Fairy King Dad

Chapter 913: Competition on the Same Day

There was silence.

Many incredible eyes were fixed on Su Chen.

"He even dares to hit Liu Xinwen?"

Someone whispered:

"He has offended the Liu family. How can Xingchen Company participate in local fashion shows in the future?"

"Yes, Su Chen is so irrational. His company has just developed and the prospects are so good. Even if he faces some things, he has to endure it."

"Su Chen is indeed too reckless. Even if his father is the Dark Godfather, at Liu Xinwen's level, he has no scruples at all. This will cause huge disasters. Some people, even Su Mu, cannot be easily offended."

"Why are you talking about this? Su Mu dares to attack even the Duke, what else can he not dare to do? I think Liu Xinwen is too tough, Lin Han didn't say anything, and he still has to stand up for Lin Han, it's so brainless. "

"I think it's a lie that he's helping Lin Han, but it's true that he wants to suppress Xingchen Company." A girl whispered to the man next to her: "I heard that the affairs of the Lin family and the Su family in the North District are not over yet. They have made some moves. The Liu family and some companies are all looking at Su and Xingchen Company."

The fangs of capital are poking towards Xingchen Company.

The Lin family is the core of the North District Chamber of Commerce, and the Liu family is also one of the heavyweights in the North District Chamber of Commerce.

The gossip some people have heard may not be groundless.

Some people present even knew that it was not only the North District Chamber of Commerce that was eyeing the Su family, but also the top wealthy people in Jiacheng and Xu Gang, who were also making small moves in private.

Just like Sun Qinghe, chairman of Huantu New Energy, he quietly acquired a lot of shares in Su Corporation and became Su Corporation's second largest shareholder.

Sometimes shopping malls are scarier than battlefields.

"You dare to hit me?" Liu Xinwen gritted his teeth and looked at Su Chen.


Su Chen responded and swept his left hand again.

Bang bang!

Two slaps on the left and right hit Liu Xinwen's face until it was swollen, and blood was flowing from the corners of his mouth.

"This...god, so crazy." Anna shrugged: "However, some people do deserve to be beaten."

Anna is not afraid of offending the Liu family, and she has no scruples about saying anything.

The same goes for Milia. Their status is much higher than Liu Xinwen.

Milia said calmly: "The gathering we advocate is mainly to invite Miss Ye. It's really ridiculous that some people want to target Miss Ye. This Mr. Liu, I don't care what grudges you have privately. This party You are no longer welcome."

Alice nodded: "Then let him get out, Mr. Su, and please don't be angry. I feel that your punishment on him is enough. We don't need to let him affect the mood of our party too much."

Several people spoke one after another.

Li Yixin sighed deeply: "Come here! Take Liu Xinwen down."

At this time, Liu Xinwen breathed a sigh of relief.

He just wanted to escape from here quickly.

"I can let you go."

Su Chen seemed to be smiling but not smiling. He patted Liu Xinwen's face, closed the distance between the two of them, and said word by word: "After apologizing, I will let you go."

Liu Xinwen's neck turned red, and veins popped out on his forehead.

I don't want to apologize and give up.

However, when he saw Su Chen's cold eyes, a sense of fear began to rise deep in his heart.


"I shouldn't have said those things."

Liu Xinwen lowered his head. He didn't dare let Su Chen see the resentment in his eyes.


The smile on Su Chen's face gradually faded, and he said softly:

"Ye Qingning is my woman. Next time you dare to disrespect her, I will kill you!"


This sentence was only heard by a few people nearby.

However, several local wealthy children felt chills running down their spines.

A man with yellow hair shrank his pupils and was shocked:

'Sure enough, the tiger father has no dog son, Su Chen is definitely not as simple as the rumored playboy! He is ruthless and cold-blooded in his bones! ’

Even Liu Xinwen was a little scared.


He bowed his head in response.

Su Chen pushed him away.

Liu Xinwen collapsed on the ground.

He raised his head and saw Su Chen looking down at him, the beautiful Ye Qingning, Li Yixin who turned her head away and refused to pay attention to him, and also saw the looks of others.

Shame on you!


Liu Xinwen stood up and walked towards the door.

When he was halfway there, he suddenly turned his head, looked at Su Chen, and said bitterly:

"The Duke of Vichy's matter is not over yet, nor is the North District Chamber of Commerce and your Liangzi over yet. Don't laugh too early!"

These words made everyone shake their heads secretly.

Duke Vichy Smith represents a huge power behind him. The matter is indeed not over yet. Many people speculate that the methods from the Smith family may be aimed at the Black Wolf mercenaries on the Yadong battlefield. The actions on the battlefield will not come as expected. It's too fast, but once it strikes, it's the moment of thunder.

The North District Chamber of Commerce's targeting may come quickly and very fiercely.

Especially the two very few people present heard that the Lin family, the Liu family and other forces in the North District Chamber of Commerce had recently recruited troops, and the bodyguard team was strong.

No matter how you look at it, these two forces are coming fiercely.

‘I wonder if Liu Xinwen’s beating today could be the trigger for a big conflict. ’

The yellow-haired man thought to himself: 'It may not be a full-scale attack, but something will definitely happen. ’

When Liu Xinwen was about to walk to the door, he shouted: "Sooner or later I will trample you under my feet!"

The words just fell.


A foot stretched out from inside the door and kicked Liu Xinwen down.

Everyone in the venue was extremely stunned.

In their eyes, they saw Xing Feng, wearing a white suit and white hair, walking in.

He looked at everyone with a slightly sickly crazy smile on his face:

"Sorry to bother you."

"Hahaha, come on!"

Xingfeng grabbed Liu Xinwen's hair: "I heard that you are very stiff?"


Xingfeng's knee hit Liu Xinwen's face.

Nose bleeding.

Liu Xinwen was completely confused.

At this time, several of Liu Xinwen's bodyguards rushed over from the hall.

But several of Xingfeng's men knocked Liu Xinwen's bodyguard to the ground with three punches and two kicks.

In the hall on the fifth floor, some guests were so frightened that they ran to watch the excitement secretly from a distance.

"Excuse me."

Xingfeng waved to Su Chen, then grabbed Liu Xinwen's hair and dragged him out.


Liu Xinwen shouted randomly.

"Ah this..."

Li Yixin was a little worried. She glanced at Su Chen and asked, "Is something going to happen?"

Su Chen shook his head: "It's okay."

If Liu Xinwen didn't say anything and left in despair, Xingfeng might not touch him.

The consequences of being arrogant are nothing more than a severe beating, but Xingfeng will be measured in his actions.

"That guy is so cool."

Milia smiled: "Mr. Su, can you introduce him to me? I want to date him."

Su Chen was stunned for a moment, then he smiled casually: "I can ask."

"I think our party should continue."

Anna clapped her hands, looked at the people around her, and said with a smile: "The annoying people have left. For those who stay here, I believe we will have a pleasant night."

With the sound of music, the atmosphere was lifted by Anna.

Ginger is still spicy.

Anna held the wine glass and danced gracefully.

Milia, Alice, Li Yixin and others chatted with Ye Qingning and occasionally joked.

Su Chen sat aside, holding a wine glass and tasting red wine.

About half an hour passed.


Liu family villa.

Liu Baogang saw Liu Xinwen with a bruised nose and swollen face, and his body trembled with anger:

"The Su family really thinks they can cover the sky with one hand?"

"This matter cannot be forgotten."

Liu Baogang called Lin Xiong at that time: "The Su family has gone too far..."

A few minutes passed.

The high-level meeting of the North District Chamber of Commerce was held via video.

During a video call.

Lin Xiong asked someone to get Su Mu's contact information, made a call in person, and turned on the speakerphone.

"Su Mu, hello, I'm Lin Xiong."

"I think you are targeting our North District Chamber of Commerce. Lin Han has been taught a lesson, that's all. Now Liu Xinwen is beaten by your son again. Don't Mr. Su plan to give us an explanation for this matter?"

Hear this.

Su Mu suddenly laughed: "What do you want to say?"

"Liu Xinwen was beaten half to death, what do you think should be the explanation?" Lin Xiong said lightly.

"Half dead?"

Su Mu said a little strangely: "Is that dead or not dead? Or half dead? You come to me to ask for an explanation, do you want me to give you a complete death?"

Half dead becomes fully dead?

Lin Xiong's face changed slightly, and he smiled: "Liu Xinwen is not dead, but he was beaten badly. It seems that Mr. Su does not intend to talk about this matter."

"Haha, what do you and I have to talk about?"

Su Mu's words were extremely powerful:

"I remember, I told you that I don't care about business conflicts, but in private, I will target anyone who wants to target me. Remember, as long as you dare to use dirty tricks, I will dare to show up in your villa. Before you drop a bomb, be careful, Boss Lin.”

Su Mu's words came with a hint of smile, but they brought huge pressure to people.


Liu Baogang took a deep breath.

It's a bit annoying to deal with such an enemy without using unconventional means.

"Okay, I understand, Su Mu, I also want to give you a piece of advice. Sometimes you make too many enemies... huh?"

Before Lin Xiong finished speaking, he heard a blind tone on his cell phone.

Everyone has already hung up the phone.

Feelings, are you talking to the air?


Considering Lin Xiong's character and temperament, he couldn't help but curse and put his cell phone heavily on the table.

"Let's do it."

Lin Xiong looked at the video and said slowly: "Now, Xingchen Company is the Su family's cash cow, so get rid of it! I want Su Mu to see how powerful the North District Chamber of Commerce is."

Soon, some people from the North District Chamber of Commerce made a few calls.

After determining something good.

Eight o'clock at night.

A piece of news spread:

"The Gray and Red Clothing City will launch a 30% discount event on May 13th. The venue includes but is not limited to Golden Scale Fur, Louis Vuitton, Prada, Dior, Coach and other brands."

Su Mu was the quickest to know the news.

May 13th is the launch date of Xingchen Company.

Compete on the same day.

The offensive of the North District Chamber of Commerce is coming.

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