Fairy King Dad

Chapter 462: Eye-opening!

"Dad, do you want to fish it out?"

Lolo raised his head and looked at Su Chen and asked.

"Wait a little longer and see how often you get crystals."

Su Chen smiled and replied: "If the frequency is high, you can collect them when the cage is full. It comes faster at night, so we have to hurry up to make a fishing cage."

Two minutes later.

Lolo got the second crystal.

And the others present got nothing.

"Forget it, it's probably the same situation as before."

Thirteen lives began to collect the cage and stopped fishing!

"It's not that we are unlucky, it's that Xiao San Sui is too lucky." The Yellow-robed Sect Leader sighed, he looked at Su Chen and asked: "Do you still need cooperation?"


Su Chen nodded: "The fishing cage will not be too little, let's keep the previous price."


The Yellow-robed Sect Leader smiled.

This time, he didn't say those polite words, and started to make the fishing cage directly.

The female sword fairy and several others immediately followed suit.

In the process of making.

Langyan glanced at the female swordsman and asked with a smile:

"Female swordsman, are you still short of people in Shengtai Mountain? What do you think of me? I have always been longing for swordsmanship. It would be great if I could learn some skills from Shengtai Mountain."


As soon as these words came out.

Da Mo started coughing on the spot.


Learn swordsmanship?

Da Mo lowered his head and held back his laughter.

Langyan is proficient in swordsmanship and likes to learn swordsmanship.

Normally, if he could go to Broken Knife King to learn, it would be okay.

Go to the female swordsman...

Are you sure he wants to learn swordsmanship?

I guess by then, he wants to learn swordsmanship and seduce people too!


Da Mo couldn't believe it.

Is Langyan crazy?

Don't you know that there is a knife hanging over your head?

What kind of person is the female swordsman? In this small world, she was suppressed so much that she could be on equal footing with this side. After leaving the small world, she is a strong person who can pass the tribulation and kill Langyan with a glance. Why do you still have ideas about her?

"Do you like to learn swordsmanship?"

The female sword fairy turned her eyes.

Her black pupils were relatively large, as if she was wearing beauty contact lenses, and her eyes had a sense of holiness.

"Yes, I am very interested in swordsmanship and swordsmanship." Langyan coughed lightly and said seriously.

The female sword fairy nodded slightly: "You can come to Shengtai Mountain to learn swordsmanship."

Langyan didn't expect it to be so easy.

But he would not go easily.

So he asked: "Is there a 'but'? Is it a requirement or something like that?"

"Yes." The female sword fairy replied.

Langyan asked: "What is it?"

The female sword fairy said softly: "It costs money."

"So that's the case, haha, okay, I know I can go if I have the opportunity." Langyan laughed.

He thought that the money the female sword fairy said should be crystal stones.

These crystal stones were all obtained by Luo Luo.

He would definitely not take the initiative to ask for many.

As for going to Shengtai Mountain, Langyan just asked and chatted with the female sword fairy.

While talking, everyone moved quickly.

One by one, the fishing cages were made.

Luo Luo controlled them, like fishing, and kept lowering the fishing cages.

When Luo Luo pulled back the first cage.

There were more than 30 crystals in a cage.

The moment Su Chen touched the crystal.

His eyes were shaken.

"Top-grade crystal!"

The yellow-clothed leader's face changed slightly.

"This small world actually still has top-grade crystals." The butcher sighed lightly: "It seems that this place is more powerful than I thought."

"Not bad."

Thirteen lives looked solemn: "Where there are top-grade crystals, there will be dangers. Places like this must be treasures left by some immortal land boss. Even the laws of heaven and earth have been changed by him. This..."

Broken Knife King, the female sword fairy and others looked at each other.

They all thought of that person... the old madman!

They couldn't guess who the old madman was.

But in their hearts, they were more and more certain that the old madman was Su Chen's elder.

At the very least, he could be his elder's friend, or a disciple?

In short, in the eyes of several people, the old madman and Su Chen knew each other for sure.

"Everyone speed up."

Su Chen clapped his hands.

The top-grade crystal stimulated people's hearts.

Langyan also picked up a piece and played with it:

"It has strong energy, it is worthy of being a top-grade crystal. This piece is worth 10,000 low-grade crystals."

"Uncle Langyan."

Luo Luo blinked and said, "What you have in your hand is equivalent to 10,000 yuan in the price of fairyland. If it is a top-grade crystal, one piece is equivalent to one million."

Luo Luo remembered clearly the currency explained by the Yellow-robed Sect Leader.

A low-grade crystal is one yuan, a medium-grade is one hundred yuan, a high-grade is ten thousand yuan, and a top-grade is one million.

This is the price in fairyland.

Here, of course, it is not the same.

The Yellow-robed Cult Leader thought for a moment and said:

"Xiao Su, the value of top-grade crystals is relatively high. I think our price can be lowered a bit."

One hundred top-grade crystals are equivalent to one million low-grade crystals.

That's the value.

And the quantity and speed of Luo Luo's fishing for top-grade crystals are much slower than before.

If we still follow the previous price.......

The Yellow-robed Cult Leader felt that he had not paid much, but had gained too much, and he felt guilty.

"Let's settle the matter at the end."

Su Chen waved his hand and said, "If we follow what you guys said, Lao Huang, this is the last place. I don't know how many days we will have. Let's see how well we catch."

Borrowing their Teng Shu equipment can catch a lot more, and give some away, of course.

Su Chen thought it was nothing.

As a result, Luoluo controlled more and more fishing cages here.

Each cage has to wait in the water for ten minutes before it can be fully loaded.

However, something strange happened quickly to everyone.

After five hours of fishing.

The night has never receded.

It's still night here.

Another twelve hours passed.

It's still dark.

When thirty hours have passed.

The twinkling stars have become much less numerous.

The high-grade crystal stones Luoluo obtained has reached more than 7,000 yuan!

This is equivalent to more than 70 million low-grade crystal stones.


Suddenly, the female sword fairy's expression changed, and she said:

"I feel a hint of the law of heaven and earth. If nothing else happens, this is our last stop. Soon, we will leave here."

"That's true."

The leader in yellow clothes nodded: "There is already a trace of power driving us away."

They felt a breath of the laws of heaven and earth.

They all feel that in two or three hours, the small world will push everyone out.

"That's it."

Su Chen smiled.

He took out a batch of crystal stones.

"Two hundred high-quality crystals per person."

Su Chen distributed the spar to the leader of Huangyi and several others.


Among the few people, only the female sword fairy said thank you.

She was a little embarrassed.

The leader in yellow and the others didn't say anything, they just nodded gratefully to Su Chen, which was a way of saying thank you between men.

In the final moments.

Ye Qingning sat aside and watched quietly as Luo Luo controlled the fishing cage and the others pulled the cage.

Normally, the child girl is responsible for being elegant on the side.

She blinked and looked at the sky, slightly dazed.

She recalled some fragments of her life in the Fox Clan.

She was still a little fox back then.

Now he has the body of a human and the blood of the fox clan.

When he met Su Chen, the power of his bloodline exploded, causing chaos and an ambiguous night.

Fortunately, it was that night that Luo Luo came and the subsequent family was born.

Is everything destined?

My daughter is very lucky in this world.

But at the same time, Ye Qingning feels that her life is luckier.

Fortunately I met him.

Love always comes suddenly.

When did I fall in love with him?

Ye Qingning was distracted.

Perhaps only the crystal stone brought to her eyes could bring her back to her senses.

A few minutes passed.

Suddenly, Ye Qingning's eyelashes trembled.

She looked down at the water, then up at the sky, repeated six times.


Ye Qingning suddenly spoke.


Su Chen walked closer and smiled slightly: "What's wrong?"

"Look at the sky, there are many stars, all very bright..."

Ye Qingning said slowly: "Under the water, what looks like the reflection of the sky is crystal. Could the starlight in the sky also be crystal?"

Could the stars in the sky be crystals?


Su Chen's brain was buzzing slightly.

It’s scary to think about it!

This strange place.

How can you look at it with ordinary eyes?

If the bottom of the water is crystal, the sky cannot be crystal?

Absolutely not the case.

Ye Qingning's words attracted the attention of everyone present.

"It is really possible." The leader in yellow clothes said solemnly: "The light under the water is crystal, and the same is true for the starlight. It is very possible."

"But how to get the crystal stones in the sky?" Bahuang touched his chin: "Is it possible to shoot an arrow? Shoot it down?"

"That's right, you should shoot an arrow and shoot the fishing cage up. You can try it." The unknown old man said.

The leader in yellow thought for a while: "I'll do it first."

He quickly made a catapult slingshot, tied it with rattan, drew the bow, and fired.

However, after flying upward for more than twenty meters, the fishing cage encountered resistance and fell down.

"It's impossible. There are restrictions in the sky." The leader in yellow shook his head.

"Come on, daughter, try it."

Su Chen smiled and gave the catapult slingshot he had just chopped to Luo Luo.

"I'm coming."

Luoluo laughed and ran closer. The little princess stepped on both sides of the slingshot, pulled the bow and let go.

The fishing cage suddenly rose into the air.

However, when it reached about twenty meters, it still encountered resistance and had no strength to continue upward.

The fishing cage is about to fall down.

"Did you run out of luck?" Broken Knife King sighed softly.

He was really curious about what the crystals in the air would look like.

"With such a powerful restriction, it's possible that the one in the air is even a top-grade crystal?"

The butcher guessed: "Even human immortals are basically not qualified to have the best crystal stones. Those things are only supplies for big guys."

However, the next second.

The moment Luoluo's fishing cage fell.

There was a gust of wind in the air.

It's like flying a kite.

The fishing cage rises quickly, when the three hundred meters of rattan are about to be used up.


A flashing, bright starlight appeared in the fishing cage.

After pulling it back.

Everyone looked at the crystal in Luo Luo's palm.

That strong, pure and amazing aura.......


The pupils of the Yellow-robed Cult Leader shrank:

"It's really an eye-opener! It's really an eye-opener!"

"This is really a top-grade crystal!"

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