Fairy King Dad

Chapter 965: Real Technology

Ye Qingning looked at many topics on the Internet.

She gritted her teeth.

There are too many people targeting Xingchen Company.

There are too many people to count.

But the data on the Internet can be saved.

The blacklists of Xingchen Company and Rihuan Entertainment add some people every day.


Ye Qingning stopped looking at her phone and washed up.

Ye Duolan has gone to work.

In recent days, Shengshi Entertainment Company has completely withered.

More than 90% of their artists and programs have been banned. After seeing Ye Duolan's power, Fang Qiang tried to find Ye Duolan several times to ease the situation, but Ye Duolan ignored him.

Fang Qiang even thought about asking his martial arts forces to make trouble.

But recently, some people from Shanhai Martial Arts School often moved around his martial arts forces, making him panic.

He didn't have the courage to confront Su Mu.

In other words, all the martial arts forces in this area did not dare to confront Su Mu head-on.

They are mercenary groups and arms. Recently, Black Wolf Mercenaries and Black Sea International have exchanged fire in the East Asia War Zone.

The arms of the two parties are unprecedentedly huge, including fighter planes, armored vehicles, tanks, etc.

It is not like a confrontation between mercenaries at all, but like a war.

However, the war between the two mercenaries was just a tentative attack.

That is, a few long-range bombardments will be enough, and it is still far from the level of production.

Because of this, Fang Qiang's heart is cold every day.

Although he thinks that West Eagle Capital can win, but... In this battle, he lost a lot!

He can't deal with Ye Duolan, and he has no choice but to leave it to fate.

Ye Duolan has been busy with a lot of work every day recently. It is too difficult to clean up the economic market in this city.

In Ye Duolan's villa, Ye Qingning, Luo Luo and Qiu Caihong had breakfast, and then Luo Luo ran to play games with Su Mu.

Ye Qingning and Su Chen went to the company.

Half past nine.

In the meeting room of Xingchen Company.

Executives from various departments gathered here.

However, Li Cheng was missing from Su Chen's side.

Li Cheng went to do other things.

At 9:40, the meeting started on time.

"Report on the recent sales situation."

The CFO held the report, her face was a little nervous, and even her voice was trembling:

"On July 18, our sales were 29 million."

"On July 19, sales dropped to 13 million."

"On the 20th, sales fell below 10 million, on the 21st it was 8 million, on the 22nd it was 5.3 million, and on the 23rd it was 4.2 million."

"Yesterday's sales were... 1.5 million."

At the end, the CFO lowered his head.

Du Yucheng sighed deeply: "All markets are targeting us, and we are struggling. We are going through the Ice Age of Xingchen Company."

The most direct impact is that sales have dropped very low, more than one million, that is, Xingchen products, sold more than a dozen or twenty pieces.

You know, this is the sales in the national market.

Affected by public opinion, Xingchen's sales are decreasing day by day.

"It doesn't matter if the sales are decreasing."

Ye Qingning said in a deep voice: "That's because our fan group has been deceived. When our fashion show is over, I believe that the market will recover and even set a new high."

"All departments, make full preparations for tomorrow's fashion show."

Ye Qingning quickly issued an order.

As for the models of the fashion show... they are artists from Rihuan Entertainment.

Ye Qingning opened the show, led by the star Han Qian, and the 18 people of the New Star Girl Group completed this fashion show.

Xingchen Company is preparing for the next day's event.

At 3 o'clock in the afternoon of the same day.

The best event of Lebanon Fashion Week, the selection results came out, that is, the holographic projection show of Hermes.

For this reason, the Lebanon Fashion Association used holographic projection technology at the award ceremony at 3 o'clock in the afternoon on the 25th to present some beautiful pictures.

Thomas was the last to take the stage.

Facing many media reporters, audiences, and heads of various luxury brands, he smiled and said:


When he finished talking about the business, he changed the subject:

"I heard that a few hours ago, the president of Xingchen Company, the account of Ye Yaojing, said that I was a jumping clown. Haha, I can tell you responsibly that Xingchen Company is a scum in the fashion industry!"

"It's fun."

"It's garbage."

"I said they can't go far, and they will definitely not go far. There are not even a few customers in major stores across the country, so what sales can we talk about?"

"Global luxury brands are walking on the right path. Things like Xingchen Company, which are evil and crooked, will soon be eliminated by the market."

As soon as Thomas finished speaking.

There was warm applause from the audience.

Not only Thomas' words, but also many famous celebrities and even some financial groups have criticized Xingchen Company.

There is a reason why Xingchen Company's sales have become very low.

The power of the public opinion storm is so terrifying.

Even the employees of Xingchen Company are a little panicked.

Hu Laosan, an excellent employee, and his team members are working.


This is the tenth time that Hu Laosan sighed today.

"Brother Hu, is our company really finished? I heard that sales have dropped very low, and the situation is not good at all."

A team member asked worriedly: "I have only been in the company for more than a month. The last time I was paid 33,000 yuan. In the past, I worked so hard and only made more than 4,000 yuan. Now I have found a good job, but the company is going bankrupt?"

"Don't talk nonsense."

Hu Laosan scolded: "Aren't we still working every day? Who can say that the company is not good?"

"Our brother Hu has made more than 200,000 yuan in more than two months." Another person said: "Employees in Xingchen Company don't want the company to have problems. There are really too few companies that treat employees well."

"I hope the company can survive this crisis."

Almost all workers don't want Xingchen Company to have problems.

For them, the welfare benefits of Xingchen Company are the first good situation they have encountered in their lives.

No one wants to leave this position or be forced to be laid off.

Time passes slowly.

It's eight o'clock in the evening.

A plane arrives at the international airport.

Milia came with a Meteor Shower bag.

She brought two bodyguards and an assistant. After getting off the plane, the hotel's business car came to greet her.

After all, she had booked a top suite and had the hotel's special car pick-up service.

Arrived at a hotel on Tianming Road.

Milia took a shower and went to bed.

The next morning, Milia went to Xingchen Company.

"I want this one, and these."

Milia bought a few products casually, even if they were fairy tale series, she had already got most of the products.

Ye Qingning heard about Milia's arrival and went downstairs in person to chat with her for a while.

At noon.

Milia had dinner at a nearby restaurant, intending to wait until five o'clock in the afternoon to directly participate in Xingchen Company's activities.

The venue has begun to be arranged.

There is Ye Duolan's order.

Xingchen Company's fashion show is on the street.

The wide street to the right of the company's store has been closed, and some seats for guests have been placed at the intersection. The layout of the venue is very simple.

Right in front of the fashion show venue is the mall under the Su Group. In front of the mall is a small square that can accommodate many people.

It was about two o'clock in the afternoon.

Li Ji, Jiacheng and Fang Qiang were sitting in the same car and passed by Xingchen Company.

They saw someone setting up some speakers around the square.

Fang Qiang gritted his teeth and said, "You dare to hold a fashion show? You really should let people come to make a fuss."

"Then it's done."

Li Ji said lightly, "Now Xingchen Company is like this. There is no need to use some inferior means. The fashion show they prepared in a hurry must be mediocre."

"That's right." Jiacheng smiled and said, "Let the media under our control have more people. Xingchen's fashion show, even if it is quite good, is useless. The fashion show can no longer save Xingchen Company."

"Hehe, after today, Xingchen Company will die." Li Ji narrowed his eyes slightly: "It's time to harvest."

The vehicle passed by on the street not far away.

The fangs of capital have already reached out to Xingchen Company, but they never expected that Xingchen Company was so tough that their teeth were broken.

4:30 in the afternoon.

Milia turned around and finally returned to the vicinity of Xingchen Company.

There were even several military teams around several streets.

People from Shanhai Martial Arts School could be seen from all directions.

At this time, more than half of the people were standing in the square of the shopping mall.

And only a small half of the people were sitting at the seats of Xingchen Company.

Among them were a few members of Xingchen Company, as well as Yuan Yiren and Zhou Kai who were dressed very tightly, as well as Mr. Zhou of Rihuan Entertainment, director Wang Qing and others.

There were definitely not many people in the VIP seats, and behind the VIP seats were many media reporters.

When Milia came to the venue and was invited to sit in the front row.

She saw that there was no one she knew around her, and she couldn't help but lack interest.

"Compared to the Lebanese Fashion Week, there are too few people in the VIP seats of Xingchen."

In contrast, Xingchen Company looks very pitiful.

Even Milia felt a little sad.

Is the Xingchen Company that she has maintained really going to be ruined under the pressure of capital?

Just when she was sad.

"Go and step on the paralysis."

Two seats to the left, a man held a mobile phone and video chatted with people: "I came here to watch the fun. I am a member of Xingchen and came to watch the fashion show. Who the hell brought you goods? You son of a bitch, buy it yourself if you want to buy it."

"You paralysis, you are not nice enough..." A voice came from the phone.

Although Milia is not proficient in Chinese, she also understands a little bit and knows the content of their conversation. They are talking foul language.

"What kind of people are these?"

Millia was a little speechless.

It doesn't matter what they say in private, but in such a formal occasion, they still talk foul language, which feels... a bit rustic.

Soon, Milia saw Su Chen, Ye Qingning and more than 20 others coming from the side.

Ye Qingning brought Su Chen to sit next to Milia.


Ye Qingning smiled slightly.

At this time, many media in the back were taking photos.

Including Su Mu, Su Changhe and others, even Su Xing, who had not appeared for a long time, came to the scene.

"Mr. Ye."

Millia looked ahead helplessly. On the street beside Xingchen Company, there was not even a stage. Only two large transparent glass pieces could be seen standing upright.

What is the glass used for?

There is no doubt that this is a holographic projection show.

"The projection show of Lebanon Fashion Week uses the most advanced technology. They are night shows, and the venue and selection are very good."

Millia said: "You also want holographic projection, I think it is not appropriate, because if you do this, you will lose, you will definitely lose, and people will also say that you are imitating Lebanon Fashion Week."

Facing the straightforward Milia, Ye Qingning smiled:

"Believe me, you will soon see what real technology is."

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