The examination area is a huge room.

There are 546 tables in the room.

The number of these tables is the number of students in Jiangnan Prefecture.

There are no partitions between each table, just a simple one-meter space.

It can be said that if you want to cheat, you can see other people's answers by looking up.

But during the exam, no one dared to look up.

If you look up, as long as you are discovered, it is cheating, and you will be directly stripped of your student status and expelled from the examination room.

The examination room is supervised by Confucian scholars, and it is impossible not to find it if you look up.

Therefore, under the 100% discovery situation, naturally no one dares to violate the rules of the examination room, and would rather fail than have the idea of ​​cheating.

And even if you cheat, what can you do?

The places for the college entrance examination have been allocated almost all the time.

There are only two places for those who can pass the college entrance examination with real ability.

There are hundreds of people competing for the two places, and you know that other people's answers are better than yours? Maybe the person next to you is the son of a powerful family who has been selected to pass, and he has a blank paper. If you look up, it will not only be of no help to you, but you will also be stripped of your status as a student and expelled from the examination room. Isn't it a big loss?

"The chief examiner is here."

In the examination area, before the college entrance examination began, many familiar people were still talking to each other.

But as the voice of the chief examiner came at the door,

The room immediately became silent, and no one made a sound.


“Four hundred years ago, Jiangnan Prefecture became famous in Daqian for a poetry meeting expressing one’s aspirations, and it also created the future glory of Jiangnan Prefecture.”

“Today’s examination question is to write a poem on the theme of Yongzhi.”

“The academy has the means to detect whether one writes a poem for oneself.”

“Only the Yongzhi poem written by oneself can be used.”

“The examination time is two hours. You can hand in the paper in advance and wait for the news in the rest area.”

After the examination room was quiet, Zhao Yuying stepped in and announced the examination questions lightly.

That’s right.

Zhao Yuying came to give Qin Zheng points.

She knew that Qin Zheng wrote the Yongzhi poem Wang Yue, which was infinitely close to the legendary level, in Huimenglou.

She pointed out that only the Yongzhi poem written by oneself could be used.

The implication was that as long as it was written by yourself, no matter when it was made, it would count.

Qin Zheng just needed to copy Wang Yue.

That would be a killing spree.

She named Qin Zheng as the first, justified.

But people are different.

Zhao Yuying wanted Qin Zheng to copy Wang Yue.

Qin Zheng thought that there were too many classic poems in his mind, so there was no need to copy Wang Yue.

Just write another one and it would be done.

As Zhao Yuying announced the start of the college examination.

Qin Zheng immediately took out a pen and paper and began to write.

On the examination platform, Zhao Yuying closed her eyes and used the induction power of a fifth-grade Confucian cultivator to check the names of everyone on the test paper.

When she saw the name Qin Zheng written on the test paper in the middle of the sixth row, Zhao Yuying was delighted. She had found the big devil.

To be on the safe side, Zhao Yuying used the induction power to read everyone's test papers.

After all, what if there was a duplicate name?

After reading everyone's test papers and finding that there was only one named Qin Zheng, Zhao Yuying determined that Qin Zheng was the big devil.

"Yes, he is the big devil."

"Although I can't remember the specific appearance of the big devil in my previous life, this appearance gives me a great sense of familiarity."

"If it feels familiar, then it must be the big devil."

Zhao Yuying put away the power of perception, looked in the direction of Qin Zheng, and thought secretly in her heart.

When Zhao Yuying used the power of perception.

Qin Zheng naturally found it.

But Qin Zheng didn't care.

Just think that this is the invigilator in the examination room using the power of Confucianism to detect whether anyone is cheating or something.

"The sun sets behind the mountains, the Yellow River flows into the sea, if you want to see a thousand miles away, go to a higher level."

Qin Zheng waved his pen and ink.

Wrote the eternal poem of another great poet in his previous life on the test paper.

Just like Wang Yue.

Qin Zheng is not a plagiarist.

In this world, there is also a river called the Yellow River.

And this Yellow River is the largest river in Daqian, connecting to the Endless Sea.

Qin Zheng wrote that the Yellow River flows into the sea, which is absolutely appropriate for the occasion.

But it should be said.

This poem, which Qin Zheng changed into "Climbing the Yellow Crane Tower", is a little worse than the poet's "Looking at the Mountain".

Qin Zheng estimated that this poem "Climbing the Tower" could barely reach the level of being passed down to the state.

It is very likely that it is a state-level talent poem close to the level of being passed down to the state.

However, it is enough to use it in a small college examination, and it is also a dimensionality reduction attack.

As long as there is no

Any inside information.

His poem "Climbing the Tower" will definitely pass the college entrance examination.

"Have you finished writing it?"

"So fast?"

"But why is the content so short?"

"It doesn't look like "Looking at the Mountain"."

On the examination platform, Zhao Yuying saw Qin Zheng stop writing and his eyes fixed.

"It's really not about the mountain."

"Is it a new poem, "Climbing the Tower?"

"The sun sets over the mountains, the Yellow River flows into the sea, if you want to see a thousand miles, go to a higher level."


"It looks vulgar, but the idea is not low."

"It is definitely a talented poem."

"And it is a talented poem above the prefecture level."

"It's hard to say whether it can reach the national level, but it is very likely to reach the state level."

"Is there really no bottleneck in the talent of the big devil?"

"Just wrote a talented Yongzhi poem that is close to the level of being handed down? Now you can write a second Yongzhi poem?"

"What a pity."

"The academy does not have the means to let people have the status of Confucianism in advance."

"If there is, relying on this talented poem, you can get a lot of benefits."

"But once the talented poem is written, the benefits are indispensable .”

“When you are promoted to a Confucian Cultivator in the future, Wen Dao Changhe will naturally sense that you wrote this poem and give you benefits.”

“I am also taking advantage of it like the courtesan Gui in Huimeng Tower.”

“I will leave the original copy of your talented poem without hesitation.”

“When you are promoted to a super-class Confucian Sage in the future, this original copy of Denglou will be a treasure. It will not be difficult to create a top Confucian family that will be passed down for thousands of years.”

“It’s a pity that your Shouwangyue was written during the strange trial, and all the benefits were absorbed by the courtesan Gui.”

“Otherwise, I will definitely use some means to get Huiwangyue’s original copy.”

“The original copy of the poem is close to the level of being handed down. After you are promoted to a Confucian Sage, it will be a treasure equivalent to the super-class level.”

Zhao Yuying saw the content on Qin Zheng’s test paper and admired the talent of the big devil even more.

At the same time, she was even more annoyed about Haoran Academy in her previous life.

How can you give up the big devil's admission for some petty gains?

If the big devil in the previous life had Haoran Academy as his foundation.

How could Haoran Academy become the first force destroyed by the big devil in the future?

Wouldn't it take off with the big devil?

"Fortunately, I was reborn in this life. Everything can be made up. Everything is in time."

Zhao Yuying thought secretly in her heart.


"I'm done, I apply to hand in the paper."

Soon after Qin Zheng finished writing and went upstairs, he thought that he could hand in the paper in advance for the college exam, so he didn't plan to stay in the exam room to waste time, and he stood up and looked at the main exam area and shouted.

Qin Zheng narrowed his eyes at this sight.

She turned out to be a big beauty.

A beauty who looks no worse than Yang Yuechan and Sheng Minglan.

But although Qin Zheng likes beauties.

But he is not the kind of person who is impatient.

The kind who stares at a beautiful woman.

Moreover, his current status is too different from that of the beauty who has become the chief examiner of Haoran Academy.

It is useless for him to have ideas.

He must wait until he becomes famous in Haoran Academy.


"You are allowed to hand in the paper. Press the paper with the inkstone and put it on the table. You can go to the rest area and wait for the news."

On the examination platform, Zhao Yuying looked at Qin Zheng who stood up to hand in the paper. For some reason, she felt an inexplicable sense of pleasure.

In her previous life, she was only afraid of the big devil. Even if she became a Confucian saint, all she had left were memories of fear.

Now the memories of fear are still there, but the big devil himself did treat her with courtesy and even used the word "apply".


Qin Zheng did not know that Zhao Yuying on the stage was the coward he had always thought.

After getting Zhao Yuying's consent to hand in the paper, he did not waste time. He pressed the inkstone on the paper, then stood up and left, going to the rest area next door.


The rest area of ​​Haoran Academy is pretty good.

There are excellent food and even wine.

But Qin Zheng didn't even look at it.

Having eaten the top-grade spiritual food of Huimeng Tower.

Qin Zheng is no longer interested in ordinary food.

In other words, Qin Zheng could barely eat the food prepared by the little maid with all her heart.

He was not eating the food, but the little maid's heart.

Without the little maid's heart, Qin Zheng could not eat the food in the rest area of ​​Haoran Academy.


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