F1: The Car Feels Absolutely Great At The Start, I Am The Car God!

066: Ferrari’S Confusing Behavior! (Please Give Me Flowers! Please Give Me Monthly Votes! Please Giv

Feel the fiery shouts and screams of many Chinese people!

Chen Jingshu’s desire to win is even stronger!

"I, Chen Jingshu, will win this championship no matter what! Anyone who stands in my way will die!"

Chen Jingshu scolded angrily, then stepped on the accelerator and accelerated!


The racing car is like the feathers of an arrow leaving the string, shooting violently with an indomitable aura...

The lap is over and the purple color is successfully painted!

In the Ferrari P room.

"Well done, Chen Jingshu! I just like irritable young people like you, come on!"

"Come on, Mick! Don't lose to Chen Jingshu!"

Binotto sat in front of the broadcast TV, crossing his legs, cracking melon seeds in his mouth, and shouted excitedly.

Seeing his two Ferraris taking first and second place on the screen, Binotto couldn't help but smile.

"Wow! This young man drives so fast!"

At this time, Taylor was sitting in the Ferrari P room watching the game, with shock written all over her pretty cheeks.


It is now the 14th lap and there are still 26 laps to go before the end of the race.

Because Chen Jingshu started on soft tires, and the Albert Circuit had many high-speed corners, the soft tires were extremely worn.

His lap times were slowing down lap after lap.

Of course, this is true for everyone.

Tire failure will inevitably cause lap times to drop.

"box! box! (pit stop)"

At this time, many teams have already summoned drivers via radio to stop and change tires.

Ferrari is no exception.

"Box! box!" Binotto conveyed instructions to Mick and Chen Jingshu.



Mick and Chen Jingshu turned into the pit lane one after another on lap 15.

This scene made the British Sky Sports commentator look dumbfounded!

"What? Ferrari actually wants to do a two-car pit stop?"

"I can't even understand how to do a single-car pit stop! How about a two-car pit stop? Is Ferrari secretly learning from Red Bull?"

"Or will I become the laughing stock in the paddock again?!"


"Um...I think it's better to let them come in separately, two cars entering the station..."

Charles looked at the broadcast and suggested to Binotto that he knew it very well and really didn't want to harm these two young people.

"Why panic?!"

"That damn British guy always likes to mock us, I'm going to show them today!"

"What is the heritage of the world's number one team!"

Binotto looked at the commentator Bill on the broadcast screen, with a trace of resentment on his face.

The difference between Chen Jingshu and Mick is 6 seconds. As long as Mick stays in the tire changing area for no more than 6 seconds, he will not lose his time.

But to be honest, Chen Jingshu was not sure, after all, there was such a thing as two cars entering the station.

It's okay if it happens to other teams, but if it happens to Ferrari, it always feels a bit...

In fact, Chen Jingshu also wanted to pit separately, but the current situation is that the later he pits, the more his lap time will drop.

At this time, Rowell, the third-placed mp team driver, was only 2.4 seconds behind him. If he had entered the pit a lap later, he would have passed him when he exited the pit.

Unless he stops first, Mick will pit on the next lap.

This way neither of them will lose their ranking.

But Chen Jingshu couldn't say it. After all, Mick was one of the few close friends he had in Europe.

"Don't think too much. Changing tires in F2 is much easier than in F1, so there shouldn't be any trouble."

Chen Jingshu kept comforting himself.

Indeed, since the rim structure of F2 is different from that of F1, changing tires is relatively easy.

Through the pit lane, Mick rushed into the tire changing area of ​​the P room!

Only 2.7 seconds later.

Mick rushes out again!

Seeing Mick successfully changing the tire, Chen Jingshu breathed a sigh of relief and rushed into the tire changing area!

The tire changer was in a hurry and had to do everything in one go!

Signs held high!

The green light is on!

Chen Jingshu instantly stepped on the accelerator, and the car rushed out.

Tire changing time is 3.1 seconds!

Chen Jingshu turned from the pit lane to the main track and happened to be in front of Rowell!

"It's okay! It's okay! I didn't lose my ranking."

Chen Jingshu's tense heart finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Currently ahead of Rowell, with his speed and new tires, it would be impossible for him to catch up!

Chen Jingshu has absolute confidence in this!

End of a flying lap!

Mick set a new fastest lap time! 01:29:458!

Chen Jingshu ran a lap and found that the lap speed did not increase, and the gap between him and Mick even widened.

Is Mick Shomacher that strong? !

Chen Jingshu was very confused and looked sideways at the high-speed rotating tread of the left front wheel.

There was a faint flash of uneasiness in my heart...

Could it be...

"It's incredible! Ferrari actually completed a two-car pit stop!"

“Mick even set a new fastest lap time!”

"This is simply incredible! Could it be that God couldn't stand Binotto anymore and wanted to help the Italians?!"


The Englishman Bill was eloquent in the studio.

In the Ferrari P room.

"This damn British guy, if you mock me at any time, you will have some juice sooner or later!"

Binotto looked at the broadcast and said angrily.

"Leader! Oh no, leader!"

At this time, a tire changer suddenly rushed in in a panic.

"What's going on?! What a panic." Binotto scolded loudly.

"We...we changed the wrong tire for Chen Jingshu. His left front wheel is using Mick's old tire..."

The tire changer hesitated, and his voice became quieter and quieter later on...

"You...what did you say?!"

Binotto was dumbfounded on the spot.

"Hurry up and bring Chen Jingshu back. We are changing him."


"If I call him back like this, will he hit me?..."

Binotto's mind went blank at the moment, his mind was at a loss, and he stood there like a fool.

Seeing this, Ciel couldn't stand it anymore and grabbed the radio earphones directly.

"Hello? I'm Ciel!"

"Ciel? Hello! Where is Binotto?!"

Chen Jingshu was very confused that Charles was on the other end of the radio. Shouldn't it be the team leader who gives instructions to the drivers?

What about Binotto?

Did you go to Lashi?

"Listen to me, you changed the wrong front left tire. The tire changer took the old tire that Mick replaced and put it on your wheel!"

"You need to pit now! We need to replace the tires!"


Chen Jingshu was furious when he heard this!

In fact, he vaguely guessed it.

Ever since he left the pit lane, no matter how hard he tried, his lap time had been unable to improve. Especially when turning left, the left front wheel of the car had a serious lack of grip!

There were even signs of slight tire locking!

At that moment, he felt there was something wrong with the left front tire!

Chen Jingshu just never expected that Ferrari would make such a stupid mistake!

A world-class team? !

You're so stupid that you can even pick up the wrong tire? !

"Left front! Left front! Left front again! It's the left front tire changer every time. Can you fire him?"

Chen Jingshu roared angrily.

Then it was transferred to the maintenance lane again.

Although re-entering the station will lose nearly 30 seconds, there is no way! If the tire is not replaced, the left front tire that has been running for nearly 20 laps will definitely burst!

At that time, it will not be as simple as losing time.

Hearing Chen Jingshu being so angry, Charles could only smile bitterly.

He has long hated the left front tire changer!

But he is just a driver, not a team leader, so we have no right to fire him...

Bill, the commentator, was puzzled when he saw Chen Jingshu entering the station again.

"Oh my God! Ferrari driver Chen Jingshu actually pitted? Is there something wrong with the car?"

"Oh! My God, Chen Jingshu is actually changing the tire? Didn't he just change the tire?! What on earth is going on?"

"We got the news that Chen Jingshu's left front tire was changed incorrectly, so we pitted again to change the tire."

"Oh my God, Ferrari! You really don't disappoint when it comes to lifting your hips!..."

After learning the real reason for Chen Jingshu's pit stop, the entire Albert Stadium fell into silence!

Everyone was dumbfounded!


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