The first time, the second time.

Qin Zheng climbed the Tingfeng Tower smoothly.

After injecting blood and qi into the force measuring stone at the staircase of the Tingfeng Tower, he easily reached the fourth floor.

The fourth floor of the Tingfeng Tower is divided into four major areas.

They are the Gongfa area, the Dan medicine area, the Shenbing area, and the Lingcai area.

At this moment, there are many people in the four major areas picking items.

Most of these people are middle-aged men or old men.

There are very few young people.

Every young man is full of arrogance and extraordinary momentum.

It's not surprising.

The fourth floor is already a floor that can only be entered by seventh-grade warriors.

Seventh-grade warriors are already considered middle-level warriors.

This level of warriors needs a long time of practice.

Those who can be promoted to the seventh-grade warriors as young men are basically the heirs cultivated by powerful forces without exception.

The heirs of powerful forces must be extraordinary and arrogant.

Qin Zheng climbed the stairs as a young man.

He attracted many people's attention.

In everyone's eyes, even if Qin Zheng is dressed in ordinary clothes now, he must be from a powerful force if he can climb to the fourth floor.

If he is not from a powerful force, it is almost impossible to climb to the fourth floor, which can only be climbed by seventh-grade warriors at this age.

However, although Qin Zheng is considered to be from a powerful force, few people come to greet him and make friends.

It's not that they don't want to.

But Qin Zheng is now obsessed with obtaining a book of internal organs training to enter the sixth-grade warrior, and he has no time to chat and be polite with others.

Therefore, when Qin Zheng went to the fourth floor, he acted indifferently.

Seeing the "no strangers" written on Qin Zheng's face, the people present naturally couldn't put up with him.

In the end, every one of them is a person of status.

Even the oldest among them are rank 7 warriors, holding high positions and power in the small town.

People of status all want to save face.

It is impossible to force Qin Zheng to get close to someone just because he may have an extraordinary background.

Of course, this is also because no one knows that Qin Zheng is a perfect rank 7 warrior of the gold blood level.

If they knew, it would be a different situation.


With a look of "no strangers allowed", Qin Zheng came to the martial arts area.

There are four shelves in the martial arts area.

Each shelf has ten layers, and each layer has ten empty spaces.

There is a sign on each empty space.

The name of the martial arts and the basic introduction of the martial arts are written on the sign.


"Name: Bull Strength, Level: Human-level Top-grade Kung Fu (Kung Fu Level: Heaven, Earth, and Man), Effect: Can be cultivated to the fifth-grade warrior, the highest level of warrior is silver, Value: 5,000 taels of gold."

"Name: Fiery Legs, Level: Human-level Top-grade Kung Fu, Effect: Can be cultivated to the fifth-grade warrior, the highest level of warrior is silver, Value: 5,500 taels of gold."

"Name: Divine Wind Palm, Level: Human-level Top-grade Kung Fu, Effect: Can be cultivated to the fifth-grade warrior, the highest level of warrior is silver (Note: The higher the level of the Kung Fu, the higher the probability of cultivating the silver-level warrior path. At the same time, both the required resources and the qualifications are better than the low-level Kung Fu), Value: 12,000 taels of gold."


Qin Zheng read ten lines at a glance and quickly finished reading the Kung Fu introduction on the first container.

After reading it, Qin Zheng frowned slightly.

It seems that he came here in vain.

The techniques on this container are all human-level techniques, and the highest warrior path is only silver-level.

Qin Zheng doesn't really care about the technique level.

What he cares about is whether the highest warrior path of the technique can reach the gold level.

As long as it can reach the gold level, he doesn't care even if the resources consumed are large, the qualifications required are high, and the probability of success is low.

The dragon essence in his hand is a treasure for refining the internal organs.

The requirement for using dragon essence is that the technique can be cultivated into a gold-level warrior.

As long as it can be cultivated into a gold-level warrior, even if the probability is one in a billion.

But with the help of a treasure for refining the internal organs such as dragon essence, it can be magnified to 100%.

As long as he takes dragon essence, he can enter the sixth-grade warrior of the gold-level.

But unfortunately, Qin Zheng has read all the 100 techniques on the first shelf.

None of them meet his requirements.

A small clue can reveal a big picture.

There is no technique for the gold-level warrior path on the first shelf, and there is a high probability that there is no technique on other shelves either.

After all, they were all techniques from the fourth floor, so the difference couldn't be that big.

But since he was here, he couldn't leave without reading them all.

Qin Zheng looked at the remaining three techniques containers.

After reading the second container, he found that there were no techniques for the gold-level warrior.

Soon, Qin Zheng finished reading the third container.

There was still no technique for the gold-level warrior path.

Finally, Qin Zheng looked at the last technique container.

When he saw halfway without any hope, Qin Zheng suddenly paused.

"Name: Diao Chan Jin, Level: Human-level top technique, Effect: Can be practiced to the fifth-grade warrior, the highest warrior path is silver-level, but it is suspected that the highest warrior path is gold-level. There was a seventh-grade warrior who practiced Diao Chan Jin for sixty years. When he was dying in a fight with others, it was suspected that he used Diao Chan Jin to forcibly promote to the sixth-grade gold-level warrior to kill the powerful enemy. Because this warrior burned all his blood and sixty years of Diao Chan Jin to promote, this is only a special case, so the highest warrior path level of Diao Chan Jin will not be raised. The price is: 15,000 taels of gold."


"Fortunately, I finished reading all four containers, otherwise, I would have missed this Diao Chan Jin."

Qin Zheng thought secretly as he looked at the introduction of Diao Chan Jin.

In Qin Zheng's eyes, Diao Chan Jin was the technique for him to advance to the sixth-grade Jin Zang realm.

He didn't care whether the warrior who was promoted to the Jin Zang realm was promoted because of burning all his blood and sixty years of Diao Chan Jin.

He only cared that this warrior was promoted to the Jin Zang realm by Diao Chan Jin.

This means that Diao Chan Jin has the potential to advance to the Jin Zang realm.

Even if this potential requires burning life to advance.

But it's enough.

With the potential of the Jin Zang realm, Qin Zheng can perfectly advance to the Jin Zang realm through Long Yuan.



Soon, Qin Zheng took down the introduction sign of Diao Chan Jin and walked to the settlement counter on the fourth floor.

Many people on the fourth floor were curious when they saw Qin Zheng walking to the settlement counter with the technique.

In their eyes, Qin Zheng was from a big force.

It is impossible for a person of this level to lack a technique.

Those who come to Tingfeng Tower from powerful forces are all after magic weapons, natural treasures, and elixirs.

Qin Zheng was the first one to go for the fourth floor's skills.

But soon, the curious people also understood.

After all, who stipulates that skills can only be bought for personal use?

It's okay to give it to others.

Powerful forces have strict rules, and their own skills are not allowed to be leaked.

If a powerful person like Qin Zheng wants to give others skills, he can only buy them himself.

This may be what Qin Zheng bought to give to others.

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