Fairy King Dad

Chapter 48: He is also a foodie!

"The Ye family have all returned."

"Where's Ye Qingning?"

"Check Ye Qingning's news immediately."

In a small town.

Feng Wuya and others rest here.

After coming out, they learned about the Ye family's return.

This made Feng Wuya relax.

Not bad, not bad...

He asked people to immediately check the news about Ye Qingning.

A few minutes passed.

Then a call came from his subordinates.

"Ye Qingning got on the expressway at 6:20 in the morning and was on her way to the Magic City."

Feng Wuya nodded after hearing this.

"Modu? Well, she should have gone to find the Lord. Let's go back to the Devil's Capital and obey the Lord's orders at any time."

Feng Wuya said with a smile on his face: "This time, the Lord has a daughter. The time in the secular world should be longer. We will be able to accompany the Lord in the Demon City for a while longer."

"Hehe." A demon commander said with a smile: "Palace Master, the previous Lord was always elusive, but this time I can catch him. As long as we stay here, we will definitely be able to share the Lord's worries and solve his problems." , Even if there is no big job, it is still possible to run errands and buy groceries. "

"What did you say?"

Feng Wuya's face darkened, and he said in a serious tone: "Say this kind of thing more often in the future. If nothing happens, just remind me that you must stay by the Lord's side, hahaha... "

At the end, Feng Wuya couldn't help laughing.

The atmosphere inside the Shadow Palace was peaceful.

They immediately set off for the Magic City.

Just getting ready to hit the road.

Feng Wuya took out his cell phone and made a call:

"Lord, complete the mission!"

"The Ye family have all returned to the Ye family. Ye Qingning left the Ye family and is driving to the Magic City. He is expected to arrive around 8:30."

Finished talking.

All she got was Su Chen: "Oh."

There was no sound left.

Feng Wuya coughed slightly and asked in a low voice: "My lord, I, I dare to stay and serve your lord. Your lord now has a princess. If there are other things, your lord can't get away..." ....”

"It's up to you." Su Chen said calmly.

"Okay! Lord, we are in the Magic City and are on standby at any time."

Feng Wuya said something with a trembling tone.

After the phone hangs up.

The eyes of the people in the car were all focused on his face.

Feng Wuya's beard was trembling. He raised his arms and said excitedly:

"My lord, I agree!"


In an instant.

There was silence in the car.

The next second!




In the car, bursts of cheers erupted!

They seemed to have won a stunning victory.

Oh no!

They were never so excited when they won a battle.

In fact, almost no one present had seen Su Chen.

The reason for their excitement is that they have not seen the palace master so excited for many years!

Since the master of the palace, Feng Wuya, has grown older.

Feng Wuya often lives in seclusion in his own house and lives in seclusion.

The smile on his face gradually diminished.

The whole person also looked a little lifeless.

Even starting from the year before last, Feng Wuya would frequently cough up blood.

This was a hidden disease left over from his early martial arts training and improvement in his realm.

Hidden diseases often occur in warriors in their later years.

This situation cannot be cured unless there is a breakthrough in martial arts.

In short, Feng Wuya doesn't have long to live.

The Shadow Palace was built by Feng Wuya.

This group of elites in the Shadow Palace treat Feng Wuya like a reborn parent.

They had heard the Lord's legend, but what they cared more about was Feng Wuya.

Since the Lord returned this time, Feng Wuya's mentality has become young again.

However, everyone knows that Feng Wuya is running out of time.

When Feng Wuya smiled, he was as happy as a child.

How could everyone not be excited?

The cheers in the car were like ocean waves, rising one after another.

There is even a magic commander who sings songs.

Demon Commander Awu stood in the center of the car with a smile on his face and sang softly:

"The evening breeze blows gently in Penghu Bay, white waves follow the beach, there are no coconut trees to drunken the setting sun, just a sea of ​​blue..."

The song ripples and lingers, like the lost youth that will never come back.

And this bus carried a group of people with their hands stained with blood. They wanted to move forward happily in the direction of the rising sun in the east.

There is no absolute between good and evil in the world, but there is a line. Some people are evil to most people in the world, but they are like children in front of some people.

Just like Feng Wuya, he sat with a smile on his face, watching everyone in the Shadow Palace perform songs.

‘I can watch you and follow the Lord in my lifetime, and I can die with peace of mind. ’

Feng Wuya whispered softly in his heart.

In his opinion, as long as the people from the Shadow Palace can stay in the Demon City and work for the Lord.

Even in just a few years, if they could learn some of the master's skills, everyone in the Shadow Palace would be greatly improved.

Among them, perhaps soon, there will be the next ‘Demon King’ to lead the Shadow Palace.

Feng Wuya's two wishes when he returned to the Dragon Kingdom this time were that the first was to meet the Lord, and the second was to be with the people from the Shadow Palace.

For him, life seemed to be ending successfully.


Seven o'clock.

Su Chen came to the kitchen.

The nine-star sword technique was launched.

With the flash of the knife, all the ingredients are ready.

It’s still the standard four dishes and one soup.

Ye Qingning might not be able to get here until half past eight.

Breakfast is usually around 7:40.

Ye Qingning came too late.

Su Chen had no intention of extending the breakfast time at first.

But when he wants to stir-fry.

"We're going to make breakfast, hee hee, I seem to be able to smell the fragrance from a long distance away."

Chen Shiyan was wearing pajamas and yawning. She walked to the kitchen and took a few glances: "Wow, are there chicken wings for breakfast? I'm so happy. Thank you for your hard work, our great hero."

Chen Shiyan said with a smile.

"Forget it, let's do it later."

Su Chen pondered for two seconds.

I plan to make breakfast later.

Ye Qingning gave birth to a daughter for herself. As Bai Qianqian and Chen Shiyan said, the process was difficult and difficult.

Although he and Ye Qingning had not known each other for a long time, the identity of...the child's mother was still different in Su Chen's heart and carried more weight.

"Want a Coke?"

Since Chen Shiyan drank the lotion given by Su Chen, her skin has been smooth and supple, and she has become beautiful even without makeup. Especially since she exudes sexy temperament everywhere, she has a natural temptation.

If an ordinary man had been in contact with Chen Shiyan for a long time, he would probably not be able to control his other thoughts.

Of course, Su Chen was no ordinary man. He sat down on the chair next to him and said, "Want a bottle of... Sprite."

Beverages are a category that he is not interested in.

But Su Chen wants to understand the current society. He has already drank Coke once and has no intention of trying it again. He will drink Sprite the second time.

"Okay, Uncle Su Chen, please wait a moment."

Chen Shiyan laughed sweetly, walked forward, and took two bottles of Sprite. She sat next to Su Chen, opened the drink, and took a few sips.

"Phew, it feels so good."

Chen Shiyan let out a long breath and looked ahead with a dull look: "Hey, Su Chen, you said, I have encountered all kinds of troubles. After I bought the script for the filming of the new drama, the script was suspected of plagiarism. Wait a minute. It took two months to start filming the new drama. In the first half, the actor fell ill. It took three months to start filming. Finally, Mr. Li gave me the right to use Panlong Mountain. As a result, Panlong Mountain was about to be demolished, and the filming was still not completed. It’s easy to buy time, the new drama is finished, but now..."

Speaking of this, Chen Shiyan said with a somewhat sad tone:

"Three episodes of the new drama have been leaked. I don't know who is targeting us. They are all slanderous voices, attacking our actors, judging their acting skills as bad, and commenting on the plot as rubbish. I don't know who is provoking whom. It is really difficult. ”

There are many things that have been suppressed in my heart. After a long time, I have ideas that I want to talk about.

Su Chen looked calm and took a sip of Sprite.

It tastes so-so.

He didn't like the taste of the drink.

"Want me to help?"

Su Chen said casually: "Solve your trouble."


Chen Shiyan was stunned. She glanced at Su Chen blankly for a few times and suddenly smiled: "Are you making me happy?"

"You have too many negative emotions. If you solve your troubles and make you happier, you can also make my daughter happier." Su Chen smiled lightly.

As the saying goes, those who are close to red are red and those who are close to ink are dark. There is a certain truth. When you are with people full of positive energy, you will be optimistic and optimistic. When you are with people full of negative energy, you will be tired and depressed.

Su Chen's words actually made Chen Shiyan feel more relaxed.

"Su Chen, I actually think you are quite a nice person, your cooking is delicious, and your piano skills are among the best in the world. You are quite capable, but the troubles on the Internet cannot be solved."

Chen Shiyan shook her head.

"Can't solve it?" Su Chen said amusedly: "Since someone is targeting you, find the source and the trouble can be solved."

"It's not that easy. My young master Su Chen, you think too simply."

Chen Shiyan pursed her lips and smiled: "But, I appreciate your kindness. Thank you. You will comfort me when I am sad. I will go wash up first and prepare to eat the food you cooked later."

At the end of the sentence, Chen Shiyan made a shooting gesture and turned back to the room.

Su Chen sat in the kitchen and waited for more than ten minutes before continuing to prepare the ingredients.

I plan to make six dishes and one soup today.

After all, Ye Qingning will be coming soon, and she is also a foodie.

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