The revenge for your parents is your biggest knot in your heart.


"Qin Zheng, the revenge for your parents is your biggest knot in your heart."

"The most important thing in cultivation is to have a clear mind."

"It doesn't matter whether the process is killing people, arson, doing good things, or doing bad things. As long as you do these things and can make your mind clear, your cultivation will be smooth."

"The revenge for your parents is weighing on your heart, which will greatly affect your cultivation."

"The strongest master in Dayuan Town is a seventh-grade warrior."

"With your natural talent of entering the eighth grade when you open your wisdom, it won't take much time to reach the point of killing a seventh-grade warrior."

"But I said that the most important thing in cultivation is to have a clear mind."

"You have a knot in your heart In the bottom of your heart, it is easy to affect the future of your foundation because of your over-seeking. "

"In order not to affect your future, the academy decided to help you get revenge."

"When investing in you, I investigated your life. Your parents hoped that you could achieve success and bring honor to the family."

"In order to completely resolve your heart knot, the academy will not only help you get revenge, but also send a large number of people to build momentum for you, so that you can return to Dayuan Town in an extremely glorious manner, and let everyone in Dayuan Town know that you are the son of the Qin family. Your enemies will be waiting for your arrival in fear and waiting for your disposal."

Zhao Yuying looked at Qin Zheng's increasingly terrifying murderous intent and immediately spoke in a deep voice.

In fact, according to Zhao Yuying's original route of befriending Qin Zheng, the only thing she came here today was to send resources.

There was no second thing that took Qin Zheng's parents' revenge as the starting point.

It's not that Zhao Yuying didn't pay attention to Qin Zheng's parents' revenge.

It's that Zhao Yuying didn't think about helping Qin Zheng get revenge for his parents.

Qin Zheng's growth rate is too fast.

Kaihui is an eighth-grade gold-level Confucian cultivator.

In yesterday's diary, he even reached the eighth-grade gold-level warrior.

With this strength, Qin Zheng does not need help from others to go back to Dayuan Town to avenge his parents. He can do it alone.

When Qin Zheng needs help, she helps and can gain favor.

When Qin Zheng does not need help, she forces help, which is superfluous and may cause enemies.

But last night, she and Luo Qinghuang discussed how to befriend Qin Zheng, and talked about the revenge of Qin Zheng's parents.

The answer is that if you can participate in the revenge of Qin Zheng's parents, you can definitely get the great devil's huge favor.

This favor can bring great help when the cause and effect are established in the future.

For this reason, she and Luo Qinghuang constantly analyzed how to participate in the revenge of Qin Zheng's parents.

In the end, they found that they thought too much and made more mistakes.

They felt that Qin Zheng did not need help because they had a God's perspective and knew Qin Zheng's true strength.

But the truth is that Qin Zheng has only revealed the strength of an eighth-grade gold-level Confucian cultivator.

An eighth-grade gold-level Confucian cultivator is stronger than an ordinary seventh-grade warrior.

But that is a Confucian cultivator who has been cultivating in the eighth grade for a period of time.

Qin Zheng has just awakened, and they can use the fact that Qin Zheng is not strong enough to take revenge as an entry point.

One entry point is not enough.

They also have two auxiliary points.

One is the expectation of Qin Zheng's parents for Qin Zheng to bring glory to the family.

The other is the assistance of Qin Zheng's maid. According to Zhao Yuying's investigation, the maid is an orphan adopted by Qin Zheng's parents, and her feelings for Qin Zheng's parents are no less than Qin Zheng's.

If she can go back and take revenge in glory, the maid will definitely be willing.

As long as the maid is willing, she can help by saying a few words.

Helping the big devil to avenge his parents is considered a success.

Once it is successful, the big devil's favor will be obtained.

Once the favor of the big devil is obtained, the cause and effect will be established in the future, and bad things can be turned into good things.


"Sir, the wish of the master and the mistress before they died is indeed to see you achieve success and honor the family,"

"Sir, you are now the first in the college examination, and you are also the peerless genius of Confucianism and Taoism in the words of the mountain master. You are definitely the most successful among the successful."

"If I can return to Dayuan Town in glory to help the master and the mistress to avenge them, I think the two elders can rest in peace."

Just as Zhao Yuying and Luo Qinghuang guessed.

When Yang Yuechan heard that the academy helped Qin Zheng pave the way to avenge his parents, she couldn't help but speak to Qin Zheng.


"If you don't return home when you are rich and noble, it's like walking at night in brocade."

"Since it is the wish of my parents before they died, I will satisfy it."

"Please trouble the mountain master to let me return to Dayuan Town in glory."

Hearing the words of the little maid, Qin Zheng was silent for a moment, looked at Zhao Yuying and slowly said


Of course.

The little maid's advice only played a small role.

The real reason is that Qin Zheng has figured it out.

If he simply goes back to kill people for revenge, it seems too easy for Lai Fu and other dogs.

As the owner of Meiren Mountain said, let Lai Fu and other enemies live in fear first, wait for his arrival in fear, and wait for his disposal, so that there is a taste of revenge.

"Don't worry."

"I will definitely let you, Qin Zheng, return to Dayuan Town in great glory."

Zhao Yuying looked at Qin Zheng and promised solemnly.


Qin Zheng's tone was a little grateful this time.

Although he knew that Zhao Yuying was helping him so much, it was an investment with a purpose.

But judging by deeds, not heart.

Zhao Yuying's attitude and actions are indeed in place.

It's like a bad guy pretending to be a good person all his life. Isn't he a good person?

Zhao Yuying's attitude is so good that it's almost like a dog licking.

Qin Zheng felt that he could no longer treat Zhao Yuying with a transactional attitude.

In the future, as long as Zhao Yuying keeps doing this, he will not be stingy with benefits and will let Zhao Yuying get endless rewards.

"No problem."

"You are a genius that I have chosen. It is my duty to help you solve all problems."

Hearing the sincere gratitude in Qin Zheng's tone, at this moment, Zhao Yuying felt that it was worth it for her to please Qin Zheng at all costs.


"Tomorrow I will prepare everything and let Qin Zheng and you return to Dayuan Town in glory."

Excited, Zhao Yuying looked at Qin Zheng to determine the time to return to Dayuan Town.


Qin Zheng nodded.



When Qin Zheng and Zhao Yuying discussed how to return to Dayuan Town in glory.

Dayuan Town, the original Qin family mansion was renamed Laifu.


"Master, Madam, money can move people's hearts, why do you test human nature so much?"

"Why do you have to show off in front of me after you got the treasure?"

"With the treasure in front of me, I have the opportunity to kill you and take this treasure that can change the fate of slaves. How can you live?"

"The result proves that my choice is right."

"After killing you, I presented the treasure to the county magistrate. With the help of the county magistrate, I obtained the full help of the eighth-grade warrior head of the police, and easily attracted the monster to kill all the Qin family's offerings. I occupied your Qin family's wealth and changed your Qin Mansion into Lai Mansion."

"Now I have five concubines. , all of them are pregnant. "

"The Lai family started with me and changed the fate of being barefoot and becoming a slave."

"My descendants will rely on the Qin family's family business to become landlords and powerful people."

"Don't worry, after all, we are master and servant. I will find the young master as soon as possible and send him to see you so that your family can be reunited."

"I will also enshrine the young master's spirit tablet here. In the future, my descendants of the Lai family will come to burn incense for you. You don't have to thank us for the incense. It's what we should do. After all, without your Qin family, there would be no Lai family."

In the main hall of the Lai mansion, a gray-haired middle-aged man looked at the rows of Qin spirit tablets in front of him and murmured.

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