Fairy King Dad

Chapter 377: Sharing Difficulties

"Langyan, do you still dare to come to us?"

A disciple of the Immortal Medicine Sect, he sat on a stone, threw away the grilled fish in his hand, and looked at Su Chen fiercely.

The Immortal Medicine Sect disciples not far away gathered behind Zhao Xingran.

Some people feel like they are facing a formidable enemy.

Some people have a sneer.

It seems that in their opinion, Langyan's strength is not good enough.

The little Taurus, on the other hand, was lying on the ground under the shade of a tree not far away, lazily looking at the scene ahead.

Su Chen walked forward step by step.

In his right hand, a white sword appeared.

The knife was three feet five long and three inches wide. Su Chen did not feel any pressure on his body, but the knife he took out was a fourth-level spiritual treasure, which made Zhao Xingran narrow his eyes.

"Wolf smoke."

Zhao Xingran put his hands behind his back and said calmly: "My master, give Ji Changkong three years. Before their duel, I, a disciple of the Immortal Medicine Sect, will not kill you."


Zhao Xingran changed his words. He was as majestic as a stormy sea. Even his eyes were shining with layers of light. Just listen to what Zhao Xingran said word by word:

"You took away the God Willow, suppressed you, and took back the God Willow. Everyone of my disciples of the Immortal Medicine Sect is responsible. Since you dare to take the initiative, it means that you think you are sure to deal with me or escape from my hands. "

The words have not yet fallen.

Next to him was a man about 1.6 meters tall. He said noisily: "He can't escape. If we call our senior brother, we can definitely pin him to the ground and hammer him!"


Zhao Xingran slapped him on the back of the head and whispered: "Senior brother, please don't interrupt, it will affect your pretense."

Zhao Xingran turned his eyes sideways and looked at Su Chen. He said in a majestic and awe-inspiring manner:

"In this case, I won't bully you. Let's duel one on one. If you can beat me, I can let you go. If you lose, hand over the God Liu honestly."

Su Chen immediately laughed: "I won't get anything if I win, but if I lose, I have to hand it over to the God Liu?"

"You think it's unfair?"

Zhao Xingran snorted coldly, waved his hand, and more than twenty spiritual herbs suddenly appeared beside him. He said lightly: "If you can beat me, these magical herbs are all yours."

"Oh, really?"

Su Chen moved his wrist: "Since you want to take the initiative to give away the spiritual treasure, it's better to obey orders than to be respectful. Come on, let me see if your strength is as powerful as your mouth."

Su Chen didn't come out to stir up trouble just to get some magical herbs for Little Taurus.

The bigger reason is to fight.

Only through fighting can you master your improved strength faster.

It is no exaggeration to say that if Su Chen fights several times and practices for a few days, his power of hundreds of elephants can be brought into full play, and his combat power will be far greater than what he is now.

The sun is shining brightly!

The place fell into silence.

The other disciples of the Immortal Medicine Sect retreated one after another.

A ray of breeze blew through the canyon, bringing some fallen leaves.

The moment these fallen leaves fell to the ground between Su Chen and Zhao Xingran.


Zhao Xingran started to move.

He drew the long bow to full capacity, and the energy of five long arrows condensed on the long bow, and struck like lightning!

Five streams of light, in five directions, locked on Su Chen's position like a parabola.

"Senior Brother Zhao is so powerful in his archery skills!"

"This attack is comparable to the magical power of the early stage of returning to the void!"

"No wonder Chongdaomen Alu is dead. Some people doubt Senior Brother Zhao. Who wouldn't doubt Senior Brother's archery skills?"

"I'm afraid the wolf smoke can't even withstand these arrows."


It's too late, it's fast.

Many Immortal Medicine Sect disciples are still discussing.

The rain of arrows has already arrived in front of Su Chen.

Su Chen raised the sword and drew a circle, just like drawing a full moon. The power of the hundred elephants filled the sword, and the energy swept out by the huge force dissipated the five arrows!

When Su Chen saw this, he felt very relieved.

"Although I have just entered the level of the Power of Hundred Elephants, I already have some ability to break laws."

Extremely powerful, breaking all laws!

If the power of a thousand phenomena represents the ultimate level of power, then the power of all phenomena represents the level of breaking all laws.

The power of Baixiang is still in the process of growing!

"I actually broke my arrow rain magical power with one knife."

"This Lang Yan has some strength."

Zhao Xingran's heart sank slightly.

He knew that his strongest archery skills were not enough to be used.

Try melee combat!

Zhao Xingran is not only proficient in the path of arrows, his war bow can be separated from the middle to form a pair of swords.

The technique of double swords is Zhao Xingran's close combat method.

"Endless Storm!"

Zhao Xingran split the war bow into two swords. He leaned over and sprinted over. Halfway through, he started to spin the two swords.

Tiny blade lights formed a whirlwind around his body.

When the whirlwind intensifies, the storm formed by the blade condenses!

This moment.

Several disciples at the rear exclaimed:

"Is it the Endless Storm, one of the eight great powers of our Immortal Medicine Sect?"

"Oh my God! Senior Brother Zhao actually realized the endless storm!"

"Endless Storm can be used with weapons such as swords, guns, swords, and halberds. It is said that the threshold for practicing this magical power is the Return to the Void Realm. Senior Brother Zhao is at the pinnacle of god refining, so he can master it. His qualifications are too strong!"

"As expected of our sect's Senior Brother Earth Wolf!"

The words of praise have just sounded.

I saw Su Chen raising his sword.

From top to bottom, a simple knife.


An explosion like thunder resounded.

The endless storm played by Zhao Xingran.

It was cut open by Su Chen and split into two!

There was a strong wind on the field.

Many Immortal Medicine Sect disciples could not believe their eyes.

"Beheaded with one sword?"


"This is one of the eight great magical powers of our Immortal Medicine Sect!"

"Oh, I understand. What we learned from our senior brother is fake. The endless storm he used is just fake!"

Some disciples were talking, but when Zhao Xingran heard such words, his mood suddenly became bad!

‘Damn it! ’

Zhao Xingran cursed secretly:

‘My Endless Storm has just been learned, and I have no control over it, and it was actually broken! ’

Endless Storm, although the magical power is powerful, the demand for control is too high.

After being chopped by Su Chen with a knife.

The magical power dissipated, and a lot of energy turned into strong winds, blowing in all directions.


Zhao Xingran used his double sword magic power again.

This is his own proficient magical power.

The two swords were waved in the shape of a petal, and strips of green light were swirling around the petals.

It is small in scale, like a hidden weapon, and its lethality is astonishing.

Even Su Chen felt a sense of crisis with this move.


Su Chen swung his sword again, cutting Zhao Xingran's magical power into pieces with one strike!

Immediately, Su Chen took the initiative to attack, and the sword was full of mystery.

Su Chen performed the moves such as the Seven Shadow Demon Sword very naturally.

‘Among the weapons, I am most proficient in swordsmanship. ’

‘My sword skills have their own form but no spirit. ’

'If it were Senior Brother Lang Yan, with his sword skills and my power, he might be able to suppress Zhao Xingran in a few seconds. ’

Su Chen's use of a knife was just more in line with Lang Yan's identity.

Although his divine elephant hegemony could not be used to its extreme, his fighting power at this moment was not something that Zhao Xingran could resist.

When Su Chen took the initiative and attacked with a knife.

Zhao Xingran felt that he was facing a violent storm.

He wasn't even given time to breathe.


"It's too big!"

"There's no way out!"

"I can't defeat him if I can't use archery!"

Zhao Xingran retreated steadily, and finally his swords were knocked away by Su Chen.

Zhao Xingran stared blankly at the sword hanging across his neck, and then looked at Su Chen.

For a moment, Zhao Xingran lost all hope and thought regretfully: I was careless!

There was silence!

"Senior Brother Zhao lost?"

"He lost so quickly? In less than a minute?"

"Isn't Senior Brother Zhao very strong? Why can't he even defeat Lang Yan?"

"No, that's not right! Lang Yan is a strong man! The moves he performed a few days ago were just hiding. He was pretending to be a pig to eat the tiger. This man is a show-off!"

There was an upright junior fellow student who sounded unhappy from a distance.

Su Chen also heard this sentence.

Inwardly he disagreed.

What pretense?

A few days ago, his strength was obviously just like that.

I had a qualitative breakthrough after going to the Immortal Platform once!

"Are you convinced?"

Su Chen looked at Zhao Xingran and asked in a calm tone.

"Not convinced."

Zhao Xingran straightened his neck and said in a deep voice: "I don't accept you, but I accept defeat. Take away all the spiritual herbs!"

Zhao Xingran decisively took out the spiritual herbs.

Children can be taught!

It can be said that he means what he says.

Su Chen took back the sword, took away the trophies, and left.

During the flight, Su Chen suddenly asked:

"Your senior brother Tianlang, someone named Zhou, is he stronger than you, right?"

Zhao Xingran felt a little uncomfortable, losing to Lang Yan, what a shame!

But heard this sentence.

Zhao Xingran's heart moved.

If you hit me, you have to hit my brother too!

"Sirius Zhou Beichen, he is stronger than me, what? Lang Yan, do you want to challenge my senior brother?"

Zhao Xingran didn't wait for Su Chen to answer, and sneered: "With these two words, you are no match for my senior brother. My senior brother is fifty miles north of here. If you have the guts, go find him!"


Su Chen smiled casually, and flew away at an altitude of more than three meters above the ground.

For a moment, the eyes of many people present fell on Su Chen's back.

"I didn't expect that we were all deceived by Langyan!"

"Lang Yan is actually a hidden strong man. His realm is at least the peak of God Refining, and even the early stage of Void Return!"

"Sure enough!" A disciple sighed: "The world says that the Tianxing Sect is strong. Even the disciples of the Tianxing Sect have the ability to return to the void. Their leader Ji Changkong must also be a strong man in overcoming tribulations. No wonder our leader has established Three-year agreement.”


A group of people were discussing.

No one even informed Zhou Beichen.

Because Zhao Xingran spoke up, he said that Zhou Beichen would definitely be able to defeat Lang Yan.

"Let's go take a look too."

After half an hour, Zhao Xingran took the initiative to find Zhou Beichen.

When they find their target.

I saw Zhou Beichen standing in front of a cliff, his face looked a little sad, and he was doubting life.

"Senior Brother Zhou, what's wrong with you? The Lingbao was taken away by the cow again?"

Zhao Xingran walked up and teased.

"It's not a spiritual treasure, it's... Langyan."

Zhou Beichen took a deep breath: "I, Zhou Beichen, have fought all my life and never lost. I didn't expect that my first defeat in life would be brought to me by Langyan, the mortal enemy of the sect."

"What! You actually lost to Langyan?" Zhao Xingran looked stunned.

But in fact, he was secretly happy in his heart!

That's right!

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