Li Qingjun stared at his ancestor.

Li Duanxuan raised his hand and wanted to fight.

Li Qingjun held his head subconsciously.

Raising my hand to half, I feel that this action is very serpentine and very unfriendly. I don't know how it was transmitted ... Maybe it was brought by Qin Yi after it was infected? So he lowered his hand again and continued to stare at his ancestor with his neck.

The result was unexpectedly cute.

Li Duanxuan looked unsmiling, put his hands back and laughed, "If I were a tortoise, what are you? Who are you calling bad? It's really hurting the enemy one thousand and causing one thousand ... "

Li Qingjun forcefully said, "No matter what, according to Qin Yi, this is the limit one for one."

Li Duanxuan really couldn't take her and shook her head: "Okay, I'll go with you this time. My descendants ... although I don't want to control it, I'm not bullying anyone."

Li Qingjun was overjoyed: "Master is wise!"

"Come less of this set. I will go, but I will not mingle with you, the old man acts on his own."

As a result, Li Qingjun was more happy.

Isn't it better?

Looking at her little appearance, Li Duanxuan laughed and said, "Actually ... if I said this time, I wouldn't need to intervene at all, believe it?"

"I don't believe it," Li Qingjun said, "If Tai Yi is fully involved, Qin Yi and I can't stand it."

Li Duanxuan leisurely said, "But your niece has a Wuzong sect."

Li Qingjun's eyes widened in surprise.

What is this expansion?

"Do you know that the struggle between the demons and the demons has not ceased in recent years, but has intensified?"

"Well, I can see some of them." Li Qingjun and Qin Yi have seen the chess idiots. There is no pressure in Wandao Xiangong, and the chess idiots have no time to run around, which means that Wu Shenzong has not been able to free his hands to Wandaoxian. What pressure does the palace exert.

It shows that the dispute between Zhengmo and the monster is still going on, and it doesn't stop.

But they never thought that this protagonist was not Wandao Xiangong at all, but one. Wandao Xiangong is a theater ...

After listening to Li Duanxuan's explanation for a long time, Li Qingjun roughly understood the beginning and end.

The original Tai case was a suggestion that several affiliated outsiders participated in this grand stand. This is quite normal. In the past dynasties, there will be some fairy families "for the sake of life", support "the master of the earth", and end the chaos.

Ye Bieqing did this at first, of course, Qin Yi later knew that his original intention had nothing to do with "for the sake of life," but he tried to add the spirit of national transport to his paintings.

This time too, there is a similar case, saying that "choose the Lord for the common people" and "end the troubled world as soon as possible", there are actually deep-seated reasons.

Their three best young disciples, including Gu Xin, died in the blood and blood realm. This is not as simple as the death of a few Tengyun, but the seeds of the Zongmen have broken and can be called injuries. Muscles move.

The masters and apprentices of the Xiuxian Realm are the tradition of Taoism, and in a sense are more important than the descendants of the bloodline. Many people would rather not look for apprentices in their lifetime, or want to make a waste of their eyes, which would affect their reputation, or they might have the effect of luck, which would be a lifelong disaster. Therefore, many people admit to apprenticeships and seek for many years in the world. Even if they look right, they have to go through many trials and trials before they finally become a disciple.

But for Zong Men, you ca n’t find it, otherwise your Zong Men will be inferior to others. It will be easy for the Zong Men to weaken gradually, so Zong Men has someone to **** good seedlings, and you ca n’t be silly.

Good genius disciples are not easy to find. Where can there be so many geniuses in the world?

There are four disciples with spiritual roots, blessings, moral character, and spirituality. They may not meet one for thousands of years. Therefore, many Taoist schools have to give up perfection requirements. As long as they have spiritual roots, they can be moral qualities. Can it be cultivated ...

Therefore, the character of those people in Guxin is understandable.

Even Gu Xin was pretty reluctant. This time they were still out of line. How easy is it to add it in the short term?

There is one of the most direct solutions to this problem.

As long as you are a state teacher, it is too easy to collect good seed. Of course, it is well known that there are many disadvantages, too. One case also knew that he could not end the game directly, so he asked the outsiders to participate in the competition.

In previous years, this kind of chasing each other has a little bit, the purpose is similar, but the winning and losing also ends at the level of the outside door, and smiles over it, and that's it. There were even monks who had been shot as hedgehogs by pure human forces. Everyone spread their hands and sighed, "Destiny is in the other." It was still very detached.

As a result, this time a case became a must-have, and the nature was a little different. Others didn't end up looking at their faces. But what is funny is that in the case of Tai Yi, several forces supported by outsiders were overthrown, and under the circumstance that the destiny is in the other, Tai Yi finally couldn't help himself.

At the beginning, there was still a bit of a bottom line, but only a few Tengyun monks shot, defeated a cadre, and occupied a city instead. As a result, when the second war started, there were a few wizards from the army.

Li Wuxian invited Wu Shenzong, and it seemed to be well prepared.

The battlefield on earth has completely turned into a fairy-fighting strategy. If Qin Yi saw it, he would definitely think of "Fengshen Romance" the first time.

This time too, one case was defeated and defeated by the Witch God Sect, and the high-rise finally couldn't help it.

If other families can still negotiate, is it the Wu Shenzong?

Didn't Gu Xin's pot that died in the **** realm belong to Wu Shenzong? Everyone hasn't stopped fighting over the demons in the past few years. It's even possible to make troubles in the war in the world. It's unbearable. Is it true that we are too muddy?

The battle between the demons and the monsters was escalated, and the protagonist completely became too one, and the battlefield between the world and the world and the Wushen sect were invincible.

"In terms of size, Taiyi certainly can't beat Wushen Zong, but we are also allies and exert pressure together. As long as Wushen Zong is incomparable, we have the upper hand." Li Duanxuan said: "Later I realized that Wushen Zong was actually In helping the immortals, we at Penglai Sword Pavilion have been unmoved these days and have not shot. The side of Wandao Fairy Palace is about the same, and they have begun to do nothing. "

Li Qingjun could n’t laugh or cry. Qin Yi was the main resentment against Wu Shenzong. She supplemented them, that is, Wandao Xiangong and Penglai Sword Pavilion were the core of hostility against Wushen. ~ ~ The result is now reversed, Wan Daoxian Gong and Penglai Sword Pavilion entered the theater mode together.

This is the typical influence of causality. The outbreak of Taiyi and the antecedent of resentment, coupled with Li Wuxian's identity relationship, completely changed the direction of this matter, and ran to a direction that Qin Yi had never thought of before.

"So ..." Li Duanxuan said meaningfully: "Know why I should act on my own, right? This thing is not good, it will actually turn into two of us helping Mozong to fight the right ally, we must be cautious, really To kill one too, one must not be known, and even heavenly calculations must try to erase ... "

Very good, there is no pressure to help Mozong to fight the right path. All he said was to clean his hands and feet. This shameful style is indeed the ancestor of the Li family.

Li Qingjun was very comfortable: "Yes, Master."

Li Duanxuan said, "The biggest problem now, isn't it that Wuzong Zong and Qin Yi have enemies? This has become such a situation, it is already difficult to separate the enemy and me. Careful shots are not only a matter of cover, but the shot itself must If you think about it, it's no different than helping the enemy slap yourself. "

Li Qingjun groaned for a long while before finally sighing: "Finally, I know why the senior chess enthusiasts will let Qin Yi watch more, do less, and not get into the game."

"This is a mystery that is difficult to distinguish between ourselves and the enemy. The chess player is actually a 13-year-old girl, which is really shocking." Li Duanxuan Fu Xu: "With my blood on my body, it really is different."

Li Qingjun said: "I also have your blood, why am I not so smart?"

"No way," Li Duanxuan said with a sleeve in his sleeves. "Even if there are two children, a clever and an idiot will have it."

"The idiot's influence is your bloodline." Li Qingjun said badly: "She is so wicked, I think about it, it's because of the influence of previous lives."

Li Duanxuan narrowed his eyes.

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