Extremely hot apocalypse: I evacuated the polar icebergs

Chapter 85: Outsiders invade, humans are worse than dogs!

5 buildings.

Feng Lili looked ugly.

Under Wei Ming's reward, the power in her hands immediately disappeared.

Back then, she could command about 200 households and almost 500 people, but now?

That’s eight.

She is a great beauty, and she was the top star of the "Golden Ocean" KTV before the end of the world. She has such a sweet mouth that she can coax men into willingly paying for her. In addition, her other mouth is also very powerful, and she is very good at manipulating men. Not only do many customers come back to see her, but some extreme men even divorce their wives just to marry her or be with her every day.

As a KTV lady, she certainly didn’t have the habit of hoarding food. However, she quickly captured a group of men with her beauty and body, and they became her loyal lackeys. More importantly, these licking dogs even knew each other’s existence, but they They didn't get jealous because of this, but lived in harmony.

I have to say, this woman is awesome.

However, under Wei Ming's reward, most of the men abandoned her, leaving only eight diehards.

It was these eight people who fought tooth and nail to protect each other. Otherwise, she would have been caught and taken to Wei Ming's house.

However, now she has become a street rat. As soon as she shows her head, everyone will attack her and use her in exchange for the reward.

In fact, it's okay to hide in the house, since I can't go anywhere now.

However, if you want to survive, you have to eat and drink.

How to solve the problem of eating?

She had a whole building of people to support her before, but what about now?

She was worried to death.

"Wei Ming, you damn bastard!"

She regretted it now. Why did she stop targeting Wei Ming? Otherwise, would this guy have a chance to issue a reward?

If he dares to speak out, it will only attract more covetous people.

Now that people's hearts are scattered, it's hard to lead the team. Because of Zhang Shi's death, people in the entire community have naturally lost their cohesion, because even if they withdraw from a certain force, will anyone come to kill themselves?

Everyone is so poor, haha, who will come to rob?

Now, Wei Ming has the supplies. The key is that his villa is a turtle shell and cannot be penetrated at all. He is also very powerful, so many people have fallen into his hands. Now no one is willing to go against him, and Just like a dog, as long as Wei Ming throws a bone, he will grab it and gnaw it. How can he turn against Wei Ming?

What to do?

Waiting to die?

It's not that she hasn't considered using her charm to seduce Wei Ming and make him her servant, but she also knows that there are six beauties in Wei Ming's house, three of whom are far better in appearance than her, and the other Three of them can almost tie themselves.

So, where does her advantage come from?

I don't have the confidence.

Wei Ming is a very ruthless person. If he throws himself into a trap, the result will not be that he captures the other party with his charm, but that he will die.

She didn't dare to take any chances.

She kept pacing in the room, and before she knew it, it was getting dark, but she didn't even notice it.

"Lili!" Suddenly, a licking dog barked.

Feng Lili was upset and said angrily: "What are you doing?"

"There's a car! There's a car coming in!"


Feng Lili rushed to the window and took a look. Sure enough, a very special vehicle drove in slowly. Because of the blown tire, the car could only drive very slowly, and the iron wheels had no shockproof performance, so the car was bumpy. .

The car drove towards a building, and bang, it crashed directly into the unit building, and then got stuck and stopped.

Feng Lili couldn't help but be curious about the origin of this car and who was on it.

Han Zhengyuan jumped down through the glass, and behind him, strong men jumped down one after another. Most of them were bald and bare-chested. You could see tattoos on their backs, chests, and arms.

They are a group of criminals.

After the end of the world, the management of the prison was of course becoming more and more lax day by day. Until tonight, under the leadership of Han Zhengyuan, this group of prisoners successfully escaped from the prison. What is even more dangerous is that they all grabbed guns!

"Ouch! Ouch!"

"Finally escaped that hellish place."

"Haha, this is a community, and it will become our kingdom from now on."

"Brothers, call everyone out and let them recognize the new boss!"

Han Zhengyuan waved his hand, and a total of 24 prisoners, each in groups of five, went to knock on the door of each house. If they refused to open the door, they would smash it. If anyone resisted, they would shoot. Bang bang bang, gunshots continued, and More and more people are also forced to leave their homes and go to underground garages for "meetings."

In the entire community, only the underground garage can accommodate several thousand people at the same time.

——Too many people died, only a few thousand are left.

Half an hour later, everyone in the community appeared in the underground garage, including Feng Lili and Zhao Jihu, but of course, excluding Wei Ming.

"Is everyone here?" Han Zhengyuan asked casually.

"Brother, there is still a villa that I can't enter. It will take some time." A younger brother said quickly.

Han Zhengyuan didn't take it to heart and said: "Then don't wait - everyone, let's have a very short meeting. The theme is very simple. From now on, we are the bosses of you people, and you can only be obedient. portion, otherwise!”

He played with the gun in his hand, and bang, he shot a person and shattered that person's head into a watermelon.

Before going to prison, he loved hunting and even made a privately-made shotgun, which was extremely accurate.

For a moment, the women screamed, while the men remained silent.

These people are too cruel. The person who was shot just now did not do anything. Han Zhengyuan just wanted to establish his authority, so he used this person as a target.

Han Zhengyuan was very satisfied with the performance of the crowd. He continued: "Now, everyone go and get the food and water from home. If anyone dares to hide it... hehe."


Another gunshot, an innocent person became a corpse.

Han Zhengyuan blew on the barrel of the gun and complained: "The temperature is too high. It's too hot after just two shots."

These people in the community have never seen a real vicious criminal. They were immediately frightened and went home obediently to bring down the food and water.

When they gathered in the underground garage again, Han Zhengyuan said again: "All men go to buildings 1 to 5, and women go to buildings 10 to 15. No one can close the door at any time, otherwise-"

He shook the pistol, scaring everyone to crouch down.

"Hahaha!" Han Zhengyuan and his group laughed.

"Okay, the men go first."

Single men don't care, just go, but men with wives and daughters look back every few steps. These people are so vicious, will they attack their wives and daughters?

But there are 24 people on the other side, and everyone has a gun. Who dares to resist?

After a while, all the men left.

Han Zhengyuan looked at the women and said with a lewd smile: "I'll help you get a dormitory."

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