The end of the world, day 16.

The women on the 10th floor felt very strange, because at around 9 o'clock, they had not seen the gang of criminals, or heard any movement from them.

There were always brave people who quietly went out to see, and finally saw a large number of corpses on the first floor.

So, the entire building 10 was in an uproar, and then the men in buildings 1 to 5 also received the news and came over. After seeing that Han Zhengyuan and his gang were dead, they first breathed a sigh of relief, and then vented their anger on the corpses of these people, and finally threw all the corpses outside.

Let them expose the corpses, and then be soaked by acid rain at night, and the flesh and blood will not remain, only a pile of bones will remain.

This can be regarded as whipping the corpse to relieve hatred, and it is also beneficial to the environment - the flesh and blood will not stink when they are melted.

Then, these people became curious, who is the "White Eyebrow Hero"?

This person is too scary, he killed all of Han Zhengyuan's gang overnight.

"Could it be Wei Ming?" someone said.

"How is it possible!"

But it was immediately refuted by many people.

"This man is extremely selfish and only cares about himself."

"Yes, he lives alone in the villa, eats and drinks well, and can play with that beautiful woman. How can he be so kind? Moreover, he must sleep with a woman at night."

"It is impossible for him to do it!"

Too many people disagreed.

At this time, a man stood up and said with a smile: "Okay, in order to stop you from guessing, I admit that the White Eyebrow Hero is me! Last night, I took advantage of these people's inattention and killed them one by one."

Many women immediately nodded in agreement: "These bad guys didn't allow us to close the door, which laid the seeds of disaster for them."

Huh, it seems to make sense.

There are already many women looking at this man with admiration.

——This man is called Wu Mofeng. Of course, he said it nonsense, but when he saw the eyes of these women looking at him, he knew that this matter was settled.

It doesn't matter whether he did it or not. What matters is that everyone believes it was him.

"Didn't Wei Ming offer a reward for Han Zhengyuan's life?" He struck while the iron was hot and immediately brought up a topic to divert everyone's attention. Then, after a while, he would have established his identity as the "White Eyebrow Hero". If others wanted to question him again, they would be attacked by others first.

"Let's take his body to ask for the reward."

Everyone cheered when they heard this.

They heard clearly that Wei Ming offered a reward of 10 boxes of water, 10 kilograms of fruit, 10 kilograms of meat and 100 kilograms of rice for Han Zhengyuan's life. In today's world, this is definitely an incredibly astonishing "huge sum".

So, everyone didn't mind and carried Han Zhengyuan's body to the underground garage.


Wei Ming slept until after 9 o'clock.

He went out in the middle of the night, so of course he would wake up a little later.

Why get up so early?

Morning exercise?

It doesn't seem impossible.

Wei Ming has now lifted the "curfew", but he still sleeps alone, and the door is locked. Only he can open it. He went out and saw Song Qingyun and the other six girls sitting around the dining table eating breakfast. He chuckled and took out the dice and threw it.

It was 3.

He chuckled, walked over, picked up Cheng Ya and left.

Song Qingyun and the others were no longer surprised, and they continued to eat breakfast as if nothing had happened.

Wei Ming was interrupted by the alarm on his cell phone.

He looked around and saw that the owners of the community were actually very proud again, carrying Han Zhengyuan's body and appearing at the door of the underground garage, talking incoherently.

Wei Ming used his cell phone to connect to the surveillance video and asked, "What are you doing?"

Wu Mofeng immediately said, "Didn't you offer a reward for this man's life? Now that he has been killed by me, you should fulfill your promise."

Wei Ming was stunned. Hey, if I remember correctly, I killed Han Zhengyuan and his gang... Haha, this guy is so shameless that he actually took the credit of others.

In fact, as long as Wei Ming didn't do it, he didn't mind who got the reward, but you took advantage of him, hehe, you are really brave!

"Did you kill the man?" Wei Ming asked, while motioning Cheng Ya to freeze the ice cream by herself.

"Of course!" Wu Mofeng said proudly.

Well, he lied so many times that even he believed it.

Wei Ming laughed: "Han Zhengyuan was shot through the four limbs by four arrows. Can you shoot arrows?"

"I, of course I can." Wu Mofeng was a little weak.

Wei Ming continued to ask: "Okay, bring the bow and arrows, shoot a few more arrows at the corpse, and I will give you the 'prize'."

How could Wu Mofeng do that? He could only say angrily: "Wei Ming, are you trying to shirk your responsibility?"

Wei Ming laughed: "I am the organizer, and I have the right to interpret all rights! Besides, I just asked you to prove whether you are the winner. This is not my responsibility as the organizer. I can't let someone else claim it, right?"

"I have used up all the arrows, and the bow and arrows have been thrown away. I can't reproduce them." Wu Mofeng was playing rogue.

Wei Ming said lightly: "There is no evidence that you killed him. Sorry, you can't redeem the prize."

Wu Mofeng was naturally exposed, and under his instigation, others also spoke well of Wei Ming.

Wei Ming laughed loudly: "As a human being, you must have the most basic conscience and not be eaten by dogs. You come here to claim the reward. Isn't it a harm to the real heroes? Don't forget that you were still locked up yesterday. A group of men didn't know how to resist, and a group of women became chickens. Now that you have been rescued, you don't even thank them, and you come here to claim things that don't belong to you. You are really a piece of shit!"

After he cursed happily, he turned off his phone and threw it aside.

At this time, Xue Gao was exhausted and couldn't freeze at all.


Outside, Wu Mofeng and others were naturally furious.

"This bastard is really cheating and refusing to admit it!" Wu Mofeng took the initiative to avoid everyone's suspicion and quickly divert everyone's attention.

When the others heard it, they naturally followed suit and cursed.

"Go back first."

When everyone went back, Wu Mofeng pulled a group of strong men to discuss.

After a while, they walked back together, with excitement on their faces.

"We should go home." Many people said.

"Slow down!" Wu Mofeng pressed his hands, "Everyone, listen to me first."

"Because of this gang of criminals, too many of us died, especially our female compatriots, only more than 100 are left."

Wu Mofeng paused slightly, and his eyes swept over these women: "Too many people's wives were killed, but we are all human beings, and human beings have needs! Therefore, I declare that all women still live in Building 10, and are not allowed to close the door at any time."

What, what!

A group of women, including some men, couldn't believe it.

What does this mean?

Just after killing Han Zhengyuan and his group, you want to replace them?

Isn't this driving away the wolf with your front foot and welcoming the tiger with your back foot?

The young man who slays the dragon eventually becomes the evil dragon?

"Wu Mofeng, what do you mean by this?" A woman shouted.

"It doesn't mean anything, it's just that there are too few women now, so we just share resources." Wu Mofeng said lightly, looking at the woman with greedy eyes.

This woman was his neighbor before, and he had wanted to sleep with her for a long time.

He walked over and carried the woman up.

"Stop it, that's my wife!" A man rushed out.

But he was stopped by more men, all laughing.

"From now on, it's not."

"Don't be so stingy, let's use it together."


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