mana, turned it into a bamboo flute, and played it casually. These are some of the gains he recently revealed about "sound" from his cognition.

Sound ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ occurs in life; then manifests in love; finally silence.

The accumulation bit by bit is the current efforts made by Xue Wusuan to be infinitely close to the last red line of the Golden Wonderland. Maybe in the next moment, between the wind and the drinking and gossip, he can completely cross the red line and achieve the realm of Luo Tian Daxian.

"It should be here, right?" Putting down the flute and looking around, the divine sense also extended for hundreds of miles, directly covering the entire mountain in front of him.

"I don't know if this Huan welcomes me." After speaking, he walked slowly, but he was fast, and disappeared into the forest in the blink of an eye.

There are many birds and birds in the forest, and people are not afraid of coming, and the chatter seems to be declaring their ownership of the ground. Immediately, he was frightened by the fierce aura on Xue Wusuan's body and flew away, not daring to approach.

"It's rude for you not to tell me, isn't it?"

As soon as he arrived at a more open place, Xue Wusuan turned his head and saw a figure looking at him coldly not far away.

"Kong Xuan?"

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