The old man was buried in a grave, and the old man was buried.


Item: One hundred tons of vibranium.

Origin: American comic film and television world.

Function: A solid metal that can be used to make weapons and armor.

Price: Nine hundred points of fear.


Item: Ten boxes of thatch.

Origin: Ordinary urban world.

Function: Wine with a good taste.

Price: Ten points of fear.


Item: Amulet treasure (fake).

Origin: A failed amulet treasure in a certain immortal cultivation world.

Function: Triggered when in danger, it allows the user to have the power of an ordinary fifth-grade warrior to protect himself (Note: The power in the amulet will automatically convert into the Tianxuan Continent power system, lasting for one hour, and automatically absorb the power of heaven and earth to recover after use, and can be recovered in half a month.).

Price: 3,000 fear points.


Soon, Qin Zheng finished reading the three items refreshed in the diary mall today.

Seeing the three items today.

Qin Zheng frowned.

It’s not that the things in the diary mall are not good.

The first two items are really not good.

One hundred tons of vibranium, ten boxes of Maozi.

If the former is the vibranium in the comic world, it may be very good.

But it’s just the world of film and television, so it’s just a slightly good iron ore in the Tianxuan Continent, which is not too precious.

After all, if it is really precious, the amount of vibranium cannot be so much and so cheap. One hundred tons is only 900 fear points. This price has already made it clear that vibranium is junk.

The second item is Maozi wine, not to mention.

At most, it is just a recollection of the memories before the time travel.

In Tianxuan Continent, there are countless kinds of spiritual wines brewed with spiritual energy.

Maozi wine has no advantages.

In some novels, simple distilled wine has become a peerless wine, and people have exchanged it for immortal artifacts and artifacts. That is pure nonsense.

It's a fucking extraordinary world.

How could the technology of distilled wine not be researched?

Even distilled wine is just a civilian-level wine.

The real high-end ones all use the extraordinary power of Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism and martial arts to cooperate with various spiritual objects for refining.

The taste of this refined wine is more than a hundred or a thousand times better than distilled wine.

Vibranium and Maozi wine are garbage in Tianxuan Continent.

But the third item, the amulet treasure, is definitely a treasure.

If the amulet treasure is a disposable consumable.

Three thousand fear points is definitely the price of a big injustice.

But the amulet treasure can be automatically recharged and restored.

That is a top-level treasure.

If you sell it, it is definitely worth more than a million gold.

A fifth-grade warrior is already a mid-to-high-level warrior in Tianxuan Continent.

In a single country in Tianxuan Continent, it is even more of a top-level warrior in a prefecture.

In a top-level city like Jiangnan Prefecture, the top-level warrior is only a fifth-grade warrior.

Buying the amulet treasure is equivalent to adding a treasure that can be passed down for generations to your own power.

No matter how many years in the future, even if there is no warrior in the family, relying on the amulet treasure, you can enjoy the treatment of a fifth-grade warrior family.

You can always have the combat power of a fifth-grade warrior, and the gold content of the amulet treasure can be imagined.

Of course, the price of the amulet treasure is secondary.

Qin Zheng mainly saw the role of the amulet treasure, which can be used to protect the little maid.

It is easy to dodge an open spear, but difficult to defend against an arrow from the dark.

The iron must be hard to forge.

Although Qin Zheng has absolute confidence in destroying the Sanyang Sect to protect the little maid.

But what if some blind people target the little maid in the future, and he happens not to be with the little maid?

At this time, the role of the amulet comes out.

The strength of a fifth-grade warrior can protect the safety of the little maid.

"Although there is no refresh of the skills and treasures that are useful to me."

"But the amulet is also fine, at least I don't have to worry about the future."

"When the little maid is strong enough in the future, this amulet can also be sold out in exchange for resources."

"Buy the amulet."

Qin Zheng looked at the price of the amulet and thought for a while, and made the decision to buy the amulet.

If Qin Zheng was a soul-crossing traverser, he might be reluctant to buy such an expensive amulet for the little maid.

But Qin Zheng was a womb-crosser, and he grew up with the little maid since childhood, and they have a deep relationship.

Qin Zheng had no regrets about spending 3,000 fear points to buy a treasure for the little maid.

Anyway, there was Zhao Yuying, the coward's diary reader.

The fear points were spent today and replenished tomorrow.

Qin Zheng didn't feel bad about the fear value.

What's more, even if we take a step back, the value of the amulet is there.

If he bought it, even if he sold it later, the profit would definitely far exceed the three thousand fear points.

No matter how he looked at it, Qin Zheng would not lose anything, so he would definitely buy it.



With the deduction of the three thousand fear points.

A jade pendant with a red string appeared on Qin Zheng's palm.

This jade pendant was the amulet.



Time passed in a flash.

Soon it was the next day again.

Just like yesterday.

At dawn, the little maid Yang Yuechan knocked on the door and came to Qin Zheng's room to help Qin Zheng wash and dress, and then eat.


"I saw this jade pendant at a hawker's stall yesterday."

"I think it would look good on you, so I bought it for you."

During the meal, Qin Zheng flipped his palm, took out the amulet and handed it to the maid.


"I don't need to wear any jewelry."

"We really don't have much money, you don't have to waste it here."

"This jade pendant is not cheap at first glance, at least ten taels of silver."

"With this money, you can buy a meditation incense in the Treasure Pavilion and immerse yourself in reading books for an hour."

"Maybe this hour of in-depth review can increase your chances of passing the college entrance examination the day after tomorrow."

Looking at the amulet Qin Zheng handed over, Yang Yuechan did not reach out to take it, but looked at Qin Zheng with watery eyes and complained about spending money indiscriminately.

But that being said, the little maid's eyes that glanced at the amulet from time to time still showed that the little maid liked the gift Qin Zheng gave her.

Complaining is just because they are too poor now.

"That's enough."

"You are sure to pass the college entrance examination."

"Just keep it."

Qin Zheng looked at the little maid and smiled and shook his head, then without further ado, he personally put the amulet on the little maid's neck.

The little maid wearing the amulet added a bit of gentleness at this moment, and looked even better.

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