Chapter 57 Containment Procedures

“No no no!! Don’t come near me!! Why are you trying to kill me!!”

“Please, aren’t you dealing with abnormalities?”

“We are not abnormal, we are human beings, human beings!!”

The constant cries of pleas echoed throughout the battlefield.

But, what responded to them was only the sharp swords of the angels.

There’s no need to explain anything to them.

Angels will only seriously carry out orders from the Foundation

Moreover, this decision comes from the highest authority in the Foundation, the O5.

That is the order of Qin Tiandao himself.

Angel Yan still remembers

Not long ago, when I was called to the researcher’s office, I learned everything.

In that simple office with only a desk and a seat

They met the containment expert in charge of this containment, who is also a senior researcher within the Foundation.

He was an old man with gray hair and a white coat.

In front of the three angels,���In a solemn tone, he said:

“In this mission to contain SCP-096, you must abandon any compassion.”

“Huh? Why? Angel Zhixin looked at the old man in confusion.

“I believe you have also learned about the characteristics of SCP-096 from the sky, right?” The old man pointed to the huge sky above his head.

The three angels nodded gently.

“So, listen carefully to the following request.”

The old man stretched out his right hand and showed three fingers.

“The containment procedures for SCP-096 are divided into three steps:”

“The first step is to kill SCP-096-1 before it kills SCP-096-1 (the person who saw SCP-096’s face).”

“This will cause SCP-096 to stagnate for a short period of time, which lasts for about 3 to 5 seconds.”

“Then the second step is to use powerful heavy firepower to destroy the upper body of SCP-096 during the stagnant time.”

“As long as no one sees its face during this period, it will not move further.”

After the words fell, Leng couldn’t help but ask:”Then…what if someone saw its face during this period?”

The old man took a deep breath and said,”Then just keep repeating the first step!”


These short words made the three angels freeze in place.

Repeat the first step

In other words, constantly be the first to kill anyone who has seen SCP-096’s face!

Some are cruel, some are ruthless

That is why, when I first saw the three angels

The old man told them why they should give up any mercy in this mission.

Losing a small number of people in exchange for the safety of more people is a choice that the Foundation hardly needs to consider.

Because, the existence of the Foundation is like this.

The Foundation will do whatever it takes to contain and control the victims.

Even if it means becoming a killer that everyone is afraid of.

“You don’t have to have any emotions. This is an order from O5. You must do this. Anyone who has seen SCP-096’s face”

“In fact, the moment you see it, you are already dead.”

“I understand. Yan nodded.

“For a civilization, sacrificing one person or a few people is the best option.”

Having said that, the topic seems too heavy.

The atmosphere at the scene was somewhat quiet.

The old man did not say anything else, but continued:

“The third step is to use a specially made containment box to contain SCP-096 before it recovers.”

Thinking back, the flaming sword in Angel Yan’s hand was already stained with a lot of blood.

Not far away there was a frightened SCP-096-1. The moment he saw the bloodstained angel

His feet softened and he fell to the ground.

But, I still cried and kept crawling away

He wants to survive, he’s still young and has plenty of life left. but……


Not far away, a well-equipped Foundation agent shot him directly, ending his life.

Then he lowered his head expressionlessly and spoke into the headset:”The scene has been cleaned up.”

“Preparations to begin containment of SCP-096”

“Wait!” Angel Yan’s voice came from the headset.

“Two more people have seen SCP-096’s face.”

“Who, please mark the location.”The agent immediately asked

At this moment, SCP-096, who was always ahead of the others, seemed to have realized something.

Turning around, she screamed and rushed towards the pile of dead bodies not far away.

“Eligore! That guy is not dead yet!”Angel Yan responded

As one side moved, the wings behind him flapped violently.

The whole person rushed into the pile of dead bodies like thunder.

The flaming sword was raised high and slashed down mercilessly!

“Can you guys find this?!!”

Amid the dead, Eligore’s scream of collapse was heard

He used his hands and feet to push away the body that was pressing on him.

Eligore had no intention of resisting.

He turned around and used his wind magic to escape.

There is no way, the angel is too strong!

Judging from the one-sided massacre just now, there is no way I can be their opponent.

You know, the ones who were slaughtered were the elite knights of the Magic Council.

But in the hands of the angel, he is like a weak little chicken.

Life is taken away easily

With my seriously injured body, I can’t even fight back, it would be great if I can escape.

But, this is purely Eligore’s overthinking.

Under the slash of Angel Yan

Eligore was cut off from the waist without any surprise.

The whole person’s face still maintained a horrified expression

Then he slowly fell to the ground, completely losing his life.

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