Fairy King Dad

Chapter 370: Not shameful!


The butcher was in the distance, attacking at a burst of speed.

The little golden bull carried Su Chen and began to run away.

This time, the little golden bull ran as fast as he could, but he didn't expect it to be so fast.

For a while, the butcher could only slowly close the distance.


Su Chen continued to smelt the God of Heaven Willow.

After thinking about it, Su Chen felt that if this continued, they would fall into the butcher's attack range in ten minutes at most.

So, Su Chen set fire to the little golden bull's tail.

"Oh moo!"

The little golden bull was so angry that smoke came out of his nostrils.

You think my speed is not fast enough, so you run away by yourself? Why do you light my tail hair?

"Boy, you can't escape!"

The butcher laughed fiercely, holding a kitchen knife in both hands, looking fierce.

At this time, the female sword fairy and the Broken Knife King looked at each other.

According to the speed of the little golden bull, the female sword fairy felt that she could catch up in one minute.

The butcher's speed was too slow!

The female sword fairy hesitated slightly, and finally turned into a white light and ran in the opposite direction.

She didn't care much about the God Willow, and the butcher had promised her and King Broken Knife to give away the treasure.

Another reason was that she was curious about whether a mere cultivator in the fusion realm could successfully escape by mixing with local creatures.

Out of curiosity, the female sword fairy didn't plan to chase him.

King Broken Knife didn't seem to be very interested. He looked in the distance and murmured:

"Langyan, the first-generation disciple of Tianxing Sect, has some extraordinary courage, not to mention strength."


King Broken Knife turned and left. The spiritual herbs he was staring at were not just the God Willow!

As for the other teams present, they were shocked.

"The God of Heaven Willow was actually robbed?"

"Oh my God! So many powerful people who have transcended the tribulation fought, but the God of Heaven Willow was taken away by a cultivator."

"Wolf Smoke, it's that secular force, the Wolf Smoke of the Tianxing Sect."

"He is so brave, when the butcher catches up with him, won't he be chopped into meat paste?"

"Robbing the treasure of a powerful person who has transcended the tribulation, this is something I dare not even think about, this Wolf Smoke is a talent!"

"I remembered a sentence that secular people often say, awesome, this Wolf Smoke is too awesome."


Many teams on the field talked about it.

There was a team from the Xianyao Sect, and their faces were not very good.

The God of Heaven Willow was about to become the top treasure of the Xianyao Sect.

The entire sect can benefit from it.

However, the God of Heaven Willow that was about to be obtained was intercepted by someone!

It's unbearable!

"Look at their direction!"

A disciple of the Xianyao Sect immediately used the communication gem after seeing the direction.

"Shui Hu!"

"Is your team in the northeastern area of ​​the core area?"

"Go and intercept one person. Our Xianyao Sect's treasure, the God of Heaven Willow, has been stolen by someone. That person is Lang Yan from the Tianxing Sect! He is riding a golden bull to escape. The leader is chasing him. As long as there is a team that slightly blocks him, the leader can kill him!"

The Xianyao Sect has three wolves and five tigers. The three wolves are the three characters of earth, sky and star, and the five tigers are named after the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth.

It can be said that each of the five tiger generals of the Xianyao Sect has the strength to stand on their own.

When Shui Hu heard the news, he was shocked:

"The leader is chasing in person? Our treasure has been stolen? Lang Yan from the Tianxing Sect is riding a golden bull to escape?"

Shui Hu was silent for a while.

He shook his head:

"The leader has a monstrous fighting power and a pair of swords, but the leader's speed... is too slow."

The butcher has a powerful fighting power, but his speed is very slow, which seems to be his only flaw.

And his slow speed is for some strong people.

If the female sword fairy chased Su Chen, Su Chen would probably have no chance to escape.

But the one chasing was the butcher!

"Little bastard! Put down the God Willow!"

The butcher couldn't catch up, feeling a little embarrassed.

But he could still close the distance, and the difference in realm made up for it.

There were more than 30 disciples of the Immortal Medicine Sect present.

What made the butcher's face a little dark was that each of these disciples could keep up with him.

Even the golden tiger among them seemed to be strolling in the garden, just following behind him, not surpassing him.

The speed of the golden tiger was faster than the butcher.

But the headmaster was unhappy, how could the golden tiger dare to surpass the headmaster?

Even in the process of flying, the golden tiger would hit some trees, affecting its speed.

It was like a competition.

The golden bull rode away in a dusty manner, and the butcher behind led the sect disciples to chase after him.

Jin Hu was flying at a low altitude. He looked at the little golden bull in front of him and thought to himself:

"With my speed, if I go all out, I can definitely surpass the golden bull in more than half an hour, but... I can't surpass the master! Isn't this a violation of the superiors?"

"There are so many teams in the Immortal Medicine Sect. We can use the communication gems to contact them and block a few teams."

"Wolf Smoke and Golden Bull can't escape!"

In Jin Hu's opinion, since the result is doomed, he doesn't need to show himself.

This guy has definitely run out of the taste of human relations and worldly affairs!

When the butcher found that the golden bull would occasionally speed up while chasing, he thought about it and followed slowly.

There are so many disciples in the Immortal Medicine Sect, he doesn't need to take action to suppress the wolf smoke.

After thinking about it, the butcher said:

"You're just a disciple of the Tianxing Sect. Immortal Medicine Sect disciples follow the orders, chase down Langyan, and get the God Willow. This is your first mission. Whoever can get the God Willow will be rewarded heavily by me."

After the butcher calmed down, he was no longer anxious.

After saying these words, Jin Hu's speed suddenly increased, and he rushed away with overwhelming force!

Looking at this posture, you can definitely catch the Taurus within half an hour!

"Catch it, and I'll treat you to roast whole beef tonight!"

When the little Taurus heard this, he was furious!

What are you bragging about?

Still want to catch my sacred cow?


It feels like some of the vocabulary is not quite right...

Forget it, I can’t control that much, let’s run away first.

So, Jinniu carried Su Chen on his back and ran away, with the butcher following behind. Jinniu and other disciples pursued with all their strength.

The disciple at the end of the team used the communication gem to contact the disciples of the sect.

"Mu Hu! Come to the northeast of the core area. Whoever catches Lang Yan will get a heavy reward."

"Tuhu! We have a mission. Our Immortal Medicine Sect's first mission is to chase Langyan!"

"Star Wolf, here comes the mission!"


When Star Wolf Muke learned the news.

He was stunned for a moment and couldn't help but look at Earth Wolf Zhao Xingran and Heavenly Wolf Zhou Beichen in front of him.

"What's wrong?" Zhao Xingran couldn't help but ask.

"Something happened! The ninth-level spiritual treasure Tianshen Liu that the leader was staring at was taken away by... Langyan!"

As he spoke, Muke's face turned slightly gloomy:

"Also, Langyan escaped on a golden bull! He and the golden bull are in the same group!"


Zhou Beichen's expression changed: "Langyan and Taurus are together?"

"Did Lang Yan steal the master's treasure?" Zhao Xingran's scalp went numb: "Damn! This guy is so courageous!"

The place fell into silence.

Suddenly, when the three of them looked at each other, they suddenly laughed.

"Hahaha, even the leader was robbed by Lang Yan, and we were robbed of some treasures by Lang Yan..."

Muke spoke slowly. When he said this, the other two people thought of something, and the three of them said in unison:

"No shame!"

My mind suddenly relaxed.

If even the leader's existence was robbed, what's the big deal for them?

"Lang Yan of Tianxing Sect is really a great guy!"

Zhao Xingran snorted coldly: "His personal strength is very weak. If I hit him head-on, it only takes five moves!"

Zhou Beichen said calmly: "I can defeat him in three moves."

Muke raised a finger: "One move."

"The key is..." Zhao Xingran shook his head: "Langyan, that kid, is very slippery. His running skills are so powerful that it is difficult to catch him."

"By the way, everyone still doesn't know what Lang Yan looks like. Let's inform him quickly." Zhou Beichen said quickly.

So, Zhao Xingran contacted Jin Hu’s disciple, and he said:

"I've seen Lang Yan. He's average-looking, with a big mole on his face. He's about 1.8 meters tall and has thick eyebrows..."

Tell the basic information.

The three of them immediately led the team and set off.

"Let's go to the north of the core area to intercept the smoke!"

Muke waved his hand and the team moved forward quickly.

Deep in the secret place.

The Immortal Medicine Sect seemed determined to catch Lang Yan!

In this regard, Su Chen felt some pressure.

But he didn't panic.

He can use the fallen leaf magical power to return to Luoluo.

It's just that the God Willow is attached to the Butcher's thoughts. He needs to refine the God Willow as soon as possible and put it into a space treasure to get rid of tracking.

Su Chen is confident, but he will not return to Luo Luo unless it is absolutely necessary.

Running, Jin Hu kept closing the distance.

The little Taurus was panting from exhaustion.

It blinked, looked around, then changed its direction and plunged into the core of the secret place!

"Where are you going?"

Su Chen felt a little bad: "Xiao Niu, don't cause trouble..."

"Oh moo oh moo!"

The little golden bull barks twice, which means:

Don’t worry, leave it to me, it’s all a trivial matter!

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