Fairy King Dad

Chapter 989: The End

"Mr. Lin, for the Repulse Bay project, have the names and prices of each community been confirmed?"

a reporter asked.

Lin Xiong held the microphone, he smiled slightly and said:

"The name has not yet been decided. When the project is completed, I think I will think of a few special and meaningful names."

"As for the price."

"Our Repulse Bay project uses the latest materials from Xinghuan Technology. The rooms are warm in winter and cool in summer, healthy and environmentally friendly. Our design is the best. I think the housing prices here will reach the highest peak in the history of Hong Kong Island." ”

At this moment, many reporters were moved.

In other words, the housing prices here will be the most expensive!

"This is just the first phase of our project. We will expand in this area in the future to create villa residential areas, as well as specialized hotels and other entertainment and accommodation venues."

Lin Xiong is drawing a pie.

Although there is no more land in hand.

However, these words are equivalent to looking into the future, making people subconsciously think that this place will definitely become popular in the near future.

"We have a complete plan for this area. We will create an integrated entertainment and business center. We are committed to developing a good community environment and building new luxury homes..."

This sentence was said by Zhao He, and his name was very loud.

After the press conference.

Infrastructure projects began to build some detailed buildings in the surrounding area.

That is, garden landscaping, etc.

Including several large shopping malls, construction has also begun.

The pace of infrastructure construction is very fast.

When the time comes to mid-December.

The Repulse Bay project and the huge community system are already in full swing.

“Infrastructural Miracle.”

"Three months to build an integrated living community."

“Wanxing Real Estate is on fire!”

"The Repulse Bay project is on fire!"

Under the arrangement of Lin Xiong and others, the Repulse Bay project became popular.

Almost all the land owned by the Su Group has been developed, and even a lot of decoration materials have been provided.

With wide roads and an excellent drainage system, it looks like a modern, state-of-the-art community everywhere.

Three whole months.

Li Cheng invested a total of 30 billion.

Especially in November, the 10 billion he invested made the North District Chamber of Commerce a little nervous.

Sun Qinghe invested tens of billions in cash.

The North District Chamber of Commerce, Lin Xiong, Liu Baogang, Zhao He and others took out all their net worth and loaned out all the money they could mortgage from the bank.

All invested in the Repulse Bay project.

As the saying goes, if you have money, things get done quickly.

Wanxing Real Estate has demonstrated strong infrastructure capabilities.

All kinds of materials were piled up crazily, and the Repulse Bay project was built in three months.

Although they are all about construction, only the final step of decoration is missing. Its efficiency shocked the industry.

"Wanxing Real Estate, a subsidiary of Xingchen Group, is too powerful."

"I heard that employees of Wanxing Real Estate have very high wages. Ordinary workers earn over 10,000 yuan a month."

"The infrastructure team of Wanxing Real Estate has a very large number of people, and the engineering equipment they purchased are all brand new."

Wanxing Real Estate Company has become famous after three months of the Repulse Bay project.

The Repulse Bay project, driven by the North District Chamber of Commerce, is becoming more and more popular day by day.

December 25th.


Twelve noon.

There were more than twenty people sitting in the luxurious Supreme Hall of Hansi Restaurant.

These are members of the Northside Chamber of Commerce.

They passed around cups and cups and had a great time, and everyone had a smile on their face.

"Hahaha, our Repulse Bay project has very high online reviews. The house price is 150,000 yuan, so we don't have to worry about selling it."

“That piece of land, every inch of land is valuable, will definitely become a new business district.”

"It's so valuable, hahaha. Back then, President Lin said that we were going to take down the Su Group. This was such a wise decision. Long live President Lin, mighty President Lin!"

"Now we should consider the names of each community. I want to name one, called Yunxiao Garden! Hahaha."

"The only fly in the ointment is the Ministry of Commerce's header document. Once the development zone is confirmed, a sea-ring highway will be built along the coastline, beaches will be developed, and more hotels, tourism and entertainment facilities will be built. This is ours. Next goal.”

"Starting from tomorrow, we will be renovating." Lin Xiong picked up the wine glass, looked at everyone, and said with a smile: "I think the pre-sale can start. After the pre-sale starts, we will be able to get it in a short time. After investing so much money, it’s finally time to reap the rewards. Come on, let’s raise this glass of wine and celebrate our victory together!”

Everyone raised their glasses and took a sip of wine.

Then Liu Baogang laughed and said: "I can finally feel proud. Damn it, didn't that Xingchen Company say they were going to destroy us? As a result, they talked like farts. We almost killed them, but they couldn't do anything to us. This It’s just a gap, our North District Chamber of Commerce will never die, it’s cool!”

When Zhao He heard this, he immediately laughed: "It's cool!"

With wealth and honor, everyone is happy when they make money.

However, just then.

Lin Xiong's cell phone rang.

He picked up the phone, walked to the side, sat down, lit a cigarette, and answered the phone.

When he heard the content on the phone in the chaotic room, he frowned:

"What's the meaning?"

"Ecological reserve?"

"It has nothing to do with our project."


"What did you say?"

"Our land is not recognized? How is this possible!"

Lin Xiong's expression changed drastically.

He wasn't even sure if he heard clearly.

At this moment, looking at the chaotic scene again, he picked up the wine glass on the side and slammed it on the ground.

"Shut up, everyone!"

A loud shout came from Lin Xiong's mouth.

The field suddenly fell silent, and all eyes fell on Lin Xiong.

Lin Xiong's face turned green and red. He was panting and loosened his collar. He asked, "Say it again!"

"President, what I just said is all. The Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Environment jointly issued a notice. The area we are in belongs to the ecological protection zone. The land purchased by the Su family was on May 31st. The Ministry of Commerce has already issued an order saying that land purchased before May 1st will not be counted and our real estate contract will be invalid!"



These three words were like thunder from the sky, which stunned Lin Xiong.

"No, no, no, no, that's impossible!"

"I don't believe it!"

"This is absolutely impossible!"

Lin Xiong was panicked.

All the assets of his Lin family have been invested in the Repulse Bay project, and he still has a lot of debt!

If something goes wrong there, you will be completely useless!

If you don’t have money, you might as well kill me!

"They can't be so unreasonable."


Lin Xiong roared into the phone: "The Repulse Bay project is a landmark place. They can't take it back! Damn it, I will kill anyone who wants to take it back. Do it for me now!"

"President, I...tried all the methods, but the answer I got was that the land is invalid and our building is illegal. President, I'm sorry, my wife in the mainland is going to have a baby, and I have to go back." Take care of him, President, please take care of yourself.”

The stern subordinate at the center hung up the phone.

Lin Xiong sat down on the ground.

He was dumbfounded.

Looking at the attitude of his subordinates, you know that everything is irreversible.

"What's wrong, President?"

"President Lin, what happened?"

Everyone around asked, and someone came to help Lin Xiong.

Halfway through the support, Lin Xiong said wordlessly:

"The Repulse Bay project is listed as an ecological protection zone, and we are building illegally..."


The expressions of everyone around him changed drastically, and the person who was supporting him immediately let go of his hand.

Lin Xiong fell to the ground, but he was indifferent.

"How is that possible?"

Zhao He was angry and grabbed Lin Xiong's neck: "Tell me, how is this possible? This is fake!"

Seeing the absent-minded Lin Xiong, Zhao He gritted his teeth. He immediately took out his mobile phone and started making a call.

"What's the meaning?"

"When was the notice issued?"

"Ecological reserve? Damn it!"

"We can't build illegally!"


Zhao He made more than a dozen calls and got the same answer.

It has been determined that it is an ecological protection zone.

Moreover, no one Zhao He found could help.

"what to do?"

"Where's our money? Where's the money invested?"

"Quickly, spread public opinion."

Zhao He quickly calmed down and began to spread the news through his own media.

"The Ministry of Commerce is going too far. The Repulse Bay project should not be listed as an ecological protection zone."

"Who is calling the shots in the Ministry of Commerce?"

“Ridiculous ecological reserve!”

"The land for the Repulse Bay project must be approved, otherwise the people will not agree!"

The message was sent quickly.

With millions of fans and millions of accounts, it is quickly released and spread in the media.

At this moment, everyone in the private room was looking at Zhao He.

Soon, Zhao He's cell phone rang.

"Boss, our third distribution account has been blocked."

The phone hung up, and a minute later, another message came.

"The boss, the first distribution account, has been blocked, permanently."

"The second distribution account has been blocked."

"The fifth distribution account has been banned for one year."

"Six of our distribution platforms have been blocked."

"Boss, all our production channels have been blocked, and several distribution accounts that help us have also been blocked."

For a time, no one dared to continue to twist this matter.

And on the hot search list.

The Repulse Bay project area is listed as an ecological protection zone.

The Repulse Bay project land was purchased after May 1 and will not be recognized.

These messages are at the top of the hot search list.

"Is such a large Repulse Bay project abandoned?"

"What a pity, that was Wanxing Real Estate's first shot."


Three o'clock in the afternoon.

This incident caused a stir in the city.

Li Ji, Xu Gang, Jiacheng and others were sitting in the reception room of the office building company.

Xu Gang's expression was a bit shocked:

"North District Chamber of Commerce, it's over, this is definitely a conspiracy."

"It's Li Cheng who is taking action." Jiacheng's face was full of solemnity: "Really, since I first met Li Cheng, I have been very impressed by him. This person... . He is definitely a very scary person, and I can even feel a trace of the aura I once felt in his body."


This sentence made Li Ji's pupils shrink.

Jiacheng's grandfather was named Jialong. He knew very well that a hundred years ago, Jialong was very wealthy and had created a money empire.

Jia Long's methods were ruthless and he had planned everything. If he hadn't died early, Jia Cheng might have become a wealthy tycoon somewhere.

The fact that Jia Cheng felt this way was enough to show that Li Cheng was not simple.

"Is it possible? This was Li Cheng's plan."

Xu Gang took a deep breath: "He said he would destroy Jinlin Fur, and Jinlin Fur went bankrupt. He said he would destroy Lin's Games, but Lin's company went bankrupt. He once said he would destroy the North District Chamber of Commerce, but in just over three months, the North District Chamber of Commerce was abolished."

This sentence made the scene fall into silence.

After a few seconds.

Jia Cheng slowly raised his head and said:

"Li Cheng also said that he would destroy Hong Kong Island's West Eagle Capital."

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