Fairy King Dad

Chapter 1168: Logging and Mountain Excavation

"The sky is wild and the sea is empty."

Luo Hao nodded:

"Yes, I also think that the great secret realm of the universe connected to the immortal land is very likely to be the Tianhuang Sea."

"I thought I was the only one who thought so." Haiguo shook his head.

"After all, we have never been to Tianhuanghai." Luo Hao sighed lightly.

Su Chen was curious about Tian Huanghai.

Luo Hao gave the answer.

"Why do Kunlong Empire and Xiaotian Realm cultivate so few people in the Three Awakening Realm?"

"Because the resource level is not enough."

Luo Hao pointed to the sky and said:

"Only with better resources can we cultivate stronger people. The reason why there are few resources here is because of the poor geographical location."

"Why are there so many strong people in the Galaxy Cloud?"

"It's not just resources, because there are many secrets in the universe over there."

"The secret realm of the universe is equivalent to small worlds that suddenly appear, full of opportunities."

Luo Hao smiled slightly:

"Opportunity is a shortcut for people to become stronger, or a way to break the shackles of the monks themselves."

"The clouds of the Purple Gold Galaxy are huge, and there are countless secret realms of various sizes, such as the Sea of ​​Clouds Secret Realm. There are also more advanced secret realms. It is very difficult to enter and experience them."

"And this Tianhuanghai secret realm, I have only heard of it. It is said that the Tianhuanghai secret realm is controlled by more than a dozen super powerful forces in the galaxy cloud. Outsiders cannot enter at all. The Tianhuanghai secret realm has many treasures, but the danger is great."

"The sea area, the island, the dangers are strong, and the treasures are abundant. These conditions are like the wild sea."

"But whether it is, I can't say."

Luo Hao shook his head.

There is an 80% to 90% probability that it may be Tianhuanghai.

Knowing this news is enough.

"Dean Luo, what I plan to do is cut down trees and open up mountains, because there are many crisis situations inside." Su Chen said truthfully.

"Celling trees to create mountains? Yes."

Luo Hao nodded: "I will go out in ten years. In these ten years, I will be here to help you."

"Thank you, Dean Luo."

Su Chen smiled.

So, the two men were fully armed.

Like Su Chen, he has a divine dragon suit on the inside and mechanical armor on the outside, with amazing defensive power.

The two walked towards the island and came to the edge of the forest.



Cutting down a tree is simple, but the tree's collapse still causes a lot of noise and fluctuations.

The treatment of the trees was also very simple. Su Chen grabbed the tree and dragged it to the fairy land.

Su Mu and others were there, waving their hands, and the trees were thrown into the distance.

In this way, the two began their logging business.

During this period, Su Mu, Long Jiuqing and a few others started harvesting herbs behind Su Chen and Luo Hao.

"They are all second-level herbs."

Yun Fu's eyes were shining when he saw this.

He is now a qualified pharmacist and prefers pharmacy. With so many second-level herbs, he can conduct more experiments.

The herbs are harvested one by one.

Su Chen and Luo Hao, on the other hand, were doing manual labor.

Rumble. . . . .

Trees are being felled at a rapid rate.

However, the area of ​​the island is too large. This is the beginning, and the inner area cannot be seen yet.

Luo Hao looked at Su Chen and smiled: "I haven't done this kind of work for a long time. Su Chen, you have to treat me to a big meal later."

"Hahaha, no problem." Su Chen smiled.

Luo Hao turned his head, raised his battle ax, and was about to chop down a tree.


A green light came from ahead quickly.


Luo Hao's eyes were slightly cold, and he moved his left hand, and a sword light flashed through.

I saw the body of a small green snake lying on the ground below Luo Hao.

"It is indeed a snake-like creature close to the realm of three awakenings."

Luo Hao lowered his head and looked:

"It's poisonous and very fast. It scared me."

"No matter how fast it is, it can't be faster than Dean Luo's sword." Su Chen smiled.

It is obvious that Dean Luo is at ease.


Dean Luo clapped his hands and continued to chop down trees.

Trees were carved out one after another.

The huge movement seemed to make many creatures flee.

A whole day.

Except for the little snake that Luo Hao killed, he didn't encounter any other living beings.

In one day, a large number of second-level medicinal herbs were harvested.

In the jungle, second-level medicinal herbs can be seen everywhere. In the eyes of everyone, this is indeed a treasure land.

However, the next day.

When Luo Hao was cutting down trees.

He cut down the first tree.

When the tree collapses.

The nearby trees were knocked down and the trees were tilted to their roots.

When the tree roots came out, there were dense red ants in many places at the tree roots.

Each ant is as big as a fist.

They seemed to be looking at Luo Hao, and the wings on their backs trembled.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh. . . . . . .

One by one, the red ants, like cannonballs, rushed towards Luo Hao.

Although the aura of each ant is not strong, there are simply too many of them.

"These red ants are poisonous, please be careful."

Luo Hao shouted loudly.

The crowd gathering herbs at the rear quickly retreated.

Su Chen held two swords and slashed over.

He and Luo Hao kept taking action, but as they kept killing, there were more and more red ants.

"No, there are red ants here. I'm afraid we can't cut down the trees in this area." Luo Hao said in a deep voice as he took action.

There are too many red ants.

When there are too many, if quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes, even Luo Hao may be in a life-or-death crisis.

Su Chen felt heavy in his heart.

There are too many crises in this place.

"Retreat first."

Su Chen was about to retreat with Luo Hao.

"I am coming."

Ye Qingning flew at low altitude from behind.

Meet these flying red ants.

Ye Qingning waved her sleeves and her eyes were like fire.

Wisps of flames emerged from the palms of his hands.

A large fire broke out, and these red ants were burned to death on the spot.

A large ball of flames, unreasonably, cleaned up all the complex areas at the roots of the tree.


Luo Hao's eyes were full of shock.

"Your wife?"


Luo Hao looked at Su Chen and then at Ye Qingning.


Su Chen smiled: "My wife is a magician."

Su Chen did not intend to hide this matter anymore.

In the past, the reason for concealing information was because there was no strength to protect it, but now, after the strength has become stronger, whether to conceal it or not is not that important.


Luo Hao laughed: "You two are really good."

"Dean Luo, thank you." Ye Qingning nodded slightly.

"Okay, now that the red ant problem has been solved, let's continue working."

Luo Hao clapped his hands and continued cutting down trees.

The outermost open area is getting larger and larger.

And in the process of advancement.

Su Chen and Luo Hao also encountered some other situations.

Whoosh. . . . . . crotch!

An extremely fast electric current hit Luo Hao's left arm.

Even with the defense of armor and battle clothes, Luo Hao still felt his arms were slightly numb.


Su Chen dodged over, found the opponent's position, and killed the chameleon with a single blow when he was about to escape.

When the blood sputtered out, the chameleon returned to its own appearance. It was a green chameleon about half a meter long.

"This thing is really hard to guard against."

Luo Hao breathed a sigh of relief and sighed softly: "If you don't have defensive equipment, you will definitely fall into its trap. Su Chen, in a dangerous place like this, the risk factor is too high for one person. It is wise to find help. If I encounter a good secret place in the future, I will call you."

"Easy to say."

Su Chen laughed.

The two pushed horizontally from the front.

Ye Qingning was also fully armed and followed more than a hundred meters behind.

Su Mu, Long Jiuqing and others were harvesting herbs further back, and some people were also digging holes, looking for red ants underground.

Luo Hao and Su Chen were very efficient, taking about three seconds to complete a tree.

All kinds of trees collapsed, and cutting down trees to create mountains was in progress.

Just one day.

A large open space appeared here.

When moving on.

Whoosh whoosh!

More than a dozen small green snakes attacked Su Chen and Luo Hao like lightning.

These little green snakes probably look close to the realm of the Three Awakenings.

Luo Hao held a short knife in his hand. He dived forward and several streaks of light appeared.

Su Chen didn't need to take action at all. More than a dozen little snakes were all killed by Luo Hao's short sword.

‘What a strong aura of skill. ’

Su Chen was secretly shocked.

Luo Hao's moves are very stable and his aura is strong. You can tell at a glance that Luo Hao is a brave and good fighter.

"Su Chen."

Luo Hao thought for a while and said, "I am becoming more and more suspicious that this is Tianhuanghai."

Luo Hao squatted down and jumped into the air.

He jumped about twenty meters, and then his body began to fall. At a low altitude of about ten meters, he levitated for a few seconds and then slowly descended.

"With the help of the suit, it is difficult to maintain low-altitude flight. The pressure in the air is very strong. It is like we are training in a gravity chamber. We cannot fly here, which means that we have to face the creatures on the island and in the sea."

Luo Hao pointed forward: "The sea area is very large and there are many islands. Each island is a challenge. Su Chen, this may really be a wild sea."

The Great Secret Realm of the Universe, Tianhuang Sea, is a place controlled by some super powerful forces in Zijin Galaxy Cloud.

If you enter rashly, you will definitely be targeted.

"However, this area of ​​​​the sea is very large, and it is not certain whether we can encounter other people."

Luo Hao smiled: "Let's cut down the trees first and open up the mountains. It is estimated that all the trees on this island will be cut down in about three years, assuming everything goes well."

"Hope everything goes well."

Su Chen responded with a smile.

Not to mention other things, the medicinal herbs alone are already a huge amount of income.

There are not many second-level herbs in stock in Kunlong Mansion.

And here, there are second-level medicinal herbs all over the mountains and plains.

"This is a treasure."

Luo Hao looked emotional: "Ten years later, I have to go out to do business. When I come back, can Kunlun City leave me a place?"

Luo Hao wanted to practice in Kunlun City to try out what kind of control he would feel if his power were further improved.

Moreover, there is also this big world that is suspected to be the Tianhuang Sea. If it is really the Tianhuang Sea, then there must be valuable treasures in this sea area!


Luo Hao is tireless.

The dignified former chief dean of Luoyuan, here in Su Chen, works 24 hours a day cutting down trees without rest. If Zegis and the others saw this, they would be shocked.

However, in Luo Hao's eyes, there were very few people in the Kunlong Empire who were qualified to cut down trees here.

There are even fewer people who can help Su Chen.

The two took the lead, felling trees with great speed and efficiency.

About an hour passed.

The two saw a white-haired spider as big as a basketball.

The huge spider web reflected the light of the setting sun.

The eight eyes of the white-haired spider seemed to be staring at Su Chen and Luo Hao. Was it thinking whether it could capture the two humans?

"Look at shit!"

Luo Hao sneered, raised his left arm, folded the metal, and a crossbow appeared. This weapon was prepared very quickly, and a beam of arrow light appeared, and then pierced the white-haired spider in front.

The white-haired spider didn't seem to react, and was killed directly.

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