The exam was over, but the exam was over.


When the chief examiner was reviewing the papers in the examination area.

The rest area was flooded with all the candidates waiting for news.

When these candidates came in, they saw Qin Zheng sitting on one side.

Everyone looked at Qin Zheng, and then chose to ignore Qin Zheng and isolate Qin Zheng.

Submitting the papers early was the right of the children of the rich and powerful in the past.

This time, the children of the rich and powerful did not dare to submit the papers early, which means that submitting the papers early must be a big thunder.

Qin Zheng stepped into the big thunder, and even this fool knew that Qin Zheng's future was gone.

If they talked to Qin Zheng, they might be implicated.


"There really is a change."

Seeing the attitude of these candidates isolating him, Qin Zheng studied for a while and determined that submitting the paper in advance was taboo.

"Forget it."

"Forget it if I can't pass the college entrance examination."

"Anyway, martial arts is enough for me to make a living."

"At worst, I can just tell the little maid that I have some adventures and become a warrior."

"When the time comes, I will take the little maid back to my hometown Dayuan Town, kill the housekeeper and the head of the police, and directly become the local landlord in Dayuan Town again. In the future, I will just write my diary and develop slowly."

"When I am invincible, I will be born as an ancestor."

With martial arts as a basis, Qin Zheng no longer attaches great importance to whether he can pass the college entrance examination at all costs.

It would be best if he can pass.

Just be a copycat in Haoran Academy and pretend to be a Confucian genius.

If he can't pass, he will go back to his hometown to take revenge and become a local landlord.


While Qin Zheng is waiting, he doesn't care about anything.

There were footsteps at the door of the rest area.

I saw a deputy examiner walked in.

After entering the lounge.

The deputy examiner looked around and saw Qin Zheng sitting there motionless, and nodded silently.

He is indeed a rare Confucian genius.

Even after the results were announced, he can still be as steady as a mountain, and has a big heart.


"The number of candidates who passed the college entrance examination has been announced."

"I will now announce the top five candidates who can receive special rewards from the academy."

"After the top five, check the red list of the college entrance examination."

The deputy examiner looked at the candidates in the lounge and said in a deep voice.

"Fifth place...Wang Dezhu."

"Fourth place...Qian Yu."

"Third place...Zhang Mang."

"Second place...Zhao Ming."

"First place..."

When talking about the first place, the deputy examiner paused.

When the deputy examiner paused.

All the students of common origin held their breath and became nervous.

The children of the rich and powerful were all very relaxed.

Because they knew that the first place in the college exam had nothing to do with them.

Qin Zheng might be the only commoner present who had no feelings.

He also knew that the first place in the college exam was decided internally, and it couldn't be him.

If he passed, he would only appear on the red list of the college's passers-by.

Qin Zheng was now just waiting for the deputy examiner to leave after announcing the ranking, and then he would go to see the list.

If he wasn't on the list.

He would go to kill the Sanyang Sect tonight and beat up Sun Xing who dared to covet the little maid.

Then he would go back to his hometown and become a local landlord.


"The first place... Qin Zheng."

The deputy examiner suddenly looked at Qin Zheng and said his name.


"It's him?"

"How could it be him?"

"How could he be the first in the college exam? He was the one who handed in his paper early."

"Impossible, anyone could be, but it can't be him."

"Did they make a mistake? How could it be him?"

The people present were shocked when they saw the deputy examiner's eyes looking at Qin Zheng.

In their eyes, Qin Zheng handed in his paper early, so it was impossible for him to get the first place.

In fact, it was not just them.

Qin Zheng himself was a little confused.

He was the first?

Wasn't it agreed that the first in the college exam was internally selected?

Was he the first internally selected?

But he didn't know any big shots in the academy, so how could he be internally selected.

Could it be that talent defeated capital?

He was too top-notch.

Defeated the internal selection?

Qin Zheng couldn't help thinking in his heart.


“Stop arguing.”

“Why can’t it be him?”

“I know that everyone present has heard a rumor, that is, the rumor that the first place in the college examination was selected by the mountain master.”

“Actually, it’s not.”

“The mountain master didn’t select anyone. She personally set the questions just to see if there are any true Confucian and Taoist geniuses in this year’s candidates. If there are, no matter whether they are powerful or not,

Or a commoner, he was the first in the college exam. "

"Although Qin Zheng handed in his paper early, he did not respect the chief examiner in some unwritten rules."

"But the content of his paper was too top-notch, and these minor problems were enough to be ignored."

"Afterwards, the first-place paper of the college exam will be released and posted on the red list."

"If there are still any problems, just look at the content on the red list, and you will understand why he can be the first in the college exam."

The deputy examiner interrupted the noise and said in a deep voice.

"Only talent is selected?"

"I see."

"Only talent, who can compare with me? "

Hearing the reasons given by the deputy examiner, Qin Zheng's doubts were resolved.

The same was true for the other people present.

But in addition to the resolution of doubts, they also had regrets.

They regretted not making friends with Qin Zheng before.

Only talents are selected, and he got first place by talent.

He even got first place by submitting the paper in advance.

This is more terrifying than the internal first place.

The future is limitless.

I won't say more.

At least he has the hope of becoming a fifth-rank Confucian scholar.

He will definitely be a top-notch figure in Jiangnan Prefecture in the future.

How can they not regret not making friends with such a big figure?

But now they have no chance to make friends.

Qin Zheng can't give these people who made friends with him afterwards a chance.

"Thank you for the fairness of the academy."

Qin Zheng stood up and bowed to the deputy examiner.

"Everything depends on your talent."

"Qin Zheng, you are the first in the college examination. You will leave with me later and I will handle the admission for you. ”

“By the way, the ranking reward for the college exam will also be given after you officially enroll.”

“You are lucky.”

“This year, the mountain master only selects people based on their talents. She has prepared a perfect Kaihui Stone for the first place in this year’s college exam.”

“After using the perfect Kaihui Stone, you can comprehend the righteousness of the righteousness and become a ninth-rank Confucianist in at most one night.”

“We have all read your exam poems and we all agree that they are definitely talented poems, and at least they are talented poems at the level of the prefectural city.”

“After you become a Confucianist, the benefits of this talented poem will be sensed by the heaven and earth, and then bestowed on you. You may become the first newcomer in Haoran Academy to reach the peak of the ninth rank right after enrollment.”

“By the way, my name is Lu An. If you have any questions in the academy in the future, you can contact me.”

The deputy examiner looked at Qin Zheng and said with a smile.


Qin Zheng looked at the deputy examiner and nodded to express his gratitude.

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