The old man was buried, and the old man was buried.


"Rules for reading the diary of the great devil."

"Rule one: You are just a witness who is extremely insignificant. You cannot prevent the birth of a great, noble, and endless great devil."

"Rule two: Small trends can be changed, but big trends cannot be changed (if you think that killing the great devil who has not yet grown up can change the future, then you are wrong. The future great devil has already proved to be the highest of the heavens. If you want to kill the past body of the great devil and stop the growth of the great devil, you will immediately attract the gaze of the future great devil. Anyone who is watched by the great devil and even the world they are in will not be able to withstand the gaze of the great devil and will be destroyed.)"


Different from the first page of Qin Zheng's diary of the great devil.

The first page of Zhao Yuying's Big Devil Reading Diary contains two rules.

"Witness the birth of a great big devil?"

When Zhao Yuying saw the content of the first page of the black diary, her heart was shocked.

The big devil of Tianxuan Continent is no other than the big devil who caused the doomsday catastrophe in her previous life.

Could it be that this big devil diary is related to the big devil who caused the doomsday catastrophe in her previous life?

"Small trends can be changed, but big trends cannot be changed?"

"If this diary is really related to the big devil, is there any meaning for my rebirth?"

"Can I only watch the big devil start the doomsday catastrophe? There is no way to kill him to stop him. Once he is stopped, the future big devil will look at the Tianxuan Continent, and the entire Tianxuan Continent will be destroyed. This price is worse than the doomsday catastrophe of the big devil. At least under the doomsday catastrophe, the big devil's forces can still survive."

"But if the future big devil looks at us, the whole world will be destroyed, and everything will turn into nothingness."

Zhao Yuying looked at the black diary in front of her with a solemn expression.

After a long silence, Zhao Yuying opened the first page of the big devil's diary.

"Tianxuan Continent, Daqian Shenhua calendar 993 years."



"You must know that young people have lofty ambitions and dare to change the sun and the moon to a new sky. I don't know why, but a terrifying idea came to my mind."


Soon, Zhao Yuying finished reading the first content of the Big Devil's diary.

When she finished reading the first content, Zhao Yuying felt as if she saw a handsome young man with a look of unwillingness writing this diary in anger.

"It's him."

"I can't be wrong. Although I can't recall his appearance because of his strength, his appearance has long been imprinted in my soul. As long as I see his face, I can't recognize it wrong."

"Big Devil."

"This Big Devil's diary is really related to the Big Devil."

When she saw the appearance of this young man, Zhao Yuying showed a trace of fear in her eyes.

Her thoughts seemed to go back to the moment not long ago when she sacrificed everything, forcibly promoted to the Confucian Sage, and then went to stop the big devil from destroying the world, but was shattered by the big devil's eyes.

The big devil is the biggest fear in her heart, and she will never forget the big devil's appearance.

To be honest, in the eyes of others, her previous life may be due to lack of strength and died at the hands of the big devil.

But in fact, when she found the big devil, she didn't even have the courage to fight with the big devil.

The big devil's eyes that slaughtered everything and ignored the common people looked at her, and her forcibly promoted to the Confucian Sage's Wen Palace, Wen Xin, and Wen Dan were immediately shattered.

To put it bluntly, she didn't even die at the hands of the big devil in her previous life, she was scared to death by a look from the big devil.

How could she forget the appearance of the big devil who scared her to death with a look?

Originally, Zhao Yuying held a fluke in her heart.

That is, the Big Devil's Diary is not related to the Big Devil who caused the Doomsday Catastrophe in the previous life.

Maybe the owner of the Big Devil's Diary is not from Tianxuan Continent, but from other worlds.

If it is from other worlds, then she can save the world.

She doesn't have to worry about the saying that the general trend cannot be changed. She will find the Big Devil of this time period as soon as possible, and then kill the Big Devil and save the world.

But luck is just luck after all.

Reality is still reality.

The owner of the Big Devil's Diary, which is the general trend that cannot be changed, is the Big Devil who will cause the Doomsday Catastrophe in the future.



"The Big Devil's Diary seems to say that the delusion of stopping the Big Devil from growing up will attract the Big Devil in the future.

gaze. "

"Is this understandable? The big devil will be certified forever in the future. No one can stop the growth of the big devil. No matter what the process is, the big devil will become the big devil that dominates the endless heavens in the future. Anyone who can stop the big devil will Anyone who grows up as a demon will bear the gaze of the big demon in the future.”

"If this is the case, is it feasible to directly change the idea?"

"I don't stop the big devil from growing, I help him in the process."

"Based on the content of the first chapter of the Big Devil's Diary, the Big Devil now definitely does not have the extreme personality to cause a doomsday catastrophe and massacre everything in the future."

"The most he feels now is that he feels sad and angry at being treated unfairly, and accordingly he has some ambitions."

"Ambition needs to be constantly stimulated before it can become a raging fire that cannot be extinguished."

"If I find him as early as possible, and then do my best to help him, so that his ambitions are not as extreme as in the future, can I prevent the doomsday catastrophe?"

"The college examination is the best opportunity for experimentation."

"As long as I don't let the rich and powerful decide the quota for the college examination, and let the big devil radiate his literary talents and successfully pass the college examination, will he still lament that the world is unfair? Will ambition be born?"

"I can read the big devil's diary at any time and make corrections at any time. The advantage is mine."

Zhao Yuying's eyes flickered, and thoughts appeared in her mind.

"But the most urgent task now is to change the default path of the college examination."

"It would be great if I still had the cultivation level of a first-grade sub-sage in my previous life. The person who carries the cauldron of Confucianism and Taoism in Da Qian is also a second-grade semi-saint. If I have the cultivation level of a first-grade sub-sage, I can change everything in Da Qian in a single thought. The internal rules of the academy and even all the academies in Tianxuan Continent.”

"But now I am only a fifth-grade Confucian cultivator. In Jiangnan Mansion, as the head of Haoran Academy, I can make the rules of the academy, but outside Jiangnan Mansion, I have no way to interfere. Even if I use the power of the Zhao family behind me, It only affects one-third of the academy."

"After all, the Zhao family is only a great Confucian family, not a semi-sage family, and it cannot be arbitrary."

"The big devil only wrote in his diary that he was in Daqian, and did not write down the specific city. If it was written clearly, with the influence of the great Confucian Zhao family, even the forces that have enmity with my Zhao family would pay some price. If you want to save face and change the rules of this academy, even if you pay a certain price, I can be transferred to be the mountain chief. "

"Jiangnan Mansion is the most fertile place in Daqian. If I change my identity with the mountain chief of any city academy, the other party will make money, and the other party cannot be unwilling."

"Could it be that I'm going to see that Chen Bansheng, reveal that I have the destiny of a Confucian sage, and ask him to listen to me and change the examination rules of all the academies in Daqian?"

"I'm going to do it for nothing, isn't it for nothing? The fate of a Confucian sage is that only when one reaches the realm of Great Confucianism and unites knowledge and action, can one be as stable as Mount Tai, and no lesser sage can take it away."

"I am only a fifth-grade Confucian cultivator now and can be taken away. Although Chen Bansheng was also a person with a very good reputation in his previous life, but on the road of Confucian sage, even a person with a good reputation cannot withstand it, right?"

"Is it possible that we can only make a bet that the city where the big devil will conduct the college examination is within the sphere of influence of my Zhao family?"

Zhao Yuying looked at the content in the big devil's diary that the big devil was going to take the college examination, and thought in her heart.

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