Chapter 143 The Only Deadly Choice

Looking at the straightforward words on it

Almost everyone subconsciously imagined a dying person facing despair, writing this sentence with gritted teeth.

For a moment, everyone felt mixed emotions.

Judging from the experiences of Erza and others, one can almost imagine how desperate the Foundation agent who wrote these words must have been.

The picture continues

【I have always held on to this belief, but after I saw the nest of that thing, I could no longer pray.……】

【Anyway… the Foundation found the source of the problem, some houses in the middle of nowhere, and ever since some shit about cult rituals and blood murders or something, these damn monsters have been showing up.】

【The main problem was that the stuff would keep coming out the front door, a task force went in to try and fix the problem but never came back】

【No matter which powerful task force you are from, and no matter how powerful you are, if you are like me, open the door and rush in, then you are completely finished!】

【The living room was bad enough, that’s where they grabbed one of my brothers, and they rushed into the room and he was tumbling to the ground, and one of them took his heart with… claws?】

Seeing this scene, Lucy couldn’t help but think of the scene where Xio’s heart was forcibly taken away.

That weird scene still makes her shudder.

【Those things are hard to tell with your eyes here, you may have noticed】

【They’re like shadows, you have to move away from the light source! I know that sounds stupid, but think about it, in the light, is your shadow sharp and distinct?】

【But when it’s pitch black all around, your shadow becomes a blur and less noticeable.】

【So, at this time, those things can hardly touch you, and can’t see you clearly. I think those things find you through your shadow.】

【But to be honest, I’m not sure, I just think it might be the case】

Seeing this, Erza, Lucy, and the two D-class personnel all looked tense!

He immediately raised his head and looked around.

Fortunately… the lighting in this room is very dim.

This also explains why he was always chased by those terrifying monsters before.

Even lost Captain A and Team Member B.

Now think carefully and you will find the reason

That is… everyone has always been in a place with light.

And those monsters! They found them by their shadows

“call……”Erza let out a breath

“This is also a useful piece of information… although it cost two lives.”

Erza’s tone was low, and she was obviously regretting why she didn’t find out earlier.

Lucy patted Erza’s shoulder

Then he took the note and continued reading.

【I think you have seen a place similar to the border, right? You’d better not try to go there, it’s not the border to the outside world.】

【It leads to death! Yes, I swear, my three brothers started to melt after they approached this border, and black things kept bursting out of their bodies.……】

【Anyway, where did they die?】

This sentence makes my scalp tingle.

Because, not long ago, everyone saw

I saw Simon touch the boundary and die.

Everyone’s faces became increasingly ugly.

However, the following words once again raised people’s doubts.

【After that, we started to walk through the houses and carefully walked through many places, so we found something.】

【This place is huge, beyond imagination, far larger than the farmhouse. It’s like… like scattered fragments of space coming from all over the place.】

【Then I randomly pieced these spaces together, some of them look like apartments, some look like squares.】

【There is even one place that is definitely my childhood classroom. I swear! It is exactly the same! Even the words on the blackboard are the same! I clearly remember that I was called to answer a question.】

At this moment, a cry of surprise was heard in the meeting room of the Albares Empire.

“How is it possible!!”Inbel stood up suddenly.

Even Irene was filled with disbelief:”Yeah, how could there be such a coincidence?”

“Even the words on the blackboard are the same? Impossible……”(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Irene frowned, thinking in her mind

“Or maybe that guy was so frightened that his memory became confused.”


“Or is it a problem with this space itself?” Inbel seemed to understand something and said

At this moment, everyone raised their heads and looked at Inbel.

In this regard, Inbel also expressed his own guess

“If it was a patchwork of space, it would definitely not be such a coincidence. This is most likely a room formed based on the intruder’s inner thoughts.”

“Thoughts? In other words, this space also has the ability to create hallucinations?”

Thinking of this, the faces of the twelve shields present all changed.

Things are getting more and more difficult…

In the picture

Lucy’s expression was also filled with horror at this moment.

“I remembered… a room we visited before that always seemed familiar to me… now it seems like I’ve been there as a child!”

Lucy’s words made the two D-class personnel shrink their necks.

Erza took a deep breath, suppressed her complex emotions and continued to read.

【Of course, this is not entirely true. There are also some fragments that are not made of… things. They are black, like shadow-like substances, and most of them are still in places with better lighting.】

【If the light can pass through, you can put your hand through, but I don’t recommend it. That’s how we got to Torres.】

【I don’t know what grabbed him and pulled him in. The hole was too small for him, not even the size of an apple. But the weird thing was that he was pulled into the apple-sized hole alive!】

Goosebumps all popped up at this moment

Erza and the others could hardly imagine how a living person could be forcibly pulled into a hole the size of an apple?

【So, no matter who you are, please stay away from light sources, but in the dark, please watch your step!】

【Of course, there is no way to escape. We have also discovered that any door you can find in this space leads to another room in this stupid house, or back.】

【Obviously, we can’t live here, so your options are to starve to death, or……】

【Until one of those things grabs you, well, there is a lot of choice…】

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