Fairy King Dad

Chapter 869 Isn’t this a rumor?

In a luxurious villa.

In front of the wine cabinet in the living room, the famous Jiacheng, holding a glass of red wine, was watching the Six Chefs Restaurant incident on TV.

"Black Wolf Mercenary Group, Su Mu."


"Su Mu deserves the title of Dark Godfather."

Jiacheng drank the wine in the glass, took out his mobile phone and made a call:

"Let someone pay attention to Su Mu's movements. If there is a chance, I want to meet him."


Li Ji, the stock king known as the richest man.

He was lying on a luxurious big bed, with a graceful beauty next to him. Judging from her appearance, she was about 20 years old.

As for Li Ji, he was over 50 years old.


"So fucking awesome."

"Su Mu is not pretending to be awesome, he is really awesome."

"Fuck, people call him the Dark Godfather, that's right."

"Why didn't I realize he had such strength before, fuck, he hid it too deeply."

"Damn, if I had invested in him in advance, with him, I could have won all the cooperation I dared to think of but didn't dare to do."

"Too awesome, ah ah ah!"

Li Ji didn't look stable or elegant, and he was yelling on the bed.

The woman next to him had fallen asleep, but was woken up by the yelling.

"Hmm... I'm so sleepy." The beauty next to him muttered.

"Why are you sleepy? I'm very angry now!"

Li Ji slowly pressed her head down.


Li Ji narrowed his eyes slightly, enjoying it, and couldn't help saying: "So fucking awesome..."

Not just some business tycoons.

Even those more powerful martial arts forces have heard the news.

"Shanhai Martial Arts School, the boss Su Mu, he has a mercenary group."

"Black Wolf Mercenary Group."

"Spread the word, from now on, whoever dares to provoke Shanhai Martial Arts School will be punished by family law!"

"Come on! Send someone out immediately to catch the remnants of the three martial arts schools. We have to help Lord Su Mu and deal with the aftermath."


It was a chaotic night.

Many people did not see the dawn.

And some local Western Eagle bosses.

A total of more than a dozen people came to the headquarters meeting room in the early hours of the morning.

"Vichy Smith is dead."

"It was the Black Wolf Mercenary Group that did it."

"They have placed more than a dozen armed helicopters on the high seas."

"Should we take action to destroy them?"

Some militants slammed the table on the spot: "They dare to be arrogant here, they must be killed."

"But, what about after that?" A Duke of West Eagle suddenly said: "We are about to evacuate here. We have already taken away many companies. It is our plan to make the economy here depressed. As for military troubles, what is the use? What can it bring us? Don't forget that the Black Wolf is a mercenary group that is very good at assassination."

Returning to West Eagle, do we still have to live in fear?

Some West Eagle nobles who have no enemies are opposed to going to war.

"I think what the Duke said makes sense."

"We no longer have control over this place, so no matter how chaotic it is, it has nothing to do with us. Smith died in the chaos, and it was his own fault."

"We can't fight. The Black Wolf Mercenaries are well-equipped. I'm very sorry. I want to return to West Eagle alive."

"Yes, life is the most precious. I also want to return alive to see my wife."

"Forget about this matter. Smith died in a dispute. He took the initiative to provoke. Report this matter. If the upper level wants to take action, they will target the Black Wolf on the Asian East battlefield. In that case, it will have nothing to do with us."

"Vote by raising hands. Well, 90% passed. That's it. Let's adjourn."


So, a group of West Eagle executives left the meeting room and returned to their respective residences.

On the way back, they all looked at the surrounding environment and were a little afraid of being shot.

"It's too chaotic here."

Even they thought that the chaos was too much.

Some of them even forgot that the root cause of the chaos was caused by them.

That night.

For the upper class, it was like a super tsunami, sweeping everyone's heart.

The next morning, it was dawn.

The Su family manor was crowded with people.

Many people sent visiting cards.

"Father, the richest family in Xihuan has also sent visiting cards."

Su Huo and others ran around in the manor.

In front of the Su family gate, there were carriages and horses like dragons.

But most people just sent visiting cards and left directly.

It seemed that coming to send visiting cards represented their support.


"I really committed a sin."

Su Kai and Su Long were standing together, and their faces were not very good. It was because they didn't sleep well last night, and it was also because of the scene in front of them.

Su Kai complained: "I really admire my father."

"Why do you say that?" Su Long frowned.

"Tell me, why did my father give birth to such a stupid son like me?" Su Kai said in annoyance: "I remember that my father was very wise. Why am I so stupid? Not only was I schemed against, but I also had the audacity to accuse my brother Su Mu."


As soon as he finished speaking, Su Long slapped himself on the spot: "Brother, it's my fault. I shouldn't have bewitched you. We shouldn't have caused trouble for Su Mu."


Su Kai also slapped himself: "I was wrong too. We let the Su family's real dragon leave. What should we do?"

The two were standing in front of the door of the old man's villa, not daring to go in, just waiting.

After a while.

The housekeeper came out of the villa and said with a smile:

"You two, don't slap here, save some strength and slap yourself in front of the head of the Su Mu family."

"The old man asked me to tell the two young masters that he wants you to kneel down in front of the head of the Su Mu family and admit your mistakes."

Su Kai and Su Long looked at each other.

The two hung their heads and turned around and walked out.

"Where is the head of the family?"

Su Kai walked out a few steps and turned back to ask.

"The old man just talked to the head of the family on the phone. He is in Longcheng Private Hospital." The housekeeper responded.

Su Kai and Su Long got in a car and drove away.

At the gate, many luxury cars were seen, all coming to send visiting cards.

Su Long smiled: "I'll tell you, our brother Su Mu is so good at hiding. This mercenary group is so powerful. Will our Su family take off in the future?"

"Does it have anything to do with you? You still have the face to laugh? Has the head of the family forgiven you?" Su Kai couldn't help but scold.

"No." Su Long thought for a while and said, "Don't worry, brother, I will cry well later."

It was about seven o'clock in the morning.

The two came to the hospital.

After looking around, they finally found where Su Mu was.

Su Mu, Su Nan, Su Shangwen, Su Xing, Pan Zhiyun, Su Chen, they were sitting on the chairs at the door of the intensive care unit.

"Brother, there are too many people." Su Long reminded in a low voice.

"I saw it." Su Kai responded.

There were also more than a dozen other people around.

"Are you going to kneel?" Su Long said, "It's a bit embarrassing."

Su Kai thought for a moment and said, "It's embarrassing, but if we don't complete the mission, the old man can't let us go back to the Su family."


Su Long suddenly shouted loudly, and then started crying: "Woo woo woo."

He ran over with a quick step, then knelt on the ground and slid more than one meter, and came to about two meters in front of Su Mu. Su Long cried and said:

"Master, I was wrong. I shouldn't have listened to the slander of the villain. Master, what can I do without you..."

"Master, we were wrong. We were wrong." Su Kai also knelt down and said with a sob, "I regret it."

Su Mu frowned slightly at this moment.

He was about to say something.

Pa pa pa pa.......

These two people actually slapped themselves in the face, and they really slapped them. After a few slaps, their faces were red.

Su Mu took a breath and glanced at Pan Zhiyun.

Pan Zhiyun came over and wanted to help the two of them up.

"Big brother, second brother, what are you doing?"

Pan Zhiyun said: "It's okay to know that you are wrong. My Su Mu is not a grudge-bearing person. Let's forget about this matter."

"Ah, okay, okay, forget about it, forget about it. From now on, we will do our best and die!" Su Long said seriously.

"Yes, we will do our best and die." Su Kai gave Su Mu a thumbs up: "You are really amazing. Now the Su family is fine. The bank loan issue has been resolved. It can be extended for a few years. And those official documents have been removed. And the shares are also normal."

Last night, only Sun Qinghe, who had been to the Su family, survived.

He just acquired shares and coveted the Su family's property. He used business methods to target the Su family. This was understandable in Su Mu's view.

But he didn't know that what happened last night scared Sun Qinghe enough.

Su Mu waved to the two of them:

"You go back first."

Su Long's expression froze a little: "Um, Su Mu, you are the current head of the family, didn't you forget?"

Su Mu had no expression on his face and didn't say anything.

Su Kai smiled and said: "Head of the family, we are waiting for you to go home, well, we won't disturb you for now, we won't disturb you."

After that, Su Kai and Su Long left quickly.

Su Mu withdrew his gaze from the two of them and sighed lightly.

Pan Zhiyun sat back in his seat.

Su Chen stood by for a while.

He could see that Uncle Fu was a close friend of his father.

Now Uncle Fu's life and death are unknown.

The most tense moment has come, which is only one or two hours. If he doesn't wake up, he may die.

Fortunately, the time didn't wait too long.

About ten minutes later.

The door of the intensive care unit was pushed open.

"Yun Fu is awake."


Su Mu stood up immediately and exhaled a long breath.

The hanging heart was finally put down.

"His body is very weak and needs continuous observation. If there is no problem, he can leave the intensive care unit in three days."

The doctor nodded slightly:

"You can all go back and rest. You must be tired after sitting here all night."

"Okay, thank you doctor."

Su Mu stretched out his hand, shook hands with the doctor, and then turned to leave.

"It's a blessing in disguise."

Su Mu smiled: "Go back first."

He led the way to leave.

This time, only Su Chen drove.

When driving back to the villa, when passing by Shanhai Martial Arts Hall, he saw a lively scene.

The seal of the martial arts hall had long gone. At this time, the door of the martial arts hall was open. In front of the door, the people queuing were about to reach the next street.

This group of people are all people who want to join Shanhai Martial Arts Hall.

"Dark Godfather Su Mu."

Pan Zhiyun rolled her eyes: "How come I didn't know that you are so powerful?"

"Oh, I'm not powerful either." Su Mu said with a smile: "Who is it? Isn't this a rumor?"

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