Fairy King Dad

Chapter 498: Wish Come True (1/2)

"Go to bed. I don't want to practice today."

Lolo saw that the little red flower was missing a beautiful petal, so she put it away in a depressed mood.

As for the dissipation of the petals, it did not attract Lolo's attention.

She did not feel any energy at all.

Back in the room, Lolo fell on the bed.

Her petite body looked even smaller on the big bed.

But Lolo quickly got up and went to the extremely spacious bathroom and took a shower. On the left side of the bathroom, there was a room of more than 100 square meters, where pajamas were placed.

Most of the pajamas had cartoon patterns and were very small, looking like a children's clothing showroom.

Lolo didn't think much of it before.

But recently she was going to college, and seeing her classmates, each of them was 1.67 meters tall, she felt more and more that her height was seriously out of place.


Lolo pursed her lips, picked up a set of white suspender nightgown at random, put it on, and went back to the big bed, lying lazily.

Luo Luo waved her hand casually, and the mobile phone on the balcony flew into her hand.

After playing two games, Luo Luo put down her mobile phone and gradually fell asleep.

Although Luo Luo often practiced, she would also have a sweet sleep every few days in her practice life.

Eating and sleeping are essential details in life.


When Luo Luo fell asleep.

After a while.

Suddenly, pieces of light flowed in the palm of her right hand.

The light gathered into the shape of a petal.

It was the petal that fell from the little red flower.

The petal was shining at this moment, full of holiness.

It turned into light and covered Luo Luo's petite body.

In an instant.

Above the nine heavens, the laws of heaven and earth were turbulent, like a gust of wind, invisible and colorless.

No one felt the fluctuations of the laws of heaven and earth.

And the thousands of laws of heaven and earth covered Luo Luo's room.

Sleep until you wake up naturally.

This is a very comfortable thing.

The morning sun shines into the house through the gap in the curtains.

Lolo opened her eyes and yawned. With a slight movement of her mind, the curtains were pulled open to both sides, and the sun filled the house.

"Go wash up."

After waking up, Lolo lay on the bed for two minutes and played with her mobile phone.

She didn't realize that the mobile phone, which was originally very large in her hand, was now being played with one hand.

When Lolo raised her legs to put on her slippers, she found that the feet in front of the slippers had become much bigger.

"Uh... um?"

Lolo was stunned.

"Is this my leg?"

The picture that came into view.

Slender and white legs, flawless.


Lolo seemed to have turned into light, like lightning, and rushed directly to the bathroom.

In front of the floor-length mirror.

Lolo suddenly saw the beauty in the mirror...

Big eyes, eyes like wearing natural beauty contact lenses, bright and holy, delicate nose and small mouth, peerless beauty.

Her face shape is somewhat similar to Ye Qingning, but her eyes are different.

She looks like she has grown up from 11 or 12 years old to 18 or 19 years old, and has grown up completely.

She has lost a lot of childishness and is beautiful and charming. The small slings she wears can't hide her graceful figure at all.

"Who is this?"

Lolo was stunned.

She raised her hand and touched her pretty face.

The beauty in the mirror was exactly the same as her own movements.

She raised her hand and waved it again, making several complex movements.

A few seconds later!



"I, I, I have grown up?"

"Oh my God! I have grown taller, wooahhhh..."

Lolo's pretty face was flushed with excitement, and she shouted excitedly in the room.

After a while.

When Lolo regained her composure, her breathing was still a little rapid.

Her chest kept rising and falling with her breathing.

Lolo couldn't help but raise her hand and pinch her chest.


Lolo's eyes widened: "So big."

She bent down again, from her feet up, as if measuring the length of her legs with her hands.

"So long..."

"I have long legs!"

"Wow, I have a good figure!"

"Is this really me? Am I dreaming?"

Lolo pinched her cheeks.

"Not a dream!"

"I really grew taller!"

Lolo's emotions were once again in excitement.

'This is too cool! '

Lolo kept posing in front of the mirror.

Admire her own beauty.

The result made Lolo intoxicated.

This tall little figure is not easy to come by!


"It's really beautiful, wow, and it must be long legs. Oh, my mom and dad will be shocked when they see it later."

"No, but I...I have no clothes to wear."

Lolo was suddenly stunned.

She ran around in several cloakrooms.

There was no clothes to wear.

Helplessly, Luo Luo took off the sling, threw it aside, and returned to the bed dejectedly.


Luo Luo immediately called Ye Qingning:

"Um... come to my room for a moment."

"What's wrong? Call me if you have anything to say. I'm having coffee with your dad." Ye Qingning said lazily.

"Oh, just come here for a moment, hurry up, hurry up, I'll wait for you." Luo Luo urged.


Ye Qingning responded and hung up the phone.

A minute later, Ye Qingning came to Luoluo's room.

"Why did you call me here?"

When Ye Qingning saw Luo Luo in bed, she laughed and said, "It's already nine o'clock, why don't you get up?"


Luoluo's hands grasped the upper edge of the quilt and slowly pulled it down, revealing his little head.


Ye Qingning's pupils shrank, and in an instant, he took a breath of air.

Ye Qingning was shocked when she saw Luo Luo on the bed.


Ye Qingning stared blankly for a few seconds.

The outline of Luoluo's facial features is much the same as when he was eleven or twelve years old, but now he looks like an adult, charming and full of charm.

Ye Qingning finally realized something.


"Little guy, you, have you grown up?"

Ye Qingning said blankly.

"Hehe! Mom, look, I've grown taller!"

Luoluo sat up with a smile. She stood in front of Ye Qingning and showed her figure:

"My height is 1.73 meters. Mom, I have grown taller overnight, but I have no clothes. Please lend me some clothes first."

"What's going on?"

Ye Qingning was a little confused.

But right now, Luo Luo was still naked, so Ye Qingning took out some new clothes from the space ring.

"I'll get dressed first, and then I'll give dad a scare, haha."

Luoluo chose clothes with a smile.

Started with underwear and tried it on.

"Mom, you are one size older than me."

Lolo couldn't find anything that fit her well.

"Let's make do with it first."

Ye Qingning didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "It feels so strange. Yesterday you were only 1.4 meters tall, but today you are over 1.7 meters tall. Let's make do with what we wear. Mom will accompany you to buy clothes later."

"I have to, I have to buy a lot of clothes this time."

Luoluo nodded repeatedly.

Not only has his height grown, but his hair has also become longer, black and beautiful.

Wearing a black hoodie, jeans and sneakers.


"You have to be tall and wear beautiful clothes."

Luoluo looked at Ye Qingning proudly.

"Don't tell me, my daughter's face is so beautiful." Ye Qingning sat by the bed, looked at Luo Luo, and said with a smile: "You are a little fairy who will conquer the country. I don't know how many more will there be in the future." Man, I am fascinated by you.”

"Tch, I don't care about others, as long as you and my dad are nice to me." Luoluo said with a smile.

"You, please find a boyfriend and start a family as soon as possible, otherwise your father and I will be disturbed all the time." Ye Qingning curled her lips.

"I don't, I'm just a light bulb." Luo Luo rolled his eyes.

Ye Qingning had nothing to do with her.

However, because Luo Luo is a daughter, although the father and daughter have always been together since Luo Luo was six or seven years old, Su Chen has older ideas and has already taught Luo Luo about the principle of indifference between men and women.

When Luoluo got dressed.

The couple came to the fifth floor.

On the balcony of the room, Su Chen was drinking coffee.


The moment I saw Luoluo.

Su Chen took a sip of coffee and sprayed it on the ground.

He was stunned on the spot.

"Ahem, Su Chen, do you know who I am?" Luo Luo said pretentiously.

Su Chen looked confused.

A few seconds passed.

Luoluo turned around in front of Su Chen and said with a smile:

"Dad, look at me, I'm 1.73 meters tall now, and I'm over 1.75 meters tall with shoes on. Hey, I'll grow as long as I say, and I won't break my promise."

Luoluo's expression was full of smugness and embarrassment.

"What's going on?"

Su Chen quickly stood up, looked around Luo Luo, and pinched Luo Luo's cheek.

"Did it change overnight?"

Su Chen couldn't believe it, but the fact happened before his eyes.

"I don't know either."

Luoluo sat on the chair, gently lifted her long legs and put them on the table. She swayed her feet and looked at her long legs with pleasure.

"Take it down."

Ye Qingning patted Luoluo's calf.

Luoluo retracted her legs obediently and said with a smile, "It's really different to have long legs."

Su Chen looked at Luo Luo, touched his forehead, and asked with a head as big as an ox:

"What happened?"

Su Chen couldn't get used to her daughter becoming so beautiful and tall.

Yesterday I was still about ten years old, today I am an adult.

So scary!

In this way, I don't know how many people will be crazy to pursue Luoluo.

"Just yesterday, when I had nothing to do, I took out a lot of spiritual treasures to look at, and then, yes, I remembered them."

Luoluo suddenly sat up straight, and there was a small red flower in the palm of her hand, like a rose.

"Dad, this is the little red flower that the old crazy grandpa gave me. One of the three largest golden-red petals below was missing. Last night, I seemed to be holding this flower to make a wish. I want to grow taller. , and then when I woke up, I was really 1.73 meters tall.”

As Luoluo spoke, he felt a little dazed: "Could it be that my wish came true because of this little red flower?"

Su Chen and Ye Qingning looked at each other, their thoughts covering the little red flowers.

No breath could be detected at all.

"It's strange that this little red flower has always looked like a flower, and it's still blooming after so many years."

Ye Qingning looked suspicious: "Luoluo's practice is normal. Luoluo didn't feel the energy fluctuations last night, so the suspicion of this little red flower is much greater. Is it possible that this can make people wish?" A real treasure? It’s entirely possible that it came from the hands of an old madman.”

"Wishes come true. I have never heard of such a treasure." Su Chen touched his chin and pondered: "But we cannot rule out this possibility. The origin of the old madman is too mysterious. The red flowers he gave to his daughter may be real. What amazing abilities do you have?”

"You'll know if you try it," Luoluo muttered, "Then I'll make another wish."

"No, no, no."

Su Chen immediately said: "Look, there are only two golden-red petals left. One of them disappeared yesterday. It may be the effect of making your wish come true. There is nothing wrong now. If something happens in the future, try making a wish." Try it, if it is true, this kind of treasure cannot be wasted easily. "

"Oh, okay." Luoluo nodded and put the little red flowers away. She said with a smile, "I want to go out for a spin."

Luoluo flew down from upstairs.

"Uncle Langyan, where are you? Come and see, I have grown taller!"

Luoluo yelled loudly: "Uncle Langyan, you said before that I would grow taller in three years, so you just bark like a dog..."

"What the hell!"

After Langyan appeared, everyone was shocked when they saw Luoluo.

"Woof woof woof."

Soon, Lang Yan took the initiative to call out, making Luo Luo laugh.

"Oh, Uncle Lang Yan, I don't even intend to let you bark like a dog. Look at you, you are too proactive."

Luoluo said with a smile.

Because Lang Yan always likes to joke and tease Luo Luo on weekdays, Luo Luo's favorite among Su Chen's senior brothers is Lang Yan.

"Bahuang, Desert, come, come, everyone, come and see, the little princess of the Heavenly King's Palace has grown taller!"

The sound of wolf smoke spread throughout the palace: "The little princess's legs are more than one meter long. This is a miracle of the world. Come and see..."

Under the smoke, a group of people quickly came around Luoluo.

"Congratulations, little princess!"

Li Cheng laughed heartily: "The little princess is so charming now. She has really grown up. I am so happy."

"Haha." Luoluo smiled happily.

At the same time, Su Chen and Ye Qingning stood on the edge of the balcony, looking at Luo Luo below.

Luoluo turned into a beautiful woman, which made the palace suddenly lively.

There are obvious differences between Luoluo and Ye Qingning.

Ye Qingning likes to enjoy life and is very elegant in everything she does.

Luoluo is generous, sunny, quirky, playful and lively.

The two of them looked at Luo Luo, who was laughing without caring about his image, and they couldn't help laughing.

"Shall we go shopping for clothes later? The clothes in the little guy's room can't be worn now." Ye Qingning said with a smile.

"You two go ahead."

Su Chen waved his hand.

His daughter's clothes had to be changed inside and out. It was okay for him to accompany Ye Qingning to the underwear store, but he could just go with his daughter.

Su Chen was on the balcony and said with a smile:

"Today I celebrate my daughter's growth. There will be a banquet at noon."


Lang Yan and others responded one after another.

Around Luoluo, it was not just Lang Yan and the others, but also the Chen family, Li family and others.

Even Ye Ying and Jiang Rou, after hearing about the incident, immediately took a private plane from Xihang and planned to attend the grand luncheon.

After a while, Ye Qingning drove and took Luoluo out to the largest shopping mall in the Bay Area.

When she went out, Ye Qingning felt that this might be the most clothes she had ever bought.

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