Fairy King Dad

Chapter 627: Borrowing a Knife to Kill (1/2)

The puppet spider is very fast in the dark jungle.

Su Chen was targeted by it.

Even if Su Chen could break the puppet spider's form head-on, he could not kill it.

"With my current strength, it is difficult to kill the puppet spider."

"Each of its heads has been refined for a long time, and the sword and shackles have little effect."

"Illusions have no effect on it either."

"The puppet spider is a special corpse king."

Su Chen was entangled by the puppet spider, so his speed was slow.

Fifty miles, for corpse kings and some corpses in the spirit refining, returning to the void, and great success realm, it doesn't take long.

Su Chen entered the dark jungle and just crossed halfway, he broke the giant form of the puppet spider again.

At this time, the flames on the flame tyrant appeared not far behind.

"Kill him."

The flame tyrant roared.

The puppet spider glanced at it, and then his eyes fell on Su Chen.

"Go south!"

Su Chen once again threw a stunning punch, destroying the puppet spider form, and immediately fled to the south.

At the edge of the inland sea, he was flying.

At the same time, he used the magical power of falling leaves to pull in the north-south direction, which was also suitable.

So Su Chen kept fleeing south.

In the dark jungle, there were few corpses, which made Su Chen's speed faster.

Soon, there were only more than 30 corpse kings chasing behind.

And a large number of corpses were constantly pulled down, and they were attacking from behind.

"We're almost there."

"There's still 30 miles."

Su Chen quietly left a fallen leaf and continued to move forward.

When the distance was only ten miles.

Su Chen's mind suddenly felt a team of thousands of people.

One team after another, from the direction of the inland sea, ran towards the Death Valley.

Su Chen's mind covered the past, and he suddenly heard some words.

"We have five teams this time."

"Team One is responsible for the decapitation operation, killing some important figures in the main world."

"What is the mission of Team Two?"

"It seems to be a massacre. Anyway, in the main world, the more people are killed, the better the effect. The more chaos there is, the better."

"Fuck, massacre? So cool, I want to go to Team Two."

"Our team is also fine, responsible for attracting the corpse tide. This time, we are going to fight a protracted war with the Heavenly King Palace in the Death Valley. We will use the corpse tribe to attack, and the main world will fall soon."


Su Chen's face sank when he heard this.

Actions against the main world, decapitation plan, corpse tide plan, massacre plan?

As an enemy camp, there is nothing to say.

Life and death is the norm.

The Heavenly King Palace and the main city alliance are a foregone conclusion that they will fight to the death.

"More than 6,000 people."

"The lowest is the Void Refining Realm."

"The highest is the first level of the Tribulation."

"It can be regarded as the high-end force of the main city alliance."

Su Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, and he deliberately waited for the corpse king behind him.

When the distance was closer, Su Chen flew over quickly.

A team of thousands of people passed through the dark jungle.

Someone said:

"We are finally going to cross the dark jungle. Every time I look at the dark jungle, I feel nervous, as if some monsters can jump out of it at any time."

As soon as the voice fell.

A figure flew out in full view of the crowd.

"Is there anyone?"

"Is there anyone!"

"Who are you?"

A man who was at the first level of the Tribulation, he said coldly.

"Who am I?"

Su Chen suddenly stopped in the void, and he smiled.

After standing firm.

When they saw Su Chen's face clearly.

"He, he is..."

Before the first level of the Tribulation strongman could speak.

I saw that more than a dozen... corpse kings emerged in the dark jungle!

"Corpse King!"

"All Corpse Kings!"

While shouting.

The man who had passed the first level of the Tribulation Realm changed his face greatly: "He is Su Changfeng!"


Su Chen punched.

The first level realm had no chance of survival in his hands.

One punch cut off the road of life and death.

Su Chen killed all the first level of the Tribulation Realm.

More than 6,000 people flew into the air and fled everywhere.

And Su Chen was also facing the attack of the Corpse King behind him.

He used the Dark Dragon Thunder Shadow to defend himself, and then decisively ran into the crowd.

Su Chen was killing.

The Corpse Kings were also attacking.

Corpse Kings almost killed the human race as soon as they met.

More than 6,000 people were not enough, and soon, the slower Fire Tyrant came.

The Fire Tyrant of the sixth level rushed around, and each slap could kill dozens of people.

In this way, only dozens of people out of more than 6,000 people managed to stay away temporarily, and Su Chen, through the Falling Leaves Magic, his figure disappeared directly.


The pursuer pointed to the back.

The Flame Tyrant roared angrily.

He chased again.

But Su Chen's situation was awkward.

When he returned to the position thirty miles behind.

Just then, a huge tide of corpses rushed over.

In a short moment, countless attacks came one after another.

Su Chen immediately fled to the west.

Fortunately, there were no corpse kings here.

Su Chen escaped all the way.

After crossing the dark jungle, he faced two corpse king forces in front of him.

In the entanglement, the Flame Tyrant and others in the back chased again.


"Because I killed many corpse kings in the Death Valley."

Su Chen was a little helpless.

After killing some zombie kings and being constantly chased by the flame tyrant, the situation is a bit not optimistic.

But it doesn't matter.

Can still escape.

"There are only two fallen leaves left."

Su Chen looked around.

The corpse kings gathered together.

No chance at all to kill the tracker.

Moreover, it is very difficult to kill the tracker.

"The Nine Dragons Holy Body is about to break through."

"As long as we break through, our chances of killing the tracker will be greater."

I want to break through, but now is not the time at all, and now I just feel like I have a breakthrough.


Su Chen fled towards the north.

Supreme Divine Fist!

Ghost Dragon Thunder Shadow!

Robbery sword!

The magical powers were continuously used to push back the Corpse King. At this moment, behind Su Chen were the magical powers of many Corpse Kings.

The fire tyrant fired out, covered with terrifying fluctuations.

Su Chen defended himself, but was still hit on the body.

The flames burned the clothes into a mess.

Even the skin was in great pain.

"If it were not for the Nine Dragons Holy Body, but for an ordinary body, these flames would have destroyed my body."

Su Chen was secretly shocked.

Fortunately, after resisting this round of offensive, he successfully broke through and fled towards the main city area on the inland sea.

Su Chen's speed reached its peak.

Because the road was clear, Su Chen gradually distanced himself from the group of corpses behind him.

But it's just a slow distance.

Gradually, Su Chen saw the main city area.

Crossed the ruins of the main city of Kunlun.

Far ahead, there is a relatively large main city.

Flowing Fire City.

A member of the Main City Alliance.

Nearby, there were many teams who saw Su Chen and observed the tide of corpses behind him.

Soon, a large number of people appeared in Liuhuo City.

The guarding forces floated low in the sky one after another.

"More than thirty corpse kings?"

"Quickly go and notify other major cities."

"Who is that person at the front?"

"Su Changfeng! He is Su Changfeng!"

A cold voice came.

Many people turned around and saw a thin figure flying out of the palace in the main city.

Han Lei Mansion Zhennan King!

Here he is.

The fifth-level Zhennan King, leading dozens of tribulation transcenders and tens of thousands of high-end cultivation forces, came towards them.

"Su Changfeng, you are going to be hunted down wherever you go."

King Zhennan narrowed his eyes.

When he saw the Fire Tyrant in the sixth level.

King Zhennan’s pupils shrank.

"Let people retreat first."

King Zhennan ordered.

The zombie wave is about ten minutes away from Flowing Fire City.

These ten minutes were enough for the people in Flowing Fire City to retreat a distance.

As for Su Chen, the distance is getting closer and closer.

Five minutes later.

Su Chen is only about one kilometer away from Zhennan King.

"Su Changfeng..."

Su Changfeng, Brother Long who can kill deep mines, his strength should not be underestimated.

King Zhennan was very cautious and had no intention of fighting alone.

"Kill him!"

King Zhennan shouted loudly, and he rushed away with tens of thousands of people.

Facing this torrent, Su Chen fled directly to the north.

If you hit me head-on, forget it.

The King of Zhennan led tens of thousands of people and had no chance of defeating him.


When King Zhennan saw the group of corpse kings from the Flame Tyrant, they were running in the direction of Su Chen.

He immediately laughed:

"Su Changfeng, Su Changfeng, what outrageous thing did you do to be hunted down by these corpse kings?"

King Zhennan clapped his hands:

"Tangle him, as long as he delays his speed, he will die if the Corpse King catches up!"

King Zhennan is very good at fighting.

Su Chen heard this and sneered: "Want to kill me? Just come."

Su Chen did not slow down and ran towards the north, escaping quickly.

However, only a handful of people in King Zhennan's team could keep up with Su Chen's speed.

Just like that, after half an hour of pursuit.

See the Eternal Forest to the north.

"It's hard to kill when you enter the forest. This is an opportunity."

King Zhennan couldn't help but speed up.

Behind him, there were sixteen first-level tribulation transcenders, following closely.

However, after accelerating, King Zhennan gradually distanced himself from them.

And King Zhennan is getting closer and closer to Su Chen.

Su Chen saw this from the front.

"Keep it even."

"Wait until King Zhennan is a thousand meters closer to me."

"I have five seconds."

Five seconds, if you can kill, kill. If you can't kill, you can only escape!

Two thousand meters, one thousand five hundred meters, one thousand three hundred meters...

One thousand meters!

"Take action!"

In an instant!

Su Chen used magical powers one after another.

He ducked and closed the distance with King Zhennan.

Robbery sword!

Ghost Dragon Thunder Shadow!

Dragons roaming the world!

Magical clouds and mist!




Su Chen squeezed his body's potential and unleashed all his magical powers in just three seconds.

Su Chen's Nine Dragons Holy Body was already at full load.

King Zhennan shouted sharply.

He swung his long sword, and hundreds of sword lights flashed, constantly disrupting Su Chen's offensive.

"So strong!"

"But not enough!"

King Zhennan continued to destroy Su Chen's magical powers.

But he was trapped in a fantasy.

Zhennan Wang was still attacking violently. Even though he was trapped in the illusion, as long as he kept attacking, his subordinates and the corpse king would arrive soon!

Would he dare to delay?

Su Chen could not break the defense of Zhennan Wang for a while.

Four seconds!

Five seconds!

The group of people who had passed the first and second levels of the tribulation arrived close and attacked Su Chen one after another.

In the light of many magical powers.

Su Chen's expression suddenly became trance.

His Nine Dragon Holy Body suddenly became hot.

In his mind, as if he was trapped in the dark void, a huge finger appeared in front of him, and brown light burst out from the fingertips...


Incomparably fast!

Speed-type magical powers, extremely lethal!

"Blue Dragon Finger!"


Su Chen's Nine Dragon Holy Body broke through to the fourth level!

A huge stream of energy surged throughout his body, and the power of his body was greatly improved.

So, Su Chen once again used the Supreme Divine Fist and other magical powers.

"Breaking Fist!"

Su Chen continued to disintegrate the magical powers of the other enemies, but the Flame Tyrant and the others were already very close. Their goal was to kill Su Chen first.

Zhennan Wang was still in the illusion, and he continued to use magical powers.

Su Chen pondered for a moment.

"Zhennan Wang, let the Corpse King kill him. I don't believe that he will not kill him if he stands in front of me in the illusion!"

Su Chen gritted his teeth. He tried his best to control the illusion while fighting against the magical powers of the other powerful people who had crossed the tribulation, and waiting for the Corpse King to come.

Soon, more than a dozen Corpse Kings arrived first.

"Go to hell!"

Su Chen shouted coldly.

Nine Dragons Holy Body, the fourth magical power, Blue Dragon Finger!

Su Chen raised his hand and pointed at the pursuer!

In an instant, a brown stream of light cut through the void.

The pursuer had no time to react and his body was pierced!

However, the vitality of the tracker was very strong. Even if there was a fist-sized hole in its body, it was still alive!

"What a pity! I couldn't kill him!"

"Leave now!"

Su Chen's attack failed and he left decisively.

However, he still controlled the illusion.

The magic cloud, the four seas dragon and the shackles were affecting the King of Zhennan.

His subordinates who were crossing the tribulation left immediately when they saw the corpse king. Some people wanted to pull the King of Zhennan, but were blocked by Su Chen nearby.

Su Chen was behind the King of Zhennan.

And the Flame Tyrant looked at the King of Zhennan, and then at the injured tracker.

In anger, he slapped him hard.


The King of Zhennan was flattened and fell to the ground, his body still burning with flames!

The King of Zhennan, dead!

The Flame Tyrant and other corpse kings attacked Su Chen who was nearby.

"Dragon Thunder Shadow!"

"Phantom Cloud Magic Mist!"

Su Chen used the remaining energy in his body to perform several magical powers to contain the enemy.

He endured the attacks of the five corpse kings.

The meridians in his body were injured, but at the same time, Su Chen also pulled away.

He fled to the north at a rapid speed. Before Su Chen rushed into the Eternal Forest, he used the Blue Dragon Finger again!

The brown light was extremely fast.

He rushed straight to attack the pursuer.

But the Flame Tyrant was on guard this time. He slapped the brown light away.

The next second.

Su Chen immediately fled into the Eternal Forest and disappeared.


The Flame Tyrant seemed to be angry and would not stop until Su Chen was killed.

But the pursuer gradually slowed down at this moment.

He looked at the Eternal Forest and felt a little scared.

When he came to the edge of the Eternal Forest, the pursuer looked inside.

He still felt Su Chen's breath, just in the distance, and fled quickly.


If you continue to chase, you will die easily!

The brown light...

The pursuer lowered his head and whispered:

"The breath is lost."

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