Fairy King Dad

Chapter 972 Zhao Baogang's Fear

"There are thousands of roads, safety is the first priority, and driving is not regulated, and my loved ones will burst into tears."

Inside the cinema.

On the first day of release, Wandering Planet, a movie produced by Sunlink Entertainment, almost sold out.

"So cool."

"The special effects are amazing."


When they saw the protagonist walking out of the shelter, seeing the huge construction vehicles, seeing the courage to move forward for the mission in a difficult environment, and watching the realistic and touching special effects, many people, unknowingly, fell into it. .

Some media reporters were waiting at the entrance of the cinema.

When the morning movie ended.

Reporters randomly interview passers-by:

"Are you looking at the Wandering Planet?"

"Yes." A fashionably dressed young man and his girlfriend paused and nodded.

"How do you evaluate this work?" the reporter asked.

The girlfriend smiled: "He's super handsome, okay? Rihuan Entertainment Company, he's awesome."

The man pondered for a moment and said sternly: "How should I put it? The overall world view setting, special effects production, and art aesthetics are really a ground-breaking work for domestic science fiction. Our Dragon Kingdom finally has a decent domestic hard-core science fiction film. Yes, it is a hardcore science fiction film. I am very excited now. This work has exceeded my expectations. "

Soon, the interview ended and the reporter found a middle-aged man in his thirties walking alone.

"Are you looking at Wandering Planet? What do you think of this work?" the reporter asked.

"Where is this interview?" the man asked.

"We are from Soybean Film and Television Column." the reporter replied.

"Oh, it turns out to be Soybean Film and Television. Let me give you a good answer." The middle-aged man coughed lightly and said, "To be honest, I am very happy to see a work like Wandering Planet. Our Dragon Kingdom director can make such a film." Hard science fiction, seeing such a degree of completion makes me excited just thinking about it, and it can make people forgive all imperfections!”

"It is naturally untenable to say that this movie is the first year of Chinese science fiction movies. After all, many soft science fiction films have been made in China for a long time. However, it is said that The Wandering Planet is the first milestone of Chinese hard science fiction movies, or that China's hard science fiction movies This is irrefutable to anyone. Its degree of industrialization is absolutely unprecedented in the country. It is a movie that can be recorded in the history of Chinese movies!"

For the second person, after the review, the reporter gave him a souvenir gift.

Then I interviewed a third person, a cute girl.

"I would give it eight points. When I watched it, my biggest feeling was that the film finally used a Hollywood disaster movie model to handle this movie, which made the final rescue and sacrifice feel passionate. Although there are still too many regrets in many aspects such as plot details, characters, lines, etc., it is still a direction. This kind of blockbuster still needs to respect the basic plot rules of some genre films. In addition, it really touched me It’s still that long journey of more than 2,500 years, an adventure that no one can see the end of. It’s very desperate and pessimistic, which happens to be my view of the universe.”

Soon, some interview videos of film critics were trending.

rave reviews.

On Soybean Film and Television, the opening score is 8.5. You must know that on Doya Film and Television, there are only 180 masterpieces with a score of 9 or more in the past few decades.

Film and television works with a score of 8 or above are worth watching. Of course, as a commercial masterpiece, The Wandering Planet is unparalleled in its popularity.

It starts in the morning and lasts until around nine o'clock in the evening.

On the first day, in the mainland of Dragon Kingdom, the filming rate of Wandering Planet was as high as 70%. Even so, the venue was fully booked.

But in the southeastern part of the Asia-Pacific market.

within some countries.

The filming rate of Wandering Planet is not high, but the attendance rate has reached 82%.

As for Hollywood's masterpiece, The Bluebird, the screening rate was as high as 50%, and the attendance rate in the morning was 70%, but in the afternoon...

Attendance dropped to 40 percent.


"The Invincible Bluebird, a shit plot."

"Treating the audience to be fools? It's so cliché."

"Nothing but special effects."

There are a lot of disparaging comments online.

Even so, the director of The Invincible Bluebird, Eamon Hua, vowed: "Evaluations and ratings are not important, box office is the most important. Commercial films never pay attention to the rating, but judge success or failure based on the box office."

As a result, after the first day's data came down.

Aimeng Hua's face turned dark.

Global box office.

The Invincible Bluebird grossed 20 million yuan at the box office on its first day.

As for The Wandering Planet, its box office on the first day was as high as 170 million yuan.

That is the first-day data equivalent to 1.1 billion.

Among them, the Dragon Kingdom Market provided 80% of the box office revenue.

This data is shocking.

The next day, the box office of The Invincible Bluebird increased slightly, reaching 23 million.

The box office of The Wandering Planet has begun to fall, and it is about 100 million yuan.

On the third day, the box office of The Invincible Bluebird began to decline, reaching 18 million.

The box office of The Wandering Planet has also dropped to about 80 million, which is equivalent to the box office of Dragon Kingdom, which is more than 500 million.

It exceeded 2 billion in three days, creating unparalleled and powerful records in the Dragon Kingdom market!

Many insiders were extremely shocked when they saw this.

Including Fang Qiang.

After he learned the news, there was a hint of fear in his eyes.

"The Wandering Planet is a good work, but the high box office shows that the power behind it is too strong. With the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Film and Television behind the scenes, why worry about it not being popular?"

Fang Qiang's hair has turned a lot white:

"It's a pity that I shouldn't have taken the initiative to jump out and become the role of Ye Duolan killing the chicken to scare the monkey. Haha, Li Ji and his group are indifferent to the matter. Damn it, one day, you will cry too!"

At this moment, Fang Qiang didn't even want Li Ji to win. In his heart, he even hoped that they would lose.

These three days.

Invincible Blue Bird is cold.

Soybean Film and Television scored 6.1 at the beginning. As the number of viewers increased, the reviewers lowered the overall score. In just three days, the score dropped to 5.4 points.

Below six points can almost be defined as a bad movie.

And the Wandering Planet started high and ended high, and currently maintains 8.2 points.

The reason for the rave reviews is hard science fiction and unparalleled special effects.

Some of the reviews with lower scores were about the plot and some details.

About the TV series Wandering Planet.

In the southeastern region of the Asia-Pacific market, many countries had almost all seen their screening rates rise to 45% on the fourth day.

The screening rate of Invincible Bluebird dropped from 51% to 28%.

There is no doubt that Invincible Bluebird was completely defeated at the box office.

Even director E Menghua was still stubborn when he was interviewed:

"The audience loves this work. The reason for the low score is that some people deliberately gave a low score. I think this is a factor of malicious competition."

The blame was passed to Rihuan Entertainment.

After all, Invincible Bluebird was released in advance just to suppress Wandering Planet.

As a result, Wandering Planet's box office exploded.

Invincible Bluebird, both box office and word of mouth were a failure.

As for Rihuan Entertainment, there was no response at all.

Director Wang Qing contacted a group of actors and continued to film according to the script given by Su Chen.

Soon, the time came to August 1st.

On this day, at 8 o'clock in the morning, Liu Baogang arrived at the Gray and Red Clothing City on time.

He was in the office upstairs, his eyes were red, obviously he didn't sleep well.

Behind him, there were five people who didn't dare to speak at all.

Liu Baogang's temper recently was very irritable, like dynamite, which would explode at the slightest touch.

He smoked a cigarette and looked at the building across the street, which had already hung a plaque of Xinghuan Fur City.

The store was about half the size of this one, but it was almost full of all kinds of clothing, not just fur, but also some lower-priced clothing, such as short-sleeved shirts, shorts, etc.

Those short-sleeved shirts and other items were sold directly here by people from the wholesale factory.

How terrible is direct selling?

The clothing of Huihong Clothing City was purchased from this wholesale factory...

Liu Baogang was a middleman who made a profit from the price difference, but now the wholesale factory has settled in the store opposite, which undoubtedly cut off half of Huihong Clothing City's territory!

Soon, at nine o'clock, the business hours were up.

There were almost no customers in Huihong Clothing City.

The Xinghuan Fur opposite was bustling with people, even to the point of being crowded.

Liu Baogang's eyes were red as he watched this scene. He sneered, "The market wants to eliminate a person without even saying hello."

After more than ten minutes.

One of his subordinates came here with five pieces of clothing.

"Boss, these are all products of Xinghuan Fur."

The subordinate said, "I asked the technical department to check it out. It is completely possible to make it look real. The texture and feel are even better than the genuine ones. This artificial mink fur is a high-tech product that they can't understand. It can also be said that what Mr. Li of Xingchen Group said about warmth exceeding mink fur by 20% is true. Whether it is the effect in all aspects, it is..."

As he was talking, the subordinate suddenly noticed the weird atmosphere.

Looking up, he saw Liu Baogang staring at him with a ferocious face.

And the few people standing beside him didn't dare to look up.

"Don't say that!"

Liu Baogang shouted loudly, and his saliva sprayed a lot. He said with a grudge: "Get out, all of you get out!"

Several subordinates were relieved.

They walked out one after another. But just as they reached the door.


Liu Baogang pulled his collar and panted, "50% off, 50% off! Put it up for me immediately!"


"Sell at cost price!"

"A mink coat worth 3,000 yuan, the market doesn't accept it?"

A mink coat costs about 2,000 to 3,000 yuan, and the price of a mink is about 300 yuan, while an adult coat requires seven to ten minks.

Liu Baogang didn't believe it. Even if it was sold at cost price, no one wanted it!

At this moment, Liu Baogang was really a little panicked.

Jinlin fur is his most important industry. If it really goes bankrupt, he can't accept it.

Especially recently, he has hoarded too many goods.

These goods have been delayed in being sold, and for him, the daily loss is not low.

Soon, the gray and red clothing city hung a banner for selling at cost price.

Selling fur at cost price.

This really made many people step into the door of the gray and red clothing city.

Seeing this scene, Liu Baogang felt relieved.

"Sure enough, the market still recognizes genuine mink fur."

Liu Baogang nodded with satisfaction and breathed a sigh of relief.

But two minutes later.

"Not good!"

A subordinate rushed into the office and said: "Boss, there are dozens of media members coming down below. They want to interview us and say... With artificial mink, will we consider changing careers? That is, I just hope we won’t continue to kill minks.”

"Kill the mink? Go to hell, you are a bunch of idiots, tell them to get out, tell them to get out, they are not welcome here!" Liu Baogang yelled angrily.

I thought there were dozens of guests, but unexpectedly, there were dozens of media who wanted to watch the lively interviews!

Liu Baogang was furious.

The first day passed quickly.

Upstairs, he even saw several former partners coming out of Starlink Technology with smiles on their faces.

It's obvious they've teamed up!

Such a scene caused a trace of fear to rise deep in Liu Baogang's heart.

He recalled a sentence.

Li Cheng, the president of Xingchen Group, said in an understatement that he wanted Jinlin Fur to go bankrupt.

Is he...really going to do it?

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