Fairy cage

Chapter 328: Slaughter the Dao Palace and take out the golden elixir

Yu Lie thought about it in his mind and suspected that the Taoist Court and the Taoist Palace had deliberately withheld information about the ancient monks.

Or maybe it's just because his current level is low, he's not even a Taoist official, and he's not qualified to get more information at all.

So he thought for a while and quickly suppressed these distracting thoughts.

Yu Lie thought nervously to himself: "Now is not the time to think about this. We have to save our lives first."


Around the remaining columns, the Taoist disciples were flying randomly like fallen leaves blown by the strong wind, with angry sounds and screams constantly ringing out.

There were also the sharp shouts from the nine Taoist priests in the palace: "Shuzi, even a mere outsider in the Taoist Golden Pill dares to attack my disciples in the Taoist palace!"

But the sword light that came from the sky just now landed firmly on the dragon boat, and the sword slashed the dragon boat Taoist until he screamed in pain.

Although the Taoist priests in the nine palaces shouted fiercely, they did not immediately go out to deal with the attackers. Instead, they looked around, as if they saw something wrong and were about to jump off the ship and escape.

Yu Lie was keenly aware of this. He fell into the chaotic crowd and immediately patted the spiritual pet bag and released the crow.

When Ya Ba was confused, the demonic energy in his body was awakened by Yu Lie. His body grew bigger, and Yu Lie straddled him:

"Follow Pindao and quickly find Wa... first find Luo Sen and Miaom."

In such a critical moment, Yu Lie had no idea how long the dragon boat Taoist priest could last. He had to prepare for the worst and be ready to jump off the ship and escape.

It's just that the Dragon Boat Taoist is still insisting. It's not that Yu Lie can jump off the ship if he wants to. He simply finds Luo Sen and Miao Mu who are separated first, and waits for the danger to come. There can also be support.


Yaba suddenly woke up with a start, his red eyes looked at the chaotic scene around him, not daring to look any further, and he continued to carry the remaining columns and soared in the inner space of the dragon boat.

Whoosh, whoosh, it was like a black lightning, passing by repeatedly among the turbulent crowd.

Yu Lie, Luo Sen, and Miaom had all arranged mutual induction charms on their bodies in advance to prevent them from being separated by accident and to gather them together as quickly as possible. This was originally only used as a precaution, but now it is actually used.

While Yu Lie was searching for men, Longchuan Taoist received a sudden sword attack.

It roared and shouted angrily:

"Zu'er Guxiu, my fangs are not bad at all!"

The Dragon Boat Taoist did not evade, but rushed forward, rushing towards the direction where the sword light was coming from, roaring in his mouth, and golden thunderbolts formed around the Dragon Boat, as if God was still angry.

The huge thunder formed sharp fangs and bit into a space a hundred miles ahead.

"Humph!" There was another cold snort, and a figure emerged.

He was wearing an ancient robe, whiter than snow, with a face as white as paper, and a bit of blush on his cheeks. He looked as weak as a paper man.

But the divine light in this boy's eyes was extremely sharp, shining like a steel knife.

Seeing that he was caught by the Dragon Boat Taoist, Shi Hanzi saw the location. He did not continue to cover his figure. Instead, he waved his robe, patted his mouth lightly, and spit out drops of wormwood from his cinnabar-like lips. of projectiles.

Shi Hanzi sneered on his face:

"Evil Cultivator! I just screamed a sword energy casually. Since you can survive, I will let you taste the real power of my sword pill!"

He made a gesture and pointed at the golden thunder fangs coming towards him.

The sword ball hovering in front of Shihanzi immediately jumped, buzzing and emitting white light, cold and cold, and struck back at a faster speed than the golden thunder, and divided the sky by three and five. The golden thunder defeated them one by one.

boom! Only a few thunderbolts were not expelled by Shihanzi because they were too far away from his body, and fell on the ground to show their power.

The ground that was bombarded immediately collapsed and cracked, and deep pits several feet wide appeared, densely packed, and the soil was scorched black and red.


Shihanzi's sword pill hit Longchuan Taoist's body violently, instantly bending his body. Longchuan Taoist, who had been showing off his power just now, suddenly became like a loach, twisting in the air and screaming.

Then the sword pill hung high above Longchuan Taoist's head, like a cold moon, becoming bigger and rounder, releasing endless cold light, and falling down one after another.

"Hahaha!" Shihanzi laughed:

"Old evil cultivator, you actually abandoned your physical body and chose to merge with this Laoshizi ship. People are not human, and weapons are not weapons. You are really an evil devil."

He walked in mid-air, seemingly slowly but actually very quickly, and in a few blinks he reached the top of Longchuan Taoist Master's head, and then said condescendingly: "Let me cut your bones, chop off your head, and kill you from now on." Wait to be rescued from the evil ways."


The dragon boat Taoist's golden eyes widened angrily, and he opened his mouth and shouted: "Wind and rain are gathering, thunder and fire are everywhere, die!"

It flicked its tail again and pounced towards Xie Hanzi high in the sky.

One person and one giant object were fighting fiercely in the high air. Suddenly, there were roars and thunders flying.

All the dark clouds within a thousand miles of the sky were swept away, revealing a huge gap.

Stars appeared outside the void, like onlookers, their eyes flickering and looking at the fight below with malicious intent.

Inside the dragon boat at the moment.

The nine Taoist priests looked up and stared at the outside fighting, with different expressions and fear in their eyes. At this moment, they no longer communicated with their voices. Instead, they were confused and rushed to communicate thoughts:

"Damn it! It seems that the monk is not lying. Judging from the light of his sword, he may really be a third-grade golden elixir monk!"

"Third-grade! It is said that the third-grade golden elixir of ancient monks has a 70% chance of breaking through into Nascent Soul, the second-grade is 80%, and the first-grade is 90%. These people are the real seeds of immortality. Although our old Taoist teacher is also Taoist master, but he is old and frail, and his potential is not as good as it is, so he is 100% unable to defeat him."

The so-called "Nascent Soul" by ancient monks is similar to the realm of Yuanshen in today's world of mountains and seas. They are of the fourth rank and are already immortals.

Panic arose in the hearts of the nine Taoist priests, and they reached a consensus: "It's probably impossible to live in peace this time!"

Several of the Taoist priests quickly lowered their heads, and their spiritual consciousness spread among the hundreds of thousands of Taoist disciples around them. They gathered their close people, planning to protect their own people and escape as much as possible when the Longchuan Taoist Master was defeated. .


"Brother Lie!", "Lang Jun!"

Among the hundreds of thousands of Taoist disciples, Yu Lie rode on Ya Ba. Relying on the induction talisman in his hand and Ya Ba's innate spells, he successfully avoided the chaos of Taoist disciples and found Luo Sen and Miaom, and found them at the same time. of.

Because before he came over, Luo Sen and Miaom also cleverly approached each other and just merged together.

Yu Lie immediately shouted: "Walk with me until something happens!"

When the two women heard the shout, their faces were serious, and they shouted: "Yes."

They immediately took out the high-quality flying charms prepared to save their lives, and the companions flew beside Yu Lie.

Three people and one bird appeared in the shape of a pin, and immediately flew quickly in a certain direction.

This direction is the Taoist priest of the Nava family.

Originally, Yu Lie wanted to find Wa Twelve first, stay by his side, and take advantage of his "luck", but when he was searching for the two women just now, he looked around and found that there were many people, including many Taoist disciples. They were also gathering in a hurry, but Wa Twelve was not found.

In this way, he could only carry the two women and lean towards the Taoist priest of the Nava family.


Yu Lie was not the only smart person. When he ran to the side of the Wajia Taoist priest with the two women, many Taoist disciples had already flown over and formed a wall around the Wajia Taoist priest.

It was because of the strong power of spiritual consciousness lingering around the Taoist priest of the Wa family that he kept everyone away.

The Wajia Taoist priest landed in the center of the crowd and looked anxiously at the fighting scene outside the dragon boat.

Seeing that the three of them could not make any progress, Yu Lie considered whether to pass the Purple Qi Token and boldly send a message to inform the other party that he was a friend of Wa Twelve, so that the other party would pay more attention to him later.

Suddenly, in his ears, a voice came from someone who stood up on his own initiative: "Brother Yu, Brother Yu..."

Yu Lie suddenly turned his head and suddenly found a ball of furry things, with a big head sticking out of it, peeking at him.

Yu Lie was startled for a moment, and suddenly his face was filled with joy, realizing that he didn't have to bother the Taoist priest of the Nava family.

Because the person who conveyed the message to the rest of the army was none other than Wa Twelve.

Although this kid is young, he has a big brain. He ran over smartly and wrapped his body in a flying blanket to protect himself.

Yu Lie calmly greeted the two of Rosenmiaom, and the three of them leaned over.

After leaning over, Wa Twelve shouted:

"Scared me to death, scared me to death. Brother Yu, you are a capable person, please protect me later."

"Of course." Yu Lie replied immediately.

But in fact, he secretly sent a message to Wa Twelve and said bluntly: "Brother Wa is joking. When something happens later, we have to ask Taoist Master Wa to protect the three of us."


Before Wa Twelve could reply, a huge howl sounded, making Yu Lie, Wa Twelve and others' faces turn pale.


There were also screams of surprise from the Taoist disciples.

I saw a sword energy attack, tearing open the dragon boat Taoist master's abdomen, making a big gash. A strong wind instantly blew inside and outside the dragon boat, and a suction force from the outside appeared, trying to sweep out everyone inside the dragon boat.

Those Taoist disciples who were too frightened and did not take precautions and approached the opening were caught off guard and were swept out.

Sizzle...sounds of cutting sounds were heard.

The Taoist disciples who were swept out did not float far at all before they were cut into countless tiny pieces by the white sword energy in the sky, which turned into blood mist and exploded.

This time alone, nearly 100,000 Taoist disciples were lost!

Terrible and terrible!

Moreover, the strong wind continued to blow, and it continued to pull the Taoist disciples out. Fortunately, the nine Taoist priests in the dragon boat did not stand idly by. Their expressions changed drastically, and they quickly cast spells to block the opening to the dragon boat.

As a result, the outsider Zhi Hanzi fired another sword energy with his backhand and rushed towards the Longchuan Taoist's wound.

This blow was resisted by the dragon boat Taoist master, but just the aftermath of the sword energy destroyed the spells cast by the Taoist priests. The sword energy penetrated into the dragon boat and crushed the Taoist disciples near the opening to death. Ten thousand.

Such a scene fell in the eyes of Yu Lie and others, and they were so frightened that they felt like dead souls.

The hundreds of thousands of Taoist disciples present were selected from tens of thousands of people in the city. They were all aspiring to the immortal way and claiming to be extraordinary.

As a result, the current scene is not like being slaughtered like chickens and dogs, but being crushed to death like ants and mosquitoes, one by one.

Don't worry, the sword energy filled the cabin.

A streak of sword energy came, approaching a hundred steps in front of Yu Lie, and was about to beat him and the others to his left and right into a bloody mist.

Fortunately, Yu Lie and others were not far away from the Taoist priest of the Wa family. When the Taoist priest of the Wa family opened his sleeves and robes, his magic swept away and dispersed the remaining sword energy.

In addition to the Wa family Taoist priest, the other eight Taoist priests also took action one after another to protect the Taoist disciples around them from being swept away by the strong wind or killed by the aftermath.

Anger and fear rose on the faces of the nine Taoist priests:

"What an ancient cultivator, how dare you kill my Dao Palace disciples!"

"Damn! Colleagues, try your best to protect the disciples!"

At this moment, Shi Hanzi's surprised voice suddenly sounded from the outside world:

"Hey! Old evil cultivator, what are you doing with a group of qi-refining children in your belly? Why are they not the Tao slaves of your Shanhai evil cultivator?"

The other party laughed loudly: "It's ridiculous to just use a group of little Qi-refining guys to increase our troops."

But the next moment, the smile on Shi Hanzi's face suddenly stiffened and he couldn't laugh anymore.

Because there were suddenly waves of cold and severe consciousness coming from all directions and falling coldly on him, making him wonder if he was hallucinating.

As soon as he lowered his head, Zhi Hanzi suddenly discovered that the hundreds of thousands of "qi-refining children" who he casually crushed to death had golden auras emerging after their death, and they rushed towards him crazily.

Shi Hanzi's expression suddenly changed: "No! This is so evil."

He immediately wanted to retreat and flew away thousands of miles away.

However, the dragon energy that the Taoist disciples transformed into after their death had turned into chains and formed a miasma of smoke, which locked onto him, making it like a column of smoke rising above his head, clearly visible across the sky and the earth.

And at the moment when hundreds of thousands of Taoist disciples were killed, the seriously injured old Long Chuan went crazy in his eyes.

"Death, death!"

The old dragon boat roared and rushed in front of Shi Hanzi, biting the opponent's sword pill directly with his teeth.

"Kill my Qiangong disciples and destroy my Qiangong's future. I will kill you!"

Zhi Hanzi's body had only escaped a dozen miles, and his body was stunned.

"Get out!" He looked fierce, and with a wave of his hand, the sword pill flew out of Old Longchuan's face, overturning half of Old Longchuan's face.

Screams of pain rang out, and golden blood fell from the sky.

Half of the old dragon boat's body was damaged. But in this case, the many Taoist disciples in its body were not affected.

Jie Jie Jie!

Suddenly, several strange laughter appeared in this battlefield, and with the obvious column of smoke above Shi Hanzi's head, it appeared more and more clearly in his ears.

"Kill my Daoting disciples, destroy my palace disciples... Jie! Zihanzi, you are so capable."

"Zi Hanzi, you are not going to die soon. I will lend you the golden elixir to treat my disciples."

"Hey, it's really hidden. Let's see how you hide it now."

Around Zhihanzi, giant sharp claws, huge mouthparts, and surging runes appeared one by one, surrounding Zhihanzi, and repeated voices sounded. .

There was also a shrill laughter that could not be suppressed:

"High-grade golden elixir, 70% chance of becoming an immortal. Mine, mine, don't compete with me!"

Shi Hanzi stared, realizing that he had been tricked, but he immediately responded with a grin:

"It's true that they are a bunch of evil cultivators who want to gain immortality by devouring other people's things."

This man raised his head and swallowed the sword pill in his hand. His hair stood up, and he wanted to close the sword with his body and break out of the encirclement.

However, a dry claw suddenly grabbed Shi Hanzi's ankle and pulled him down; another slippery tentacle was tied to his arm and wrapped around his arm.

There was also a big, gaping mouth that bit into Shi Hanzi's shoulders and waist, gnawing at his body-protecting sword light.


The body-protecting sword flashed, and severe pain appeared in Shi Hanzi's mind, making him shocked and angry, and there was a faint fear in his heart.

The next moment, a scene appeared that made his face freeze.

He saw a pale half-human hand staggeringly appearing in front of his face, and then inserted it into his chest seemingly slowly but quickly.


Shi Hanzi's chest was opened, and a round, white-light sword pill golden elixir was pulled out by a pale man's hand in such a strange way. It was extremely unbelievable.

"No!" Zhi Hanzi looked at this scene in disbelief.

He screamed wildly:

"Impossible, my sword pills, my golden pills!"

Shi Hanzi never thought that his golden elixir would one day be taken out of his body alive.

Immediately afterwards, another scene appeared, which made Xie Hanzi's eyes crack and almost broke his heart.

A crouched figure emerged from hiding in front of Shi Hanzi.

The other party was wearing a Taoist robe, with gray hair and white eyes. He was the murderer who took out the golden elixir.

The old Taoist grabbed the restless Jianwan Jindan, stretched his neck, and laughed out loud.

"Haha! This is great medicine. Since we are evil cultivators, how can we let it go?"

He smiled nervously, not afraid of the light and sword energy at all, and licked the golden elixir of Shi Hanzi fiercely, ecstatically.




Shi Hanzi was frightened and furious. He struggled hard, his anger burning, his blood rising, and he wanted to cut down the old Taoist with a sword and grind him into dregs.

But his body was bound by claws, tentacles, mouthparts, etc., and he couldn't break free.

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