"I am asking you now, not you asking me.

The figure of the Demon King appeared behind Xue Yue, and at some point he exposed his sharp teeth at the back of Xue Yue's neck.

And Xue Yue discovered to her horror that she didn't even know when such a big source beast came behind her.

Sweat quickly broke out on Xue Yue's forehead. What made her even more frightened was that Lin Shi actually knew about parallel time and space!

She didn't know how much Lin Shi knew.

If she used the information that Lin Shi already knew to lie to him, then she would never doubt that Lin Shi would kill her!

Xue Yue felt a chill rising from her spine and spreading throughout her body instantly, making her shiver.

Her scalp began to tingle, as if there were countless ants crawling on it.

His originally determined eyes became extremely panicked at this moment, and could no longer find the light of victory and confidence that he had at the beginning.

All that remains is a deep fear of unknown dangers and a sense of powerlessness over his own situation.

"It's not that I don't want to tell you, but if you want to know some confidential issues, my body will be swallowed up by the container and explode.

My consciousness will just leave this body and you won't get any answers. "

Xue Yue didn't dare to wipe the sweat sliding down her cheeks and said quickly.

One of the rules for using containers is not to reveal the secrets of the Tricontinental to the humans on Blue Star.

"Don't worry, I won't force you to die before I take the initiative to kill you. You just need to answer some questions that I can answer. If you can't answer, you can choose to remain silent."

Lin Shi's voice sounded in Xue Yue's ears unhurriedly.

Only Xue Yue could hear the sound.


Lin Shi changed his tone and said:

"If I find out that you are deliberately hiding it from me, I will kill you directly!"

Xue Yue couldn't see where Lin Shiren was, but she could feel the coldness coming from the back of her neck.

At the same time, Xue Yue suddenly discovered that an extremely powerful mental power was connecting towards her mental power.

Xue Yue knew that this was Lin Shi's mental power.

She was shocked that Lin Shi's mental power had become so strong. At the same time, under such strong pressure, she did not dare to resist, for fear that the being behind her would directly kill her.

After being forced to establish a spiritual connection with Lin Shi, Xue Yue was horrified to discover that under the perception of Lin Shi's powerful mental power, as long as she had the slightest idea of ​​lying, Lin Shi would know about it.

For the first time, Xue Yue felt that this person who she and Chi Sheng had so boldly decided to easily eliminate was actually so terrifying!

"First question, tell me, where do you live?"

Lin Shi's voice sounded directly in Xue Yue's mental perception this time.

Hearing the question, Xue Yue's eyes widened again.

Without him, this question is too tricky.

Of course, Lin Shi didn't want to know the real address of her home, but wanted to use Xue Yue's residence in Sanlian Continent to guess some situations there.

This is Xue Yue's privacy issue and does not involve Sanlian's secrets.

Xue Yue opened her mouth, her beautiful eyes flashing rapidly. After feeling the growing murderous intention behind her, she finally made up her mind and said quickly:

"My family lives at No. 16386, Xuanwu Street, Xinsan District."

Lin Shi was silent for a while.

She seemed to be digesting the information in Xue Yue's words.

Then he asked:

"How old are you."

"36 years old..."

"Are you married and have children?"


"Where are your friends?"


"What do your parents do?"



Lin Shi's problem seemed to have no important connection with Sanlian Continent.

But through these, it seems that it is just a small issue of Xue Yue's personal privacy.

Lin Shi had already drawn a picture in his mind about the social environment and system of Sanlian Continent.

The overall environment of Sanlian Continent is similar to that of Blue Star.

But there are also some potential crises.

For example, Lin Shi asked some questions about tourism.

Xue Yue's answer was that she had never left the New Third District.

Few people from other districts enter the New Third District because the middle area between districts contains danger.

As for what the danger is, Xue Yue can't say.

There are no longer distinctions between countries and ethnic groups in the Sanlian Continent. There are only differences between districts, and each person's position in each district is different.

There are also very few humans in Sanlian Continent who have entered the marriage hall.

If men and women have excess hormones, they will generally engage in deeply normal behaviors.

But there will be no children.

All children in Sanlian Continent are born in the nursery.

When every human being reaches adulthood, he or she will regularly hand over his sperm and eggs to the state.

People living in that world have weak emotional relationships and no blood relationships such as parents, parents, children, elders, etc.

Some relationships only include partners, short-term partners, long-term partners, and friends.

The social competition in Sanlian Continent is even more terrifying than that of Blue Star now.

There, if you can't find a decent job, you will die.

After understanding some simple information.

Lin Shi began to ask more important questions.

"How did you become so strong in a few months?"

Xue Yue's expression, which had relaxed a lot because Lin Shi asked some irrelevant questions, immediately became tense again.

"I became stronger with...the help of one thing and my partner."

"Several people?"

Xue Yue made a two sign.

"Do I have anything similar to the thing you mentioned?" Lin Shi asked.


Lin Shi's questions became increasingly difficult to answer.

Xue Yue's nervous sweat kept wetting her hair, and it turned into frost due to the extremely cold temperature.

She couldn't help but wipe the sweat with her hands.

Inadvertently, my elbow bumped into a furry presence behind me.

She couldn't help but look back and saw the devil's big mouth full of sharp teeth.

"Next question, what capabilities does your thing have?"

"This, I can't answer this question..."

Xue Yue's voice was trembling more than before.

"Is the ability of your thing to absorb the source power from humans? You can answer, yes, or no."


"Can it absorb the source beast?"


"Where is your companion? Like you?"


It seems that the abilities are similar, but not exactly the same.

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