Fairy King Dad

Chapter 864: Showing one's courage (1/2)

After Su Chen finished speaking, he turned and walked towards the door.

When Su Chen left.


Su Shifeng and others looked frightened.

If you stay, when Milsmith wakes up, killing yourself will be in vain!

"Let's go."

Su Shifeng rolled around, got up and left.


Millsmith lay on the ground, screaming in pain.

"Someone come quickly!"

Zhao Jin covered his wound. His hands were covered with blood. He stood up and said, "Send Mr. Smith to the hospital."

Zhao Jin and his party also left.

There were more than thirty people on the field, and they immediately fell into an uproar.

"It's so cruel."

"What's the name of that person from the Su family?"

"Su Chen, his name is Su Chen. He just came back from the fairy land. He is a ruthless person."

"A ruthless person?" Sun Chen shook his head: "He's just a reckless man. He hit him happily, but what will he do afterwards? What good end will he get if he offends Mill Smith? Haha, no one else needs to do it. I guess today In the evening, the Su family will have to tie him up to apologize to Smith."

The group of people were talking a lot.

Some people also took out their mobile phones and called their families.

The story began to spread in some circles in Kowloon.

"What do you mean, someone from the Su family was beaten by Milsmith?"

"A man named Su Chen penetrated Milsmith's palm with a dagger."


Inside the Land Rover.

Ah Fu drove the car and played music. On the way back, Ah Fu asked with a smile:

"Master, how many people are you going to teach this time?"

Su Chen thought for a moment and said, "Let's count, four."

"Oh, which four are they?" Ah Fu asked.

"The first one is a man named Zhao Wei." Su Chen replied.

"Zhao Wei?"

Ah Fu thought for a moment: "Oh, he is the son of Zhao Jinhao, right? The Zhao family of Zhao Jinhao is quite powerful in Kowloon. They are richer than the Su family, but they are of no use. The Zhao family is engaged in business and has no military power. You don’t dare to provoke us because of your strength, how did the young master teach Zhao Wei?”

Su Chen replied: "If he wants to hit me with a wine bottle, I will do the opposite."

"Smashing a wine bottle? It's no big deal." Ah Fu smiled and said, "I heard that Zhao Wei was so unscrupulous that it was appropriate to teach him a lesson. It was a way of doing justice to God. Who was the second person you taught him a lesson?"

"Zhao Jin." Su Chen replied: "Zhao Wei's brother."

"It's that kid." Ah Fu knew this person and said, "Zhao Jin is an innate warrior, he must be. Among the younger generation, he is a very powerful person."

When Ah Fu heard about it, he stabbed his shoulder with a dagger.

Ah Fu also had no expression: "This knife can stop Zhao Jin for three months. Who is the third person?"

"The third person's name is Mil Smith." Su Chen answered truthfully.


Afu immediately spat: "Who? Mil Smith? Did you teach him a lesson?"

"That's right."

Su Chen nodded: "He wants to sit on my head and shit, and wants me to kneel down and admit my mistake, but I won't allow it."

"How is he injured?" Ah Fu braked and stopped the vehicle on the side of the road and asked.

"Pierced his palm." Su Chen replied.

Ah Fu pondered for a few seconds: "It's a bit troublesome, but it's okay."

The next second, Ah Fu raised his head and looked at Su Chen. His expression was solemn as never before:

"Master, the third person you taught has such an identity. This fourth person, who... is he?"

At this moment, Ah Fu clearly felt his heart beating faster.

Mill Smith, Viscount West Eagle, has a very high status. There are people who are more powerful than him, and it is terrifying to think about it.

"The fourth person is Su Shize. The Hongmen Banquet he prepared has become so chaotic that he can't escape from it." Su Chen shook his head.

"It's him."

Afu immediately relaxed.

He took out his mobile phone and dialed Su Mu's number.

"Master, there is a little trouble here. The master moved Milsmith..."

Ah Fu briefly explained the matter. After hanging up the phone, he looked at Su Chen and said:

"Young Master, the second master has held a family meeting and will start it when we get back. It should be because of this incident."

"Yeah." Su Chen nodded.

Vehicles drive on busy streets.

The sky is getting dark, and the lights of the shops add some luster to the city.


Su Shize, Su Shifeng and Su Shiwei were following Su Kai with a gloomy expression.


Su Shize's voice was bitter: "I know that Su Chen is a master and has some personal strength, but no matter how high his martial arts skills are, he is still afraid of swords and guns. I really didn't expect that Su Chen has such a bad temper and will take action at the slightest disagreement. He It is absolutely not allowed for others to stand on top of him and show off his power. Is this okay? He has no idea that people have to bow their heads under the roof. "

"Dad, this matter is troublesome." Su Shifeng sighed: "Although the eldest brother is suspected of steering the situation, it was Su Chen who took action. Even if Smith is to blame, as long as Su Chen is handed over, nothing will happen, right?"

"What's my business? This is obviously Su Huo's business." Su Shize snorted coldly.

"What Su Huo?"

Su Kai said coldly: "Why do you think the old man knew so quickly? Su Huo said, Su Shize, you clearly know that Su Chen is the master, so you just make a small fuss to make him suffer a little loss, but now what? ? If he touches Milsmith, you will suffer as well, and the Su family will suffer too! You bastard, now that Su Huo has filed a lawsuit against you, let me see how you explain it later!"

"Why did I give birth to such a useless son like you!"

Su Kai waved his arms fiercely and walked forward.

Su Shifeng originally wanted to say something, but he stopped talking when he saw this, leaving only Su Shize following behind with a pale face.

Soon, they arrived at the head of the family's conference room.

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The old man, Su Changhe, sat at the top.

Going down in order are Su Mu, Pan Zhiyun, Su Huo, Su Rou, Su Nan and others.

People came relatively uniformly.

When Su Shize arrived, he felt a lot of eyes focused on him.

Like a gleam on the back, like a fishnet on the throat. Unable to sit still.

"Su Shize, what do you want to say?"

Su Changhe frowned, but his voice was calm.

After all, he is a person who has seen strong winds and waves. When faced with some things, Su Changhe can remain absolutely calm.

"I, I..."

Su Shize was about to explain something.


Su Kai slapped the table hard: "Why don't you tell me more carefully!"

This frightened Su Shize. As soon as he stood up, his legs went weak and he collapsed on the ground. He said with a sad face:

"Grandpa, I didn't think too much. I just wanted to suppress Su Chen's spirit because he disrespected us brothers. I just wanted a small punishment. I didn't think about causing other things. I didn't think about Su Chen either. Chen not only touched Zhao Jin, but also beat Mil Smith, and he didn’t even notice anyone. "

"Grandpa, it's not my fault. If you dare to pick a fight with him, he will even beat you up! He doesn't tolerate anyone. I even knelt down in the banquet hall, but Su Chen didn't react. I can’t even persuade you!”

Su Shize's words were very compassionate.


Su Changhe said calmly: "Does he even dare to beat me?"

"Second uncle, you are just kidding me." Pan Zhiyun shook his head and said, "I know my son's character. He is very good. If you get to know him more, you will know. But he has just come back and has been targeted by his family. That’s what I didn’t expect.”

"Hey, we're all relatives, it's no big deal." Su Mu smiled and nodded.

"Yes, they are all relatives. But as a result, some people privately mortgaged the company without discussing the matter with other people. They are really good relatives." Su Kai's wife said with a smile: "Dad , You don’t care, but I heard that Pan Zhiyun mortgaged two companies today and took out hundreds of millions in loans. The companies are all Su family companies, how could he do it so casually? "


Su Changhe asked: "This is not unreasonable. Su Mu and Pan Zhiyun, shouldn't they have asked me first about mortgage loans?"

"Hey, second uncle, why are you so angry?" Su Mu smiled lightly: "Second uncle, the companies my wife mortgaged are two small companies under her own name, and the loan amount is only a few dollars. Ten million, less than one hundred million, sister-in-law may have heard it wrong somewhere.”

"That's right."

Pan Zhiyun glanced at Su Kai's wife indifferently, then she looked at Su Changhe, smiled slightly and said: "Second uncle, you know what I am like. It is impossible for me to take over my own property privately, so today I plan to apply with my second uncle. Now, I want to use the family business I currently manage to get a mortgage. I wonder if my second uncle agrees? "

These words caught Su Changhe slightly off guard.

He was silent and expressionless, making it hard to tell.

Su Kai spoke: "What we are talking about now is about Su Chen hitting Mil Smith and the mortgage loan. I think we should put it aside for now."

"That's right." Su Long nodded: "If something goes wrong with the mortgage loan, the company will be gone. You still have to be cautious about this kind of thing."

Su Changhe glanced at the two brothers and sighed in his heart: It was still too urgent.

They are indeed getting old, so they are very anxious to seize some companies, and they are so eager that some gaps appear in some family relationships. Once the cracks appear, it is not that simple to repair them.

If the huge Su family falls apart, it may be swallowed up completely by those capital predators in the future.

"Okay, don't talk about those things."

Su Changhe pointed at Su Kai and Su Long: "Let go of your thoughts. When I die, you can fight again!"

"Father, what are you talking about? You can live a long life." Su Kai said quickly.

"I know everything you do."

Su Changhe's expression was slightly angry:

"Today, there are more people together. Let me say a few words. Although I am old, it is not a problem to live for a few years. It is not your turn to fight for the industry now. The West Eagle of Hong Kong Island has withdrawn and the economy is in crisis. The situation is unclear. This is an unprecedented moment of reshuffle in business. If you are not careful, you will be in jeopardy. It is not easy for the Su family to be as big as it is now. Only unity is the need to gain a firm foothold. "

Su Changhe looked away from the two brothers and sighed deeply:

"Su Mu is used to being lazy. He doesn't like managing companies, so these years, it has been Zhiyun who has been in charge. Her outstanding ability has allowed the company's revenue to increase five times in five years, so she will take charge of more companies. But have you ever thought that if you are really good enough, do you need to take control of the family business? "

“Ask yourself.”

Su Changhe pointed to his chest. He looked very old. He took a few breaths and then said slowly:

"Do you think I really don't know about some of your little actions? If I don't talk about you now, I really don't know how high the sky is. The Su family is not the Su family of one person, but the family formed by all of you. , If it weren't for Su Mu's Shanhai Martial Arts School, how could your company develop so safely? Do you have no idea how many enemies he has helped you fend off? "

"Hey, the second uncle said something serious. I don't need to say it too harshly." Su Mu said with a smile.

Su Changhe shook his head: "Su Mu, your eldest and second brothers are half as powerful as you, so I can worry less. They are not very capable, but they are very thoughtful. They really need to be trained."

"Father is right." Su Kai lowered his head and said.

"That's what father taught me." Su Long cupped his hand.

"Okay, I'm tired. Let's break up this meeting."

Su Changhe stood up on crutches and said slowly: "Zhiyun, if you want a mortgage loan, I won't ask you to do this. I believe you. When Su Chen comes back, you have to tell him that you can do it this time." Well, you have shown the strength of our Su family. The more troubled the times, the more stubborn we must be, so that we can survive longer. Su Shize, please learn more from your brother in the future. "

"One last thing."

Su Changhe pointed at Su Mu: "Although I said that, Su Chen wants to warn you. It is good to be proud, but you must also judge the situation. I will settle the matter of Milsmith this time, but next time, he will It may not have such a good tone.”

"Thank you, uncle." Pan Zhiyun stood up and said.

"Second uncle, don't worry, I will teach Su Chen." Su Mu also stood up and nodded to Su Changhe.

Su Changhe waved his hand slightly, and left along the left corridor.

Everyone on the field looked at each other.

Su Kai, Su Long and their wives left first.

Su Shize had a dazed expression.

At the party venue, in front of so many people, he took the initiative to kneel down to Mil Smith, but in Grandpa's place, he became a weakling. But Su Chen, the perpetrator, represented the backbone?

"What a sin!"

Su Shize was helped up by Su Shifeng, and the two left one after another.

"Let's go pick up our son."

Pan Zhiyun and Su Mu also walked out and came to the door of Su Chen's villa.

After a few minutes, Ah Fu came back here.

"Why are you back so late? Su Shize and the others came back half an hour early." Pan Zhiyun asked with a smile.

Su Chen grinned: "It's a detour. Uncle Fu said that I might be punished when I come back. If I'm a little late, I might have nothing to do."

"Afu, I didn't expect you to protect him like this." Su Mu said seriously: "He should be taught a lesson so that he can save himself from going out and causing trouble for me."

"Dad is right, otherwise, dad, will you teach me a lesson?" Su Chen asked with a smile.

"Of course..."

Su Mu nodded, but suddenly noticed Pan Zhiyun's unkind eyes, so Su Mu immediately changed his words: "Of course not."

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