The two women met.

If it was in some novels, there might be scenes like Shura Field.

But it doesn't exist here with Qin Zheng.

Qin Zheng briefly talked about how he participated in the Oiran Ceremony in Huimeng Tower, won the first place, and finally got the beauty and brought Sheng Minglan back.

The little maid was full of admiration.

In the little maid's cognition.

Huimeng Tower is the top flower building in Jiangnan Prefecture. There must be many powerful scholars who participated in the so-called Oiran Ceremony, and there may be real Confucianists.

Qin Zheng's talent overwhelmed these scholars, which showed that Qin Zheng's talent was no worse than that of Confucian scholars, and the next day's college entrance examination would definitely not be difficult for Qin Zheng.

This talent won over Sheng Minglan.

The little maid naturally had no objection.

This was an affirmation of Qin Zheng's talent and a reward for his talent.

Bringing this back made her young master look powerful.

Anyway, it was just one more mouth to feed.

When Qin Zheng passed the college entrance examination, he could afford to support a few more.

If he didn't pass.

In the absence of other options.

Sheng Minglan was a spare money bag.

The courtesan of Huimeng Tower could sell for a lot of money anyway.

At least it was not difficult to raise enough money for Qin Zheng to survive until the college entrance examination next year.

Sheng Minglan was equal to a money bag in Yang Yuechan's heart.

Yang Yuechan was so happy to have one more money bag at home, how could she have any objection?


"Sir, I have made the bed."

"I will not disturb you. I will go back to my room to rest."

After the maid was happy about the extra money bags at home, she smiled at Qin Zheng.

"Well, go ahead."

Qin Zheng did not know that the maid thought Sheng Minglan was a money bag.

He just thought that the maid was considerate and did not want to disturb his beautiful night with the beauty.


As the maid left.

Qin Zheng did not pretend to be a gentleman.

He took Sheng Minglan back to his room directly.

"Sir, leave the rest to me."

"I was specially trained by the female procuress in Huimeng Tower and I know what to do."

"All you need to do next is close your eyes."

After returning to the room.

Sheng Minglan did not hesitate to get to the point before Qin Zheng.

Originally, Sheng Minglan thought that with her looks, even if she did nothing, she would leave a good impression in Qin Zheng's heart. Her face was worth it.

But after seeing Yang Yuechan, Qin Zheng's little maid.

Sheng Minglan felt pressured.

Yang Yuechan's looks were no worse than hers.

As a latecomer, if she wanted to leave a good position in Qin Zheng's heart, she had to find another way.

If she was reserved, she would definitely not leave an impression on Qin Zheng.

When she was trained in Huimeng Tower, the most common saying of the female procuress was that domestic flowers are not as fragrant as wild flowers, because wild flowers are wild enough and open enough. If you want to please the nobles in the future, you must not regard yourself as a chaste and heroic woman, you must be wild enough.

She must implement this [wildness] now, and use what she learned in Huimeng Tower to leave the deepest impression on Qin Zheng.

She wanted to let Qin Zheng know that even if there were other women who looked no worse than her, she was definitely the wildest and most open-minded among them.

Sheng Minglan's words that got to the point first made Qin Zheng a little unable to control himself.

This is fucking.

Can you imagine a beautiful woman with a fairy face and noble temperament saying this?

Especially after saying this, who can resist it?

At least, Qin Zheng couldn't resist it.

…………………… (I know you don't like to read it, so I'll save you 10,000 words.)

"A moment of spring night is worth a thousand gold, flowers have fragrance and the moon has shadow."

In the next few hours, Qin Zheng experienced the taste of a fairy.

After experiencing the taste of a fairy.

Qin Zheng also gained the power of the courtesan in Sheng Minglan's body.

"Ten days of martial arts practice."

That's right, it's literally ten days of martial arts practice. Qin Zheng's martial arts practice increased the speed of ten days of practice.

To be honest.

At first, when he saw the reward for ten days of martial arts training.

Qin Zheng almost wanted to go back and tear down the Huimeng Tower of the courtesan.

This is simply outrageous.

And he perfectly obtained the power of the courtesan.

Perfectly obtained the power of the courtesan, and only rewarded ten days of martial arts training?

You can reward ten years, which is about right.

Even if it is ten years, Qin Zheng is not satisfied.

Because Qin Zheng's strength is not at all

He came here through hard training.

He came here with a cheat.

Her own martial arts aptitude is very poor.

Ten years of martial arts training could not allow him to break through the sixth level to the fifth level.

One hundred years is about right.

Ten years of martial arts training, with his current aptitude, is just a drop in the bucket.

But just when Qin Zheng felt that this overrated courtesan power was very ordinary.

Qin Zheng checked the attribute list and found that he was wrong.

The perfect courtesan power obtained by the courtesan's strange tears was not obtained at one time.

The courtesan's strange tears, when Qin Zheng enjoyed it, directly merged with Sheng Minglan.

It can be said that the moment Sheng Minglan merged with the courtesan's strange tears, she already had the ability of unlimited courtesan power.

The courtesan power, others can only obtain it once.

But Qin Zheng can obtain it once every day.

He can obtain the courtesan power once every day.

Even if every day is ten days of martial arts training, it is very top-notch.

Qin Zheng's aptitude is definitely not static.

Maybe someday, he will be able to obtain the fifth-grade change in his own qualifications from the Big Devil's Diary.

After the qualifications are changed, ten days of martial arts training is equivalent to ten or even dozens of years for ordinary people.

Doesn't this make him invincible?

However, in contrast, Sheng Minglan's importance has also increased.

In the past, it was calculated according to importance.

If there is any danger.

If Qin Zheng can only save one person, he will definitely run away with the little maid without saying a word.

But now, Sheng Minglan can't give up.

Although he will still run away with the little maid.

But before running away, he must prepare something for Sheng Minglan to protect herself.

At least there is a chance to hold on until he comes back to rescue.

"I haven't written my diary yet, and the diary mall is about to be refreshed."

"It's just right to finish writing my diary and check out the rewards, and then take a look at the items in the diary mall."

"Maybe I can refresh something like amulet treasure, which can be used to protect Minglan's safety."

On the bed, Qin Zheng glanced at Sheng Minglan who was already asleep, and thought secretly in his heart.

The next moment, Qin Zheng's consciousness entered his mind, opened the big devil's diary, and began to write the first diary of the day.

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