Fairy King Dad

Chapter 860 Do you dare to come? (1/2)

"What does it have to do with me whether you are crazy or not?"

Su Huo shrugged: "Who cares? I just wish you were crazy."

"Oh, really?" The corners of Su Chen's mouth raised a slight arc.


Su Chen didn't expect that when he returned to the Su family, his power would come so quickly.

"Su Huo, don't go too far."

Sitting nearby, with his arms folded, a man in his thirties with a long face and thick eyebrows suddenly said: "Su Chen is also our younger brother."

He is Su Kai's son, Su Shize.

After Su Shize spoke, Su Huo's face looked a little ugly. He said coldly:

"Brother, I don't have a younger brother like this. Look at what a dick he is? He's as good as 2,500 to 80,000 yuan. He entered the door of the Su family and didn't even understand the rules? Isn't this uneducated? Oh, that's right. He was born but not raised by his mother, so what’s the use of going to the Immortal Land to practice.”

Being able to go to the Immortal Land to experience it represents the investment of resources. The energy in the life capsule is not an ordinary thing, and it also requires paying a certain price to obtain it.

Su Huo felt a bit sour when he said this.

However, this sentence made Su Chen laugh, and he was really angry.

"Why are you laughing? Do you believe I will cut you?" Su Huo said with eyes wide open.

This scene made several people around look shocked.

The little girl who was talking to Su Chen before was even more dazed: "It can't be like this."

The scene was slightly chaotic.

Su Xing blushed and said, "Su Huo, don't bully him."

"What's the matter with you? Why don't you just stay cool!" Su Huo pointed at Su Xing.

"That's enough, stop saying a few words!" Su Shifeng scolded, he looked at Su Chen again, and said in a deep voice: "Su Chen, our Su family is a celebrity family after all. We welcome you back to the family, but you forgot Got the rules!”


Su Chen slowly stood up, his eyes becoming more and more indifferent.

"Yes, that's the rule."

Su Shiwei, who was a few years older than Su Chen, smoothed her hair and said slowly: "Su Chen, you made a mistake from the moment you entered the door. Didn't your uncle and aunt teach you etiquette? Grandpa values ​​etiquette the most. You When you come back for the first time and meet us for the first time, you should stand in the center, make a formal introduction to yourself, and then offer tea to the elders according to their seniority to say hello. "

Su Shiwei said the word "seniority" rather seriously.

She smiled slightly and said:

"Don't blame Su Huo for his temper. Anyone else would be dissatisfied with this matter, but if you make mistakes, correct them. I think everyone will forgive you, right? After all, we are all a family."

As soon as these words came out, several people said one after another: "Yes, that's it. It's not too late for you to repent now, Su Chen."

Su Huo snorted coldly: "I think he is no different from a wild boy from the countryside. It makes me laugh. He goes to the fairy land to practice, and his brain is dumb from the experience. He doesn't even understand the rules. He is a loser."

Su Huo was cursing, but someone was also trying to comfort Su Chen, asking him to repent, and asking him to give him tea and say hello according to his seniority.

This kind of intimidating method combines hardness and softness.

Normally, you just have to swallow your anger.

Su Shize looked at Su Chen who was approaching, with a hint of contempt in his eyes:

‘A guy like this is worthy of being my opponent? ’

Not only him, but everyone else also thought that Su Chen wanted to serve tea.

However, when he came closer and glanced at Su Shize, Su Shifeng, Su Shiwei and others, he then withdrew his gaze and looked at Su Huo condescendingly. He said lightly:

"Are you worthy of me giving me a blow? What kind of bullshit rules are there? If you respect me, we can still talk about kinship. If you don't respect me, who are you?"


As soon as these words came out, everyone on the scene changed their expressions and took in a breath of cold air.

"What did you say?"

Su Huo stood up and cursed angrily: "He's the one who wants to be beaten!"

He was about to punch.

Su Huo has some kung fu skills and a powerful punch.

But Su Chen was faster and waved his right arm.

There was a loud snap.

A slap hit Su Huo's face, knocking him to the ground.

Su Huo was stunned on the spot, feeling his brain buzzing and his whole body shaking with pain.

"What are you doing?"

"You dare to take action?"

Su Shifeng stood up and said angrily: "What did Su Huo do? Do you want to fight like this? Didn't he just say a few words to you? If you didn't do something right, what would happen if you were said a few words? When you enter the Su family's gate, the rules are strict. , you have to endure these things!”

"What if I can't bear it?"

Su Chen frowned and looked at Su Shifeng: "Don't use the rules of seniority to pressure me."

"You, you... are too much!" Su Shifeng said with a cold face: "Okay, that's great. I didn't expect that a disrespectful, arrogant and arrogant junior would come to our Su family. He is really the Yangtze River Houlang, just wait, let’s see what you do when grandpa comes!”

"It doesn't matter who comes."

Su Chen found an empty place and sat down. He didn't even raise his head: "Since you want to provoke me, you have to pay the price. Su Huo scolded me. Slapping him is a light thing. If he dares to do it again, I will definitely do it." Break his legs."

Having said this, Su Chen took a sip of tea and pointed at the people in front of him: "Including you, it's the same."

"What did you say?" Su Shifeng stood up and glared at Su Chen: "How arrogant!"

After saying that, Su Shifeng stood up and walked away.

Su Huo was lying on the ground, his face was swollen and he was speechless. He was helped down.

Others were stunned.

Especially Su Xing, he pushed his glasses, there was a sense of refreshment in the depth of his eyes, but his slightly red cheeks made people feel that he was socially anxious again.


Su Shize leaned on the sofa, did not speak, and just looked at Su Chen quietly.

Su Chen's behavior was beyond his expectation.

The atmosphere on the scene became subtle.

Soon, a man over fifty years old walked out of the small banquet hall inside. He was wearing a blue suit and walked closer. He glanced at Su Chen and said:

"The second master asked you all to go in."

"Then let's go and take a look." Su Shize laughed, stood up and led the way.

A group of people left, Su Chen was the last one, and went forward with Su Xing.

Among this group of people, it seems that only Su Chen wore a casual suit, which looked quite different, but his well-proportioned figure and well-dressed clothes always made several little girls in the crowd look at him sideways.

"That's awesome, it makes me feel better." Su Xing secretly gave a thumbs up: "But, you're going to be in trouble later, the second master will definitely scold you."

"It's okay, there are parents." Su Chen smiled.

Although they didn't have much contact time, Su Chen knew very well that Su Mu and Pan Zhiyun were very protective of their children.

The small banquet hall was decorated luxuriously, with brilliant lights and walls. There were six dining tables inside, and a small stage at the innermost.

At this moment, the second master Su Changhe, as well as Su Kai and others, were sitting at two tables in the innermost.

Su Shize and his group sat below, and the young people also sat at two tables.


As soon as Su Chen sat down, a middle-aged man slammed the table and stood up:

"Su Chen, you are so brave, you just came home and beat your brother? Didn't you see that your brother's face was swollen, you are so arrogant!"

The person who spoke was Su Huo's father Su Long.

At this moment, the wife beside Su Long said with red eyes: "Father, Su Chen is too much. He just came back and he is like this. What can we do about it?"

"It is indeed a bit inappropriate." Uncle Su Kai said in a deep voice: "No matter what, we are all family. No matter how noisy we are, we can't hurt others."

Eldest aunt Su Rou snorted coldly: "Su Mu is the owner of Shanhai Martial Arts Hall. He is very skilled in martial arts. There is nothing to say about the son he raises."

"Hey, yes, my biological son, I follow him." Su Mu smiled and nodded, as if he didn't care.

"What happened outside just now?"

Second Master Su Changhe asked calmly.


Su Shiwei stood up and said, "It's Su Chen's problem. After he entered the house, he went to our place without introducing himself or saying hello. He just sat aside. Su Huo couldn't stand it, so he said a few words, but he didn't expect Su Chen to go berserk on the spot and slap Su Huo in the face. He also said that the rules of the Su family are shitty rules, and threatened us that he would beat anyone who dared to make trouble."

"Yes, that's right. He is too arrogant." Su Long's youngest son Su Jin nodded heavily. He smiled and said, "Grandpa, the family spent resources to send Su Chen to the fairyland for training, but after the training, he was so disrespectful and unruly? How can this be? If this matter is spread out, it will be a disgrace to my Su family's century-old tradition!"

These words made most of the elders present unhappy.

Pan Zhiyun frowned slightly, and her eyes were a little confused.

Su Mu smiled and drank tea, as if he didn't care about this matter.

"Su Chen, do you know that today's family dinner is for you?" Su Changhe said softly with his eyes closed.

Facing the Second Master Su, Su Chen showed respect.

This is also what Su Mu told him. No matter how they fight for power, the Second Master Su is the only elder of the Su family. He has made many contributions to the Su family and has done his best. He must respect the Second Master.

So, Su Chen stood up and bowed to Su Changhe after hearing this: "Reply to the Second Master, I know."

"They all came to give you some face."

Su Changhe opened his eyes, he looked at Su Chen, and said slowly: "Respecting the old and loving the young, respecting the elders is a basic virtue and the bottom line of family style."

Su Changhe spoke very slowly, he seemed to be considering what to say next.

A face full of shrewdness.

However, Su Chen did not play by the rules. He stood straight, looked at the people around him, and said in a clear voice:

"Second Master, there is a reason for everything. We martial artists enjoy revenge. If Su Huo just said a few words to me, I would not argue with him. But Second Master, he said that I was uneducated and that I had a mother who gave birth to me but not a mother who raised me..."


Before Su Chen finished speaking, Pan Zhiyun was furious.

She glared and slammed the table:

"It's simply outrageous!"

"What did Su Huo say?"

"What? My son just came home and he is being ridiculed?"

"You guys, it's okay to fight for some family property openly or secretly on weekdays, I can tolerate these, but you can't bully my son!"

"Second Uncle!"

Pan Zhiyun said angrily: "They want to give me an explanation today, what does this mean? My son just came back, and this is it? What will happen after a long time?"

While speaking, Pan Zhiyun also glared at Su Shiwei.

It was like returning the sentence she described intact.

When Pan Zhiyun spoke.

The scene became quiet.

"Hey, this, this, this, Xiaoyun, why are you still angry? Not really, just some quarrels between the younger generation." Mrs. Su Kai said.

"What Su Huo said was indeed a bit too much." Su Kai said in a muffled voice, and glanced at Su Mu.

"A family dinner should be like a family dinner."

Another collateral relative said, "Su Chen has just returned, you should be enthusiastic to provoke him, even if there are fewer rules, we can talk about it later, don't be picky."

When these people spoke, they would look at Su Mu more or less.

Su Mu, the owner of Shanhai Martial Arts Hall, still had a smile on his face. He was drinking tea, listening to everyone talking, and nodding from time to time.

Su Chen observed carefully and discovered this.

He immediately had a guess.

Maybe Dad is also the kind of person... It's okay for others to say a few words to him, but he will definitely turn his face if he says something about Mom.

Maybe this happened before, so Pan Zhiyun stood up, which made everyone afraid.

Or, there is another reason, Mom is good at business, in charge of some companies, her methods are impressive, and over time, she has also gained prestige.

But no matter which one it is, the opposition between the Second Master's lineage and Su Chen's lineage still exists, which can be seen from the subtle atmosphere.

Second Master Su Changhe sighed softly: "Xiaoyun, sit down, no one in the family will bully your son."

"Some fights between the younger generations, you can handle it yourself."

Su Changhe waved his hand.

This matter was over.

When Su Chen and Pan Zhiyun sat down, the atmosphere on the scene eased a little.

Soon, some wine and food were served.

Su Kai and his group chatted among themselves, and Su Mu and Su Nan also chatted in low voices.

It's just that they just took a few bites of food.

Su Shize stood up and said: "First of all, on behalf of our generation, I welcome my younger brother Su Chen home."

A glass of wine, drank first.

Su Chen held the wine glass, stood up and gestured to him, and drank a glass of wine.

Then Su Chen sat down and looked at him quietly, not knowing what tricks he was going to play.

"Grandpa, uncle, aunt."

Su Shize smiled and said, "I think what Grandpa said just now makes a lot of sense. Things between the younger generations should be solved by the younger generations. Su Huo was beaten today, and he couldn't help feeling unconvinced. Su Huo still has a few friends during his time in Kowloon. I'm also afraid that Su Huo will have a vengeful heart. After all, anyone who gets beaten will feel uncomfortable."

"So I thought, there will be a gathering of young people in Kowloon at the Riverside Club tomorrow night. They are all people from our circle, and there are not many people. I want to invite brother Su Chen to participate, so that I can clarify some things with Su Huo in person and explain to his good friends. I don't know if you will come, brother Su Chen?"

After these words came out, everyone on the field had different expressions, especially some elders. They looked at Su Mu and Pan Zhiyun with some playful eyes.

This is Su Shize's counterattack!

You, Su Chen, came to the Su family and beat Su Huo violently. The second master's lineage did lose some face because Su Huo's words seemed to be wrong.

But now, Su Shize wants to compete with Su Chen. The Hongmen Banquet is ready. Do you dare to come?

Pan Zhiyun had a blank expression on her face, but she didn't speak this time.

It would have been fine if she had just had an outburst. Now, it was some open and secret struggles between the younger generation, and she couldn't intervene.

All eyes were on Su Chen.

They didn't know how Su Chen would answer?

Su Shiwei's eyes were a little provocative. She thought to herself:

'If you are a coward, then refuse. In the future, you will not be able to raise your head in front of us. If you dare to go, I will see how you will spend tomorrow. Ha, no matter what you choose, you will lose. Since you dare to attack Su Huo, you have to pay the price. '

Su Shiwei thought about it and returned a sentence Su Chen said, but she couldn't speak at the family banquet, so she could only think about it in her heart.

"This opportunity..."

Under everyone's gaze, Su Chen smiled faintly, raised a glass of beer, drank it all, and then put the glass on the table. After a bang, Su Chen said four words:

"I can't ask for it."

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