Fairy King Dad

Chapter 879: Digging into one's own corner (1/2)

In the eyes of these suppliers.

Su Chen's background is strong enough, plus Su's assets and reputation, as well as a strategy that is higher than the market price, there is no reason not to agree.

A group of people signed the contract one after another.

"Go back today to sort out the source of goods, and send the goods to Kuailong Logistics Company tomorrow morning." Su Chen looked at the time, instructed a few things, and then said goodbye and left.

According to the agreement, the funds are settled monthly, and the supplier will first provide the goods, and finally settle the payment based on the quantity of goods in a month.

This matter was settled.

Su Chen and Xingfeng left the club and drove back to Su's Manor.

When passing by the Tianming Road store building.

The vehicle stopped on the side of the road.

Su Chen got off the car and took a few glances.

The layout of the top floor of the store building has been changed, and the efficiency is still very high. The hotel plaques have all been taken down, and a large four-pointed star logo and two big characters "Xingchen" have been hung.

Although the characters are covered with red cloth, Su Chen has already seen the finished product.

Inside the building, the reconstruction of the first floor is the most complicated. After all, it is a street-side store. Various stone wastes, cement wastes, etc. are being transported out. In front of the building, a high iron frame is also built. There are more than a hundred workers polishing the exterior of the building.

High efficiency means a considerable amount of money is spent.

Su Chen calculated it.

It cost 500 million in cash to buy this building, and about 200 million for hard and soft decoration. In addition to the business license, various procedures, recruitment of employees and other miscellaneous matters, it also cost more than 20 million.

As for wealth value, 700 million wealth value was spent on laser weapon technology, and more than 30 million wealth value was spent on some rigid needs.

"I still have more than 200 million wealth value."

Su Chen pondered secretly: "Xingchen Company does not need a lot of wealth value to invest. I can take out about 200 million and invest in other technologies."

Investing in technology means getting mature technology in hand and letting people study, process, etc.

However, it takes time to thoroughly study the technology. For example, the laser weapons provided by Su Chen, Su Chen estimated that it would take at least half a year to come out.

So some other investments need to be made in advance.

"Wait until the situation of Xingchen Company stabilizes."

Su Chen glanced at the end of the street.

Hong Kong Island is definitely in chaos now.

There were two gangsters who were pulling and tugging at a girl, but five or six people ran over and beat the two gangsters away.

In this city, there are many robberies every day. There are powerful bandits, and there are also some masked gangsters who rob a few boxes of cigarettes...

Xiying did it maliciously, making this chaos reach its peak.

Su Chen turned around and saw the two buildings across the street. He laughed immediately.

One building was also under renovation, and it was already listed: Shanhai Martial Arts Hall!

The shopping mall on the right has been bought by Pan Zhiyun. Although there is a sign for investment promotion, it has little effect.

The shopping mall will bring traffic. When there is more traffic, Su Chen's company can also develop better.

To be honest, Pan Zhiyun is quite worried about Su Chen's company and is not very optimistic about the prospects of Xingchen Company because the current environment is not very good.

With the departure of many giant companies in Xiying, just one large company can cause tens of thousands of people to lose their jobs.

In the current environment, if you lose your job, it is unlikely to find a new job in a short period of time.

Of course, there are also many local companies that are maintaining the daily operation of the company.

"It looks very chaotic, but in fact, some big capitals are buying at the bottom."

Su Chen returned to the car, and the car was driving. He looked out the window thoughtfully.

Pan Zhiyun told him about this news.

Not only are they buying at the bottom to acquire some companies, but even the stock king Li Ji, the shipping king Xu Gang, as well as Wenda, Jiacheng and others, have all made some moves in private.

The competition of capital is taking place in this city, and Su Chen even heard some news from Situ Mei.

The more advanced competition is the game between the top of Xiying and Longguo, like two invisible hands, constantly fighting above this city.

In a game of that level, if you are not careful, you will fall into the abyss, like dancing on the edge of a knife, walking on a tightrope.

Will Hong Kong Island continue to be in chaos?

It depends on the outcome of the top-level competition between the two sides.

If the situation is deadlocked, the chaos will continue.

This is the fundamental reason why Pan Zhiyun and others are unsure about the chaotic situation.

After returning to his residence, Su Chen trained for two hours, and then talked to Ye Qingning and Luo Luo for a while. A fulfilling day passed.

The next day, at noon.

The express arrived, and a total of three people delivered the express to Su Chen's villa.

"This thing is very heavy."

It weighed more than 200 kilograms. It was placed in the living room, signed a name, and the courier left.

Su Chen opened the box. The machine inside was like a printer, square and about 1.5 meters high. There was a track on the left side, which was where things were placed.

Su Chen thought about it, took out his phone, and called the number of Mr. Wang of Kuailong Logistics.

"Boss Wang, has the batch of goods been delivered this morning?" Su Chen asked.

"They have all been delivered." Boss Wang smiled and said, "The workers have already started working. I have adjusted their office location. In the past few days, they can eat, live and work here with peace of mind."

"Well, how much hardware materials are there?" Su Chen asked again.

"The quantity of hardware materials is pretty good. The materials can make at least a hundred bags. However, there are only a few logos. There are only thirteen now."

Mr. Wang replied that he has a keen sense of quantity.

"Have someone send me the logo." Su Chen said.


Mr. Wang responded. After about half an hour, Mr. Wang personally came to Su's manor and entered Su Chen's villa.

"Master Su, the goods are all here." Mr. Wang smiled.

"Well, sit there and wait a moment." Su Chen took the materials and waved his hand slightly.

For the logo material, Su Chen used top-grade materials, using stainless steel with gold plating technology, and the price is also the most expensive on the market.

Su Chen started the machine. On the right side of the machine, there was a tablet-sized screen.

Putting the logo on it, Su Chen fiddled with it casually.

The track of the machine runs inwards, and you enter the machine from the left. The front of the machine is made of glass, and you can see inside. There are two arms that look like robots. The arms move, emit lasers, and move on the logo. Then the job is done.

The whole process only takes three minutes.

"Okay, take it back and let Director Du complete the first product as soon as possible." Su Chen said.

"Okay." Mr. Wang nodded, he hesitated for a moment: "Mr. Du is very attentive. He was busy in the company very late last night. He started working this morning. It is estimated that the first package will be finished tonight. ”

Mr. Wang left quickly.

As he said.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Su Chen received a call from Du Yucheng.

"Boss, the first product is successful."

Du Yucheng said with some excitement: "The appearance of the real product is much better than in the photos. It is as exquisite as a work of art. Boss, you will never imagine how beautiful it will be if I make it myself." Be proud, it will definitely become a trend-setting legend!”

"I'll go over there."

Su Chen smiled: "I'll be there in about half an hour. I'll ask your chosen team leader to wait for me in the conference room."

"Yes." Du Yucheng answered loudly.

Soon, Su Chen picked up his suit jacket, put it on, and looked in the mirror.

When Su Chen walked out of the villa, he suddenly felt that something was wrong.

"I don't have a car."

Su Chen picked up the phone and dialed: "Xingfeng, come pick me up."

"Master, we can't do it now. I'm fighting outside." When Xingfeng answered, there were screams around him.

So, Su Chen hung up the phone silently.

My mother and father are both busy.

He thought, otherwise, just go and drive his father's car.

So, Su Chen walked towards the villa in front.

Just halfway through, he saw Su Xing driving back from outside.

Seeing Su Chen, Su Xing stopped the car decisively, lowered the window, and said with a smile: "Hello, brother."

"Yes." Su Chen nodded: "Are you okay later?"

"I'm fine." Su Xing asked shyly, "Brother, do you need my help with anything?"

"If you're okay, please give me a ride. I'm going to Kuailong Logistics Company." Su Chen replied.

"Ah, okay, brother, please get in the car quickly."

Su Xing said quickly.

So Su Chen got into the co-pilot.

Although Su Xing looks very quiet and a bit social, his car is a bit aggressive, it is a red Porsche 911.

Su Xing drove the vehicle and headed to Kuailong Logistics Company.

On the way, Su Xing didn't take the initiative to speak. After a while, Su Chen asked casually: "How is your company's research going?"

"Brother, are you talking about sodium-ion batteries?" Su Xing raised his hand and pushed up his myopia glasses. He said: "Our company's sodium-ion batteries have some innovative results. The battery usage efficiency can be doubled and the operation efficiency can be doubled." Stable, but in terms of new technology, Huantu New Energy is a giant company on Hong Kong Island. The chamber of commerce held at the Convention and Exhibition Center will be held soon, and I am afraid that our products will be crushed by Huantu New Energy.”

It can be seen that Su Xing is under a lot of pressure, but there is also some excitement in his eyes. If they come up with better products under the high intensity of competition, this will undoubtedly make their road to success go faster!

"Huantu New Energy is the company that specializes in lithium batteries. It belongs to Sun Qinghe, right?" Su Chen asked.

"Yes, it belongs to him. He bought a lot of our Su's shares not long ago and is now the second shareholder of Su's." Su Xing said, "It was quite dangerous that time. If my uncle hadn't resisted, I'm afraid Su would have lost his money." The family will fall into their hands."

"Well, come on."

Su Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, looked out the window, and said slowly: "Maybe one day, you can personally destroy Huantu New Energy."

Su Xing grinned: "Then I never thought that with my current strength, compared with them, I am like a mantis trying to defeat a chariot."


After chatting casually, the two arrived at Kuailong Logistics Company.

"Brother, I'll wait for you downstairs."

Su Xing sat in the car waiting for Su Chen.

Mr. Wang was at the gate, and Su Chen went upstairs with him.

In an empty conference room on the third floor, Su Chen saw Du Yucheng and others.

In addition to Du Yucheng, there were eleven other people, all of whom were team leaders.

At this moment, on the counter in front of Du Yucheng was the Xingchen No. 1 product houndstooth shoulder bag.

Su Chen took a closer look. It was made of black and white houndstooth and woolen twill.

From a distance, it looks like a blur of small grids, and the black is the shape of a bird. But if you look closely, you can see irregular black four-pointed stars on each line. This is a galaxy pattern exclusive to Xingchen Company, and a patent has been applied for.

The black and gold metal chain, the pure gold handle, and the relatively large bright gold four-pointed star logo.

There are details everywhere, and beauty is everywhere.

Many people present looked at this bag as if they were looking at a work of art.

Su Chen picked up the bag. The buckle cover is a magnetic lock. The inner liner is divided into three layers, and the middle layer has a zipper.

"The specification of this bag is 3."

Du Yucheng said in amazement: "It's really beautiful. Boss, when will the designer Su Changfeng come? I really want to talk to him."

"That's not necessary." Su Chen shook his head: "He doesn't like to show up. I want to know the production efficiency of this bag."

Du Yucheng nodded after hearing this: "If I make it myself, this bag will take ten hours. Now each group has a division of labor. If you want to achieve my quality, it will take about twice as long as me."

"It's a bit slow."

Su Chen shook his head: "From today on, everyone will go all out to make product No. 1."

"Pack the first product for me."

Su Chen smiled slightly: "Director Du, you need to make the second product as soon as possible. I plan to give this first one to my lover."

Hearing this, Du Yucheng smiled: "I understand. I will arrange it as soon as possible, but... Boss, now we have the product, but the packaging is not ready yet."


Su Chen pondered for a moment, as if thinking about the style of packaging.

Du Yucheng and some team leaders below made suggestions.

"How about imitating luxury brands? Just a minimalist style, there's no point in being fancy."

"We don't need to imitate, just customize the packaging box."

"Yes, it's very simple, just use our company's logo."


Listening to the voices of the crowd, Su Chen had an idea.

"The product needs a packaging box and a packaging bag."

"The packaging bag must be minimalist. The first batch of products must be all black, with the logo on the top of the front and the words: stars below."

"For the lid of the packaging box, I want a starry sky pattern, a galaxy in the sky, and a golden roc bird to represent our houndstooth shoulder bag."

Su Chen imagined it very well.

But after he said this, Du Yucheng said: "In this case, we have to find an artist first and set up the manuscript before we can customize these."

"Find an artist?" Su Chen was stunned: "No need, I'll send you the pictures later."

"I can do this for you." Mr. Wang smiled and said beside him: "I know several manufacturers."

"Yes, the materials must be the best." Su Chen said so.

"Boss, this will increase the cost again." Du Yucheng reminded.

"Director Du, how much do you think this bag should be sold for?" Su Chen asked with a smile.

"This..." Du Yucheng fell into deep thought.

The team leaders below spoke one after another:

"Five hundred yuan."

"Such a beautiful product must be worth more than a thousand."

"No, no, no, our raw materials are worth more than three hundred, this bag must be sold for more than 1,500."

"Almost, but I think it should not exceed two thousand. A domestic woolen bag can be sold for around fifteen thousand, which is rare. If the price is a little higher, it will touch the low-end luxury goods of Coach."

How can domestic brands compete with those brands with historical heritage?

Su Chen couldn't help laughing when he heard it.

How can the top design from the Star Technology Tree, which has been optimized and innovated, not be better than those brands in their eyes?

At this moment, Su Chen leaned on the table with both hands, and his eyes looked around at everyone present. The smile on his mouth gradually dissipated, and was replaced by a serious look.


Su Chen spoke, and he said word by word: "There is a saying that is right. Once a person kneels for a long time, his bones will become soft. Our Dragon Country has a long history. How can it be impossible for domestic products to be higher than foreign ones? It is not advisable to worship foreign things."

This sentence made the scene fall into silence, and you could hear a pin drop.

Even Du Yucheng shook his head slightly.

The next moment, Su Chen dropped a heavy bomb.

"Let me tell you, the price of this houndstooth wool bag is 60,000."

Du Yucheng's pupils shrank.

Everyone present changed their faces.

They never expected that it would be such a price!

"This... 60,000 bag directly challenges luxury brands such as Chanel, Dior, and Louis Vuitton?"

Is the boss crazy?

Whether domestic brands can outperform foreign brands is beyond question. The price alone is enough to be criticized to death!

"In addition, Xingchen products will increase in price every year, and the lowest increase is 10% of the initial price. This year, the houndstooth is sold for 60,000, next year the lowest is 66,000, and the year after the lowest is 72,000. This is the case for all Xingchen products. Mr. Wang, write this into the company rules."

Su Chen said directly.

"Yes." Mr. Wang suddenly felt a little happy. Being used by Su Shao means that he thinks highly of him.

"Mr. Wang."

Su Chen glanced at him and said, "Starting tomorrow, you are the executive president of Xingchen Company."


Mr. Wang gasped excitedly: "Thank you, Mr. Su, thank you for your appreciation!"

Su Chen: "The annual salary remains unchanged."

Mr. Wang was stunned: "That's fine, as long as Mr. Su thinks highly of me, I will be very happy..."

"There are dividends." Su Chen said again: "I will not treat my own people unfairly, but the premise is that you can pass the review and stay."

The company has an audit mechanism, which Du Yucheng and others know.

Because they have high salaries, everyone cares about this matter.

"Mr. Wang, starting tomorrow, we will recruit some girls who are over 1.7 meters tall and have good looks. The store needs shopping guides."

Su Chen thought for a while and said: "There are also human resources departments and publicity departments. They all need to be established. For these management levels, you can go to my mother to ask for people. Whoever you like in Su's enterprise, dig it over."

Mr. Wang couldn't help but give a thumbs up: "Mr. Su is tall!"

This man, once he gets ruthless, even poaches people from his own family.

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