Chapter 60: Warning from the Foundation

“Am I seeing that?”

“That huge guy just now… was killed in an instant?”

“What the hell? He made such a grand appearance, but ended up like this?”

“Is this the demon from the Book of Zeref? He doesn’t look that good.”

SCP-096 killed Lalabai instantly and everyone saw it.

Wizard Guild, Blue Pegasus

The trio, Xiang, Lian, and Ivan, curled their lips.

Some are speechless looking at the president of their own guild

“This… isn’t it said to be very strong?”

Bob was also a little confused when asked.

Although I haven’t experienced it in person, it is still the demon in the Book of Zeref.

How could he be defeated so easily?

Bob thought about it and couldn’t figure out what the reason was.

In the end, I could only sigh helplessly:”After all, it is an anomaly.……”

“Facing such terrifying and completely unreasonable creatures as anomalies, even if a demon is killed in seconds, it is not a strange thing.”

“MEN~The president is right, after all… that is abnormal!”

At this moment, an extremely greasy voice rang out.

Instantly, the trio seemed to have found their backbone, and all turned their eyes to the person who appeared in front of everyone.

A short, greasy man in a suit


He is also the strongest S-class wizard in Blue Pegasus.

“”That’s what Teacher Yi Ye said!” The trio echoed in unison.

He posed in what he thought was a very cool pose all night, and said,”However, what worries me is how many more disasters this anomaly will cause.”



In the picture, when seeing Lalabai being destroyed

The burning heart flying in the sky received the signal

He nodded in understanding:”Understood!”

Then, relying on his senses and the information sent by the people below, he locked onto the position of SCP-096, which had become paralyzed after killing Lalabai instantly.

The flaming sword held high in his hand slashed down fiercely.

The flame bombardment that had been accumulated for a long time also slashed with the flaming sword.

Falling straight down in the direction of SCP-096

Like a meteorite falling from the sky

The fireball of the blazing bomb drags a long tail of flame

Almost in the next second, it hit SCP-096.

The next moment, a huge explosion sounded.

In the blinding light of the explosion

SCP-096’s upper body was completely destroyed


The agents and D-class personnel who had been on standby around moved

The roar of the containment specialist rang out synchronously in the headset.

“Hurry! Zulu9-B!”

“We don’t have much time!”

Zulu9-B is a special containment device designed to contain SCP-096.

It looks like a big bag that is completely black without any other colors, and can even block any view of the inside.

As a group of D-class personnel lowered their heads and quickly operated, they completely covered the lower half of SCP-096’s body.

All the D-class personnel in orange prison uniforms are dancing with death.

Although SCP-096 has not yet recovered

However, if there is a slight mistake, the disaster will be devastating.

Therefore, even the audience who were watching the live broadcast at the sky screen held their breath.

Dare not make a sound

Fearing that it would affect the Foundation’s D-class personnel who were performing their tasks

The agents stationed around the scene stood quietly in place, like statues.

No one spoke

However, all attention is focused on this group of D-class personnel who are operating

Fortunately, the D-class personnel successfully completed the task

Then, a specially made huge cubic box was pulled over by a helicopter.

With the help of the D-class personnel on the ground, they were able to contain the victim in just a dozen seconds.

Even the angels flying in the sky breathed a sigh of relief at this moment

“Let’s pack up, SCP-096 has been successfully contained”

The voice of the containment specialist came to my mind

Unlike agents without special abilities and D-class personnel, they need to use headsets to hear the voice of the containment command center.

Angels only need to know the signal frequency to participate

So, after listening to the containment experts

Yan also responded:”Received”

Then in the eyes of everyone

The three angels flapped their wings vigorously and left the battlefield first.

The agents and D-class personnel at the site also boarded the helicopter and slowly flew away.

Just like last time

Crawford immediately wanted the Council’s technicians to use the satellite magic array to spy on the location of the SCP Foundation. but……

Still a blur

It’s impossible to detect

In fact, this time it seemed to have angered the Foundation.

In the next second, countless magic crystal screens in the entire Magic Council suddenly shattered.

A sudden scene,

The people in the entire Council were stunned.

They stared at the irregular crystals on the ground, which had shattered into pieces.

Until I saw three letters slowly appearing on the screen of the only surviving magic crystal.

Endless fear surged up like a tide.

Crawford even took two steps back immediately

Hiding behind a huge stone pillar

His eyes kept scanning around him.

A look of fear filled his face.

“Who!! Who is it?”Ultear frowned and shouted to all around but……

No response

The person who did all this seemed to disdain to respond to them.

It was so quiet that only the sound of Crawford’s violent heartbeat could be heard. as well as……

On the only remaining magic crystal screen,

The three letters SCP flashing……

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