Fairy King Dad

Chapter 44 Storm is coming (1/2)

This day.

It is destined to be a day when Panlongshan Castle will blow your mind.

It’s not just a national hot topic.

Even many foreign forums are mentioning this matter.

"Panlong Mountain Castle, one of the greatest buildings in the world."

"It can be called a miracle. Overnight, tall buildings rose from the ground."


As the matter spread, it became more and more intense.

In various major paradises in the Magic City, some held three meetings in one day, and the most held six meetings.

The impact of the incident is still huge.

Even the five hall masters at the Dragon Hall's headquarters in Beijing met for a meeting.

"Public opinion cannot be controlled regarding Panlong Mountain Castle." Hall Master 'Feng' took a deep breath.

"There is no question of whether or not, only whether or not you want to." Hall Master Lei snorted coldly: "As long as you press hard, you will definitely be able to control it."

"Having said that." Hall Master Yu pondered for a moment, and he said slowly: "It can be controlled in a day or two, but what if it takes a long time? Panlongshan Castle is so large, and people will post on WeChat Moments every day, Tianming Road It will become a tourist attraction, how to stop it?”

"Since the Supreme Elder just said not to disturb the peace of Panlong Mountain, now a huge castle appears in Panlong Mountain overnight. This should be the hand of the Supreme Elder, right?" Hall Master Kong slowly said said:

"In this case, there is no need to suppress public opinion." Hall Master Lei thought for a while and said.

"It can be stopped for a short time, but it cannot be stopped for a long time." Hall Master Feng shook his head repeatedly: "You can't build a high wall around Panlong Mountain, right? I think that the castle that appeared on Panlong Mountain may have been sent by the Supreme Elder. Whose little gift is it? Since it has already appeared, we don’t need to worry about it.”

"Hey, I don't know who the Supreme Elder is. I really want to take a look and talk to the elder in person." The Master of the Electric Hall sighed softly.

"Hahaha, the Supreme Divine Dragon has seen its head but not its tail. It's better to avoid the idea of ​​meeting the Supreme Dragon." Hall Master Lei smiled.

This matter was set the tone.

Soon, that afternoon, on various platforms, the three words Panlong Mountain were no longer prohibited words.

News about Panlongshan Castle.

It's like overwhelming.

Short videos abound, and there are even many anchors appearing on Tianming Road to broadcast live to everyone.

What is a hotspot?

That's it!

The popularity of these anchors who live broadcast on Tianming Road has suddenly increased. They are the first people to enjoy the popularity of Panlong Mountain Castle.

However, the appearance of Panlongshan Castle made some people happy and others worried.

In the happy crowd.

Chen Shiyan is one of them!

That afternoon, she sent messages to several WeChat groups.

Moreover, Chen Shiyan posted on her circle of friends:

"The manor in front of Panlongshan Castle is where Jinxiu Entertainment films. The new drama M Two Worlds produced by Jinxiu Entertainment will be officially launched next month..."

Taking advantage of the popularity of Panlongshan Castle, Chen Shiyan started promoting the new drama.

The company's publicity department began to spread the news on major headlines and hot searches.

And Chen Shiyan’s friends.

Wang Zong retweeted Chen Shiyan's news on Weibo and commented: Watch the new drama, the new drama is good to watch.

Qin Wei called Chen Shiyan. He immediately forwarded it to his circle of friends and activated his abilities to promote Chen Shiyan's new drama wholeheartedly.

Qin Wei still has some abilities in the circle of Magic City.

Many rich second-generation people in Shanghai forwarded the news.

Some of them have family members in the entertainment industry, and they helped promote it.

The publicity and momentum went very smoothly.

That night.

In an overcrowded manor in the east of the magic city, the underground power Yongqing Hall has passed away. The old hall master has passed away and a new chief hall master has to be elected.

Currently, Yongqing Hall has four branch heads.

They are all competitors.

The fat man who drank with Qin Wei at the beginning, Qian Biao, and his father Qian Zhan, did not have an obvious advantage among the four branch leaders.

It has been three days since the old hall master passed away.

In the past three days, there has been an undercurrent in Yongqingtang.

How to be elected as church leader?

It must be recognized by the nine board members of Yongqingtang Trading Group.

It is not easy to buy them off.

So Qian Zhan needs money very much recently.

So much so that Qian Biao was borrowing money everywhere.

Qian Biao also spent some time in the circle of second-generation rich people. Within three days, he borrowed 20 million.

But in the face of competition, it is still somewhat powerless.

The family was short of money, and Qian Biao was also thinking of a way. He knew that if his father could become the leader of the hall, his status would rise a lot.

The meeting of the hall masters took place in a courtyard.

Many people could only watch from the door.

Qian Biao and his two brothers were sitting together.

"Oh shit!"

Qian Biao saw in his WeChat Moments that many people forwarded the news about Chen Shiyan's new drama. He cursed with an ugly face:

"Qin Wei is this piece of shit. I've been playing with him for two years. At the critical moment, he's worse than shit!"

"I don't care if he borrowed five million, but he just spent more than eight million on promotion for that little bitch Chen Shiyan?"

In Qin Wei's circle of friends, there is news that is a screenshot of his consumption. In order to promote his goddess Chen Shiyan, he spent more than 8.6 million, and it seems that he is still spending.

This undoubtedly brought some pressure to Chen Shiyan. She had people pay her back every time Qin Wei spent money, which was equivalent to spending her own money.

But others didn't know it, but Qian Biao had some hatred towards Qin Wei.

In the courtyard.

The four branch church leaders sat at a table with nine board members.

Behind them, there were several subordinates in various positions.

Most of these subordinates are warriors.

"Let the elections begin."

The member headed by the board of directors has white hair and is in his seventies. He is already very old.

He looked down at a tall man and said with a smile:

"A group of dragons cannot be leaderless. Yongqing Hall's current scale is inseparable from the efforts of the old hall master. We must choose a branch master fairly and fairly to serve as the general hall master. I personally think that the branch master Zhong Jun will do his best. Very capable..."

This sentence was recognized by most of the nine board members, who nodded.

It seems that it is almost certain that Zhong Jun will get the position of chief hall leader.

Several other branch leaders also know this.

Some people felt helpless and had cold faces.

They didn't know what method Zhong Jun used to win over most of the board members.

"Let's vote by a show of hands. I vote for Zhong Jun."

Board members, began to take a stand.

"I vote for him too."

"Zhong Jun is very good."

"Well, that's right..."

The six people immediately supported Zhong Jun, and the matter seemed to be settled, it was just a formality.

"According to the rules, Zhong Jun will serve as the new generation's chief hall leader..." The old man at the head was smiling and was about to announce this.

"He's a piece of shit!"

Qian Zhan stood up suddenly and said with a livid face: "What can he do? Who wants to be the chief hall master? Have you asked me about Qian Zhan?"

"Qian Zhan, what do you want to do?" The board members were not vegetarians. Several warriors behind them also took a few steps forward.

"Young master, why are you talking nonsense here? You old immortals can't decide anything!"

Qian Zhan smiled coldly. One of his men walked up to Zhong Jun with a mobile phone and showed him a video.

In the video, there is a blonde beauty and a mixed-race little boy.

Zhong Jun's expression changed drastically when he saw this!

He has a family, and although he has raised several women outside his home, he only has two daughters. For many years, he only wanted a son, and eventually a beautiful foreign woman gave him a son and lived abroad.

His son is his weakness.

Unexpectedly, his son was kidnapped.

"Qian Zhan, you fucking want to die?"

Zhong Jun roared with anger.

"What's wrong? Want to fight?"

Qian Zhan sneered: "How did you bribe these old guys on the board of directors? You know it in your heart and want to use tricks. I will accompany you. If you dare to try it, see who dies first!"


Zhong Jun's face was extremely ugly.

The men of the two men also gathered around.

In this case, a fight may break out.

There was silence.

Five seconds later.

Zhong Jun was suddenly discouraged.

He sat on the chair, his eyes a little dull. Finally, he looked at Qian Zhan and showed a smile:

"Tell me, how can we let them go?"

"Oh, Brother Zhong Jun, it's wrong for you to ask me about this. I just collected the information." Qian Zhan pretended.

"Hahaha, okay." Zhong Jun smiled and nodded: "Thanks to the care of the board of directors, but in this election, I, Zhong Jun, will withdraw. I believe that someone with higher ability will take the position of the chief hall leader. ”

It’s just an election!

The chief hall master can also have accidents at any time!

‘Qian Zhan, you and I will play slowly and see who dies first! ’

Zhong Jun's eyes were cold and filled with murderous intent.

Even if Qian Zhan can take the position of chief hall leader today, so what?

A few days later, Qian Zhan died suddenly, and the chief hall leader still had to choose again.


There were nine members of the board of directors, and many of them looked at each other.

Among the nine people, six supported Zhong Jun and two supported Qian Zhan.

As for the other two branch church leaders, they are also over sixty years old. They have low fighting spirit and are not that eager for the position of chief church leader.

Qian Zhan is different. He is only in his early fifties and very ambitious.

And Zhong Jun is only in his early forties.

The competitive relationship between the two has lasted for a long time.

It's just that in this election, Zhong Jun is more capable and has the support of more people.

However, the opposite happened.

Zhong Jun also didn't expect that his woman and son hiding abroad would be discovered by Qian Zhan.

There's a mole!

Zhong Junqi’s heart was trembling.

I don’t know who around me will be bribed by money war!

Nothing in this world is difficult except for those who are willing. He will get to the bottom of this matter. Once he finds out who it is, he will definitely let his body sink in the river!

"Zhong Jun, have you decided?" the old man said in a regretful tone.

"We underground forces are very disciplined." Zhong Jun sneered: "It is a basic principle that no harm will come to the family. But some people will do whatever it takes to achieve their goals. Such people are very scary. Hahaha, this time I Zhong Jun quits, the election has nothing to do with me.”


Zhong Jun quickly stood up, led several of his warrior men, and strode out quickly.

They exited quickly.

But the nine board members hesitated.

Qian Zhan uses any means to achieve his goals and is not favored by them.

"Then what happens next..."

There was silence for two minutes, and the old man in the lead slowly said: "Old hall master, the body has not been buried yet, the election, otherwise, let's talk about it another day."

The voice just fell.


A huge flame lit up in the parking lot outside the courtyard.

Everyone on the field changed their faces and stood up.

The vehicle burning with a raging fire was Zhong Jun's car!

Zhong Jun just got into the car!

People... just disappeared in the ruthless flames.

Is this the move?

Many eyes looked at Qian Zhan in disbelief.

The competition within Yongqing Hall has always existed, but this method is somewhat outrageous!

"There is an enemy, come and protect the board members!"

Qian Zhan sat on a chair with his legs casually placed on the table, and he said lazily.

Hua La La!

Many men rushed in, they stood around, seemingly protecting, but actually deterring!

Qian Biao and others sitting at the door were stunned.

"This... is going to work!"

Qian Biao was so excited that his fat body was shaking.

If Qian Zhan could become the chief hall master, he would definitely do better in the circle of Magic City after he settled down!

"Old man, what did you just say? I didn't hear it clearly, can you say it again?"

Qian Zhan hung a cigarette and looked at the old man who was the head of the board of directors with a cold look.

The old man's eyelids trembled, he coughed lightly, sat down, and said slowly:

"Without rules, there will be no order. Our Yongqing Hall has always been an underground force with rules. The old hall master is dead, and the new hall master should be established! I think Qian Zhan has a good ability to do things and can be competent for the position of hall master. What do you think?"

The other board members dared not disobey Qian Zhan.

This person who doesn't care about rules can do anything.

"I support Qian Zhan as the chief hall master."

"I also support..."

Nine votes passed.

Qian Zhan became the chief hall master of Yongqing Hall.

When the board members left, they were all terrified when they got into their cars.

Fortunately, except for Zhong Jun, everyone else left safely.

Yongqing Hall, Qian Zhan became the head of the hall. That night, the hall was in chaos.

Qian Zhan used iron-blooded means to punish Zhong Jun's lineage, clean up Yongqing Hall, eliminate dissidents, and promote his subordinates.

It seems that Qian Zhan's position as the head of the hall is going to be firmly established.

Late at night, in a villa.

The fat man Qian Biao was drinking with five brothers.

In the corner of the restaurant, there were already five empty beer boxes, and many beer bottles were placed casually next to them.

"Brother Biao, congratulations, after today, you will be the prince of Yongqing Hall." A yellow-haired man said with a smile: "This time you borrowed money, and you also saw who is capable and who is not in your circle of friends. What we didn't expect is that Qin Wei didn't help you. He is really disloyal."

"Who said it wasn't." Another thin man muttered: "Brother Biao has helped Qin Wei deal with several troubles in the past two years, but Qin Wei didn't care about the relationship at all. It's obvious that he looks down on our brother Biao."

"Don't mention Qin Wei to me!"

Qian Biao's face was ugly. He gritted his teeth and suddenly showed a hideous smile:

"I want him to regret it! I want to sleep with his goddess, and I want him to live in my shadow forever!"

The yellow-haired man's eyes lit up: "Chen Shiyan? That's a sexy beauty, hahaha, brother Biao, are you going to take action against her?"

"That's right!"

Qian Biao nodded heavily: "To deal with her, we have to take it step by step..."

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