Wei Ming has come all the way. Of course, there are elementary school groups, junior high school groups, high school groups, university groups, and work groups. In addition, there is an owner group. Because he likes fishing, there is also a fishing group. There are many people at the level of the emperor, who can climb over the Shudao Mountain for fishing.

And the most lively one is the fishing group.

"We had an appointment to go fishing tonight, what should we do now!"

"Yes, for tonight, I paid five days of public grain in a row a few days ago. Isn't it a waste?"

"Me too."

Compared with other groups complaining about the hot weather, the focus of the fishermen is of course completely different.

Wei Ming was also quite emotional. With this acid rain, even if the lakes and rivers did not dry up, can we still catch fish?

But, the end of the world has come, and he is still concerned about whether he can fish?

He shook his head and didn't think about this question. Then, he glanced at Yu Chutong and thought to himself, aren't you very proud?


He walked back to the house, pretending to get something, but actually took out plates of fruit from the alien space, and then took them out one by one, placing them on the small coffee table. He sat on the recliner, picking a grape, a cherry, and a spoonful of watermelon, eating happily.

If he ate something else, Yu Chutong could ignore it, but fruit... she was a little greedy.

There was indeed some prepared in the refrigerator, but it was too hot during the day, so she had eaten it all.

Watching Wei Ming eat, especially the cherries, she couldn't help swallowing her saliva.

Then, she picked up her phone and started pressing.

A few seconds later, Wei Ming received a friend request.

The note was Yu Chutong in Building 18.


Wei Ming accepted the other party's friend request, and then Yu Chutong sent a message: "I want to buy your fruit."

"No sale." Wei Ming refused.

Yu Chutong was obviously angry, but still said: "You can name your price."

Haha, you said it.

Wei Ming said: "One night?"

Yu Chutong was stunned at first, then reacted, and immediately stood up and glared at Wei Ming through the window.

Wei Ming waved at her with his mobile phone, you asked me to name the price.

Yu Chutong was so angry that she didn't want to pay attention to him and went back to the house.

Wei Ming smiled faintly and continued to eat fruit.

After eating, he went back to the house.

He didn't sleep with Liu Qing - you have to be on guard against others, there is no need to take risks, right?

That night, everyone tossed and turned.

Although no one wanted such a disaster to continue, they couldn't help but think, what if...what if tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, or even a dozen days later, this kind of weather is still the same?

Then what should we do?

Wei Ming slept peacefully.

Living in a safe house with countless supplies, what did he have to worry about?

The long night finally passed, the end of the world, the second day.

Many people were awakened by the heat. When the sun rose, the temperature rose sharply and soon exceeded 50 degrees. The air conditioners in many people's homes blew out hot air. How could people sleep?

After getting up with sweat, many people realized that yesterday's experience was not a dream.

The good news is that they don't have to go to work today. The bad news is that the temperature is too high, so it's better to go to work.

Wei Ming got up and looked through the surveillance. Liu Qing was still sleeping. He unlocked the door through his mobile phone, and he was in trouble.

What to eat for breakfast!

There are too many choices, it's troublesome.

Forget it, just have a simple donkey meat fire.

Wei Ming took out a furnace meat fire and matched himself with a bowl of salty soy milk.

The difference between salty soy milk and sweet soy milk is not that one puts sugar and the other puts salt. Salty soy milk also has to put shrimp skin, pickled mustard, etc., and it is much thicker than ordinary soy milk. Wei Ming ate it and sweated.

Look at the room temperature, it has reached 31 degrees.

Well, the ice cubes are almost melted.

Then add more ice cubes.

Wei Ming added new ice cubes, and the melted water flowed into the pool in the basement, and was taken back into the alien space by him.

Now this clean water is extremely precious!

This ice cube is made of icebergs at the poles. Will there be ancient viruses?

Regardless of whether there are any, entering the alien space is equivalent to being disinfected. In this space, Wei Ming is a god-like existence. Isn’t it a matter of thought to eliminate bacteria and viruses?

Now turn on the faucet, and there is no water flowing out!

If you use a drone to detect it, you will find that every river and every lake has dried up, even the big lakes and rivers, only a bottom is left, and they are still lingering there.

After today, it is guaranteed that you will not find a river or a lake on land.

In fact, after seeing this scene, smart people should realize that the end of the world has come unstoppably.

Wei Ming ate while turning on the TV to watch the news.

Obviously, the authorities have also discovered the disappearance of water resources, and it is impossible to hide it. The news has repeatedly said that everyone should cherish water resources, and stop washing hands, washing faces and taking baths. Now the only use of water is to drink!

And the authorities are digging deep wells, real deep wells, hoping to get clean water from deep underground.

In addition, the authorities also encourage everyone to collect acid rain at night, use filtration devices to purify water, or use distillation, anyway, do everything possible to save themselves.

When hearing this, many people couldn't help but feel stunned.

It's over!

The authorities have asked people to save themselves, what does that mean?

There will be no rescue.

At least, there will be no rescue in the short term.

It is normal to think about it. The sun is not only extremely hot now, but also contains rays that can kill people. How can people get here?

Drive a tank?

There is no need to worry about the lethal rays, but the question is, how high will the temperature inside the tank be?

It is definitely an oven, who can withstand it?

It's over! It's over!

All these people showed despair, and then became crazy.

Since there is no rescue, then find a way to save yourself.

What do you need to survive?

Water, food!

Okay, then find a way to buy or borrow first. If you can't buy or borrow, then rob!

Who dares to stop?

Then kill him!

Wei Ming clicked his tongue. Once this news about people trying to save themselves came out, many people would embark on the road of robbing and killing, and the collapse of social order began from here.

In his previous life, he was very confused and didn't realize the meaning behind this news at all, but after two lives, he saw the problem directly to the core.

At this time, Liu Qing also woke up and went downstairs to eat.

Wei Ming was naturally not kind enough to prepare food for her, but let her cook the ingredients herself. Of course, he was still very generous and let Liu Qing pick whatever ingredients in the refrigerator and cook whatever she wanted.

——Now Liu Qing is not qualified to know his secret.


Wei Ming suddenly received a chat message. He picked up his phone and saw that it was from Zuo Qingqing.

"Hahaha, you bastard, what's wrong with having 2 billion? Can you spend it?"

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