Fairy King Dad

Chapter 1011: Bombardment

Behind Feis, followed by a dozen fully armed teams.

They came from the fairyland and were the death warriors trained by Black Sea International.

"Oh, dear Lord Feis."

Messers smiled and said, "You are finally here."

"Messers, I don't really want to come, because I think you can do it." Feis smiled slightly and said, "But I have to come. We can no longer represent Black Sea International. We have received more firepower support and more severe tasks."

Many powerful countries such as the United States and West Eagle have reinforced weapons for Black Sea International.

It is almost openly provided.

And there are many capital-controlled mercenaries, one team after another, merged into Black Sea International.

In the base of Black Sea International, the number of mercenaries exceeds fifteen, and they are employed by many capital parties.

"The higher-ups have given us an order to wipe out the Black Wolf mercenaries within three days."

Fith smiled and said, "Our weapons this time are more powerful than ever before."

"I heard about it." Messers laughed, "The weapons are on the way. I saw the weapons list. With our firepower, it's easy to wipe out the Black Wolf."

At this time, dozens of people standing around had ferocious smiles on their faces.

It was a smile of victory.

"This time, we can earn billions of MiGold."

Fith put his hands behind his back and walked closer. He patted Messers on the shoulder and said, "After this incident, I will reward my brothers well."

"Then, tomorrow the weapons will arrive, and we can deploy a detailed general offensive plan." Messers thought for a while and said, "It's a problem to command other mercenaries."

"They will be obedient."

Fith said lightly, "I have the support of the Logan family, plus the Smith family that supports us, our background is the most powerful."

"Powerful you!"

Suddenly, a discordant voice sounded.

I saw a figure coming to Feis very quickly, grabbing his neck and blocking Feis in front of him.


"Kunshan, what are you doing?"

This made everyone in the audience a little confused.

Feis had just arrived, but he was held hostage?

Kunshan took out a pistol and pointed it at Messers and others. He grabbed Feis and retreated.

"Don't move!"

Kunshan shouted angrily.

When he saw Feis' guards, they all pointed their guns at him.

Bang bang bang!

Kunshan fired directly and hit the heads of three people accurately.

"Be careful!"

The people in front of him looked for places to hide, including Messers. He was terrified and hid behind. He shouted angrily:

"Kunshan, you are a spy!"

Kunshan grinned and looked into the distance.

There are snipers, ready.

The Black Sea International team cannot be underestimated.

He took Feis and hid under the plane, hiding in a blind spot.

"What do you want to do?" Fei Si's expression was obviously nervous.

On this sunny afternoon.

He felt cold all over.

He never expected that he would be caught in his own camp.

Kunshan, who worked for Black Sea International, had helped Black Sea International's Black Wolf Mercenaries achieve good results in military operations.

To get close to him in this way, the price was a bit too much.

Kunshan was panting, he took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"Brothers, I may have to go first, Black Sea International No. 1, I want to take him to be buried with me today."

After saying this, Kunshan smashed the phone to the ground.

"Fuck you!"

Kunshan looked ahead and cursed: "Feis, do you still remember Wang Qian, who you caught at Lebanon University five years ago? She was only 21 years old, only 21 years old!"

Kunshan's expression was a little crazy.

A series of pictures flashed through his mind.

From the Immortal Land to the Emperor Star.

He did not appear in the life capsule. Something went wrong midway. He appeared in a place in the wilderness, where there was only a thin source of immortal soil energy.

When his body appeared, it was already seriously injured.

He encountered a wolf pack.

It was the extremely strong will to survive that allowed him to fight his way out.

Dragging his tired body and enduring the blood flowing everywhere on his body, he fell on the hillside in the freezing night.

When he woke up, he was in a mountain village.

A pure girl and an old woman saved his life.

The girl's name was Wang Qian, 18 years old, and she was good at studying.

Kunshan lived in the mountain village for two years. After Wang Qian's grandmother died of illness, he brought Wang Qian to the city.

After finding Su Mu, Kunshan got money and sent Wang Qian abroad to study at the University of Lebanon.

He still remembered the kiss at the airport.

Wang Qian awakened the desire in his heart, and he thought he had found the love of his life.


On a rainy night, he received a message from Wang Qian for help.

He found a private plane from the Yadong war zone and arrived at a suburban club three hours later.

In a room, he saw Wang Qian, who was dropped in the air, naked and covered in blood.

She died after suffering inhuman torture.

"I hate it!"

Kunshan's eyes turned red.

The one who attacked Wang Qian was Feis, the number one figure in Black Sea International.

"I wish I could peel off your skin!" Kunshan gritted his teeth.

When Fei Si heard Wang Qian's name, he didn't know who it was, but after Kunshan mentioned the club and time.

Fei Si smiled: "You are talking about that oriental girl, she tastes great, and her screams are memorable."


Kunshan shot Fei Si in the leg.

Fei Si felt pain, but he knew that he had almost no chance of survival if the other party attacked him.

Fei Si is worthy of being a generation of heroes, and now he only wants the other party to end himself quickly.

"She is very white."

"Do you know how many people raped her?"

"Thirteen people, hahahaha, do you know who the other twelve people are?"

"Kunshan, if you kill me, you won't know anything, you can only die with regret."

"But if you let me go now, I can give you a way to live."

"Isn't it just a woman? With your current status, I can give you any style of woman."

"I can give you money."

Fei Si gradually led the conversation.

He was trying to calm Kunshan down.

"Kill me or let me go."

Fei Si gave Kunshan two choices.


Another gunshot.

Feis's other leg was hit.

Kunshan gritted his teeth and said, "I've waited too long to kill you."

Kunshan even begged bitterly at first.

Finally, Su Mu agreed to let Kunshan take the risk.

In fact, to put it bluntly, it's almost like giving up one's life, one life for one life.

Being in the base of Black Sea International, it's almost impossible to escape.

However, at this time.

After Heishou received Kunshan's call.

He immediately dialed Su Mu's number.

"Do it!"

Su Mu shouted.

Then, Heishou's orders were issued one by one.

One fighter plane after another took off from the base of the Black Wolf Mercenaries.

One tank after another, heavy weapons such as tanks, armored vehicles, all took action.

Not just this base.

In the five cities around Black Sea International.

With the order of the commander of the Dragon Army: "Do it!"

In the five cities, a large number of fighter planes took off quickly.

Black Sea International is preparing, and Longguo has also arranged many means?

Arms of a great power!

The top combat forces from Longguo are taking action.

And here is Kunshan.

He hid under the plane.

He raised his hand and fired a shot.

He wanted to kill Messer, but Messer had already hidden at the back of the crowd.

There were more and more people surrounding him.

Even the alarm had sounded.

Blood was flowing from Feis' legs. He looked around and smiled: "Kunshan, you should think about yourself, you can't escape."

Just then.

The air alarm sounded.

"Hei Lang's people are coming!"

Someone reported to Messer: "A large number of fighter planes are approaching our base quickly."

"Prepare for war!"

Messer said immediately: "Leave a team here to ensure Feis' survival. If it can't be guaranteed, kill them all within five minutes."

Messer turned around and left quickly.

He couldn't take care of what was happening here.

Kunshan pointed his gun at Feis's head.

The crowd around him pressed forward, which undoubtedly put more and more pressure on Kunshan.


Two more shots were fired.

"Come on!"

"Come on, all of you!"

Kunshan shouted angrily.

But he had no more bullets.

He left one for Feis and one for himself with the last two bullets.

Looking at the crowd approaching.

Kunshan grinned:

"Fes, go to hell."

Kunshan saw the fighter planes roaring in the distance, and also saw the fighter planes of Black Sea International taking off and the opening of the defense system.

Today's Black Sea International still has strong firepower.

However, Kunshan knew that he could not hold on.

He could not give the other side a chance to kill him first.

So, there was a bang.

Feis's head was blown open.

The next second.

Da Da Da...

Countless bullets poured in.

After Kunshan was shot, he fell to the ground and picked up two grenades from his waist.

Hit the protective ring.

After throwing it out.


After two muffled sounds.

More bullets came.

"Kill him!"

Someone said sternly.

But the next second.

Boom boom boom!

The fighter planes in the sky started fighting.

Various firepower exploded in the air, but surprisingly, there were too many fighter planes of the Black Wolf Mercenaries.

"Cover, cover!"

This group of people wanted to completely surround and kill Kunshan, but they were bombed and immediately retreated.

Even in the eyes of some people, Kunshan was shot several times and was dead.


Tanks and planes, like a torrent of steel, roared forward.

The firepower of Black Sea International could not be resisted at all.

The flames were spreading.

The arsenal and armaments of Black Sea International were the first to be blown up.

"It was the Dragon Country that took action!"

"It was their most advanced fighter jets."

"They deployed at least a thousand fighter jets!"

"Fuck, they deployed at least fifty fifth-generation stealth fighter jets."

"They have eight hundred fourth-generation fighter jets."

"War, the Dragon Country started the war, what right did they have? How dare they do that!"

Black Sea International and many mercenaries were completely stunned.

No one expected that the Dragon Army would mobilize so many forces behind the Black Wolf Mercenaries.

The sudden attack made Black Sea International and many mercenary forces despair.

At the same time, it also stunned the United States, West Eagle and other powerful countries.

"Why did they suddenly launch an attack?"

"The firepower we gave hasn't arrived yet."

"Damn, can't afford it?"

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