Wei Ming glanced at his son: "Is that all? I can bring a little more."

Well, it’s 100 million points.

Wei Tang was originally worried that these supplies would fill his father's alien space, but he didn't expect his father to ask such a question.

Hiss! Hiss!

Of course he would not refuse: "Yes! And more!"

That would be even better. Every time it is installed, the time will be closer to building the first city on Mars.

He quickly asked people to prepare, and after a while, nearly 10 tons of goods were brought in.

When the Wei Ming Domain was reopened, these supplies disappeared again.

Forget it, that’s it.

You can't do everything yourself.

Wei Ming smiled: "Then I'll leave."

Wei Tang was shocked: "Don't you need me to use a space shuttle to send you into space first?"

You just set off like this without even knowing where Mars is.

"That's too slow!" Wei Ming shook his head, "We'll contact you when I get to Mars."

After that, he teleported away and disappeared.

All the scientific researchers still opened their mouths, as if they had seen a ghost.

Of course, Wei Ming would not run around without knowing where Mars was. He was entering space now. If the direction was slightly off, the distance would be thousands of miles away. What's more, if the direction was wrong, he would not be able to return to Earth even if he ran to his death.

He used space radar to lock Mars.

——As long as the space radar is made thin enough, the length can reach Mars.

With this kind of navigation that is better than any radar, is Wei Ming still afraid of losing his way?

After a few teleports, he was out of the atmosphere.

How far is the Earth from Mars?

55 million kilometers to 400 million kilometers.

It is definitely not a fixed value, because both planets have their own trajectories, so naturally they have the closest distance and the furthest distance.

When we landed on Mars before, we must choose to land when the distance between the two is closest. It has only been more than ten days now. Although the distance between the two is no longer the closest, it is still quite close, which is more than 70 million kilometers.

Wei Ming's current maximum teleport distance is 5662 meters, but!

After so much practice, he also compressed the "CD" of teleportation to 0.01 seconds, which means that his speed reached 566 kilometers per second!

Therefore, his speed is 2 million kilometers per hour!

A distance of more than 70 million kilometers?

It’s just a matter of more than 30 hours.

Wei Ming can now use teleportation continuously for about 10 hours at a time, and when 10 hours have passed, the earth has turned into a larger star in front of him.

Under the domain wrapper, Wei Ming didn't have to worry about oxygen at all.

He was just floating in space, the vacuum was silent and cold, and sound could not be transmitted here at all, but Wei Ming held the tablet and watched Zhao Ziyun's new movie, laughing happily.

Is it difficult to make the sound flow in the field?

After watching a drama, Wei Ming was still unfinished, but he had already rested, so there was no reason not to leave. After all, this was a cold, dead starry sky, so what was there to stay at?

Keep on your way.

Whoosh, whoosh, Wei Ming kept teleporting at an unbelievable speed.

In fact, with the strength of his body now, it would be completely fine even if he didn't open his territory, and even a vacuum couldn't kill him.

However, Wei Ming still chose to be cautious and cautious.

What's wrong with that?

The starry sky is a strange environment that he has never been exposed to before. What if there is some serious murderous intention?

However, he encountered no danger.

After more than 30 hours of walking and stopping, Wei Ming arrived at the fiery red planet.

With another scan of the space radar, he had captured the positions of the astronauts.


A few seconds later, he appeared in front of these astronauts.

When they saw Wei Ming appear, the 11 astronauts were dumbfounded.

No, this is Mars, there is no oxygen at all. You are dressed in casual clothes, and you don't even wear an oxygen mask as a token. Is this ridiculous?

Wei Ming opened his domain, wrapped everyone in it, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, everyone, the environment here is the same as the earth now - please believe me."

If he said this while wearing a spacesuit, no one would believe it, but the example is right in front of him. Someone wanted to take off his spacesuit, but was immediately pressed down.

"Don't be fooled!"

"It could be that we are collectively hallucinating."

"Or maybe we encountered a Martian ghost!"

"Don't take it off, or you will die immediately!"

Wei Ming shrugged and said with a smile, "Okay, I'll let the Earth side contact you."

He got in touch with Wei Tang.

The signal was relayed through satellites and then reached the earth. However, because the distance was too far, the signal was not received until a few minutes later.

Even though Wei Tang knew that his father's strength was terrifying and that he was a strong man with the ability to break the earth, but he set off yesterday morning and arrived at Mars this afternoon?

Damn it!

And Wei Ming not only went there personally, but also brought a large amount of supplies with him!

This is outrageous.

But after all, having been the commander for many years, Wei Tang immediately contacted the space department and asked them to issue orders to the 11 astronauts and fully obey this "special commissioner."

Well, Space Correspondent.

A few minutes later, all 11 astronauts received the order.

Command is above all else.

They tried to take off their hoods, and they were certainly very nervous. But after taking a breath, they didn't feel suffocated. They were finally sure that what Wei Ming said was true.

Oh my God, how did he do it?

This guy looked like he was only in his early 20s, so even if you were born an evolver - by the way, they were also such people - but when you grow up to your 20s, you are at most a level 5 evolver.

Can a level 5 evolver breathe freely in a vacuum?


Oxygen can't be created out of thin air.

So... this guy's ability is to make oxygen?

But won't oxygen escape?

The environment on Mars can't preserve oxygen, and it would have already escaped.

In short, the 11 astronauts began to receive supplies in great shock, and when they saw a mountain of supplies piled in front of them, they were hit by 10,000 points of critical strikes again, and they felt that they must still be dreaming, otherwise, how could such an outrageous thing happen?

After staying on Mars for a day, Wei Ming returned to Earth.

It was not fun at all.

I thought it would be interesting to be on another planet, but everything was red, which would tire my eyes after looking at it for a long time. However, Wei Ming still took many photos.

Wei Ming brought a lot of supplies to Mars, and this matter was also reported on Earth.

But the news did not mention Wei Ming's name, but only said that the authorities had dispatched mysterious forces to solve the construction problem of the Mars base. Now the Mars base can definitely be built, and in the future it will become the first city of mankind on Mars.

This news certainly made everyone in the world excited, but one person looked strange.

Of course, it was Jin Xuyan.

——Wei Ming just said he was going to Mars, and the problem of Mars was solved right after?

This must be a coincidence!

It must be.

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