The strongest element, the wind element, still stood where it was. like a statue!

However, the pressure he put was deeply imprinted on the hearts of Gray and Leon, and they could not move away no matter what.

"So strong!"

Sweat was dripping from Gray's head. After fighting for so long, he and his senior brother were already out of breath.

But the wind element was still so relaxed, as if there was no energy wasted at all!


Leon took a breath and looked at the figure in front of him:"Gray, it seems we are going to fight hard!"


Gray nodded. At present, the only way to defeat the wind element is to fight hard, otherwise there is no chance.

Leon looked at the wind element in front of him, who did not make any move, with a solemn expression!

"We have to figure out what kind of magic he has, otherwise we won't have the slightest chance."

"Um."Gray responded, he had already seen it.

If he didn't know the magic of the wind element, even the two of them wouldn't be able to defeat him!

"Have you discussed it?"

The wind element stared at the two people and slowly said:

"Who is going to die?"

"cut!"25 Gray took a step forward, threw off his shirt, and the guild emblem appeared on his chest.

"Just let me meet you properly."

Gray said seriously. He put his hands together and sent out a magic circle.

"ice shape"

"Hammer soldiers!"

A big hammer made of ice appeared, and Gray struck it directly.

When he was about to touch the wind element, the hammer turned into water and lost the support of magic!


The wind element told the truth. To him, an attack like this is nothing more than a child's play.

It has no meaning!

"So what about now."

Leon's voice came from behind. The wind element was just about to turn around.

Leon's magic had already struck.

"ice shape"


A dragon-like ice sculpture appeared in his hand, carved with sharp fangs, and the magic blow blew towards him.

There was no tension on the face of the wind element.

The ice dragon was about to turn into water when it touched his body.

"Airspace. Destroy!"

The wind element turned around and slapped Leon, a palm that even Makarov couldn't resist.

How could Leon resist?

But now it's too late to avoid it. This distance is simply not possible. Maybe avoid it.

Gray's voice sounded from the side.

"ice shape"

"Ice wall!"

Gray folded his hands and activated the ice modeling magic.

A wall of ice rose from the ground, separating the wind element and Leon.

Leon returned to Gray's side through the gap, with a serious look on his face.

The ice in front of the wind element The wall also melted away.

Leon gritted his silver teeth and clenched his fist:

"Gray, I think I know that guy's magic. I really can't believe that there is such unreasonable magic in this world."

Gray carefully observed the wind element, alert to every move, and nodded:

"I think I have some clues too"

"snort!"Leon closed his eyes and raised the corners of his mouth:"In that case, let's talk about this magic together and see if it's right."

"sure!"Gray had absolute confidence.


"Magic that can dissipate magic."

Leon and Gray both said the basic nature of this magic in unison. The wind element also heard this sentence, and his expression changed slightly, and he was a bit livid!

"It looks like we guessed it right."

Gray, who has been paying attention to all the changes in his opponents, knows that they have guessed correctly. Although this magic is ridiculous, they can only accept it now.

For Fairy Tail!

The two of them must defeat such an opponent!! (It's so exciting to watch) For novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Feng Yuan’s expression changed and he said frankly:

"Huh, so what if you guessed it? My magic is invincible. Even if you know it, you can't break it. It will only deepen your despair."

"Really……"The corner of Gray's mouth curled up, whether it could be broken or not, the enemy's words didn't count, he had to observe it through his own observation.

Leon showed a confident smile,

"I've discovered the weakness of your magic"[]

Gray looked over with a surprised look. Even the wind element couldn't help but stare at him. He knew his magic best.

It shouldn't be possible for him to have any weaknesses!

"There really is."

Gray whispered in a low voice.

Leon cast a"please believe me" look at Gray.

The wind element was in an uneasy mood. What are the flaws in his magic? This is impossible. The magic that can eliminate magic, this But it is the most powerful magic in the world.

Dragon-slaying magic.

All other magics are not worth mentioning in front of this magic!

It should be impossible for such a powerful and perfect magic to have such a weakness.!!

"Hum, I understand."

The wind element suddenly laughed and looked with wind-like eyes:

"You're bluffing, right?"

Leon raised his hand, and the magic circle appeared on his hand. He always had a confident smile on his face, as if he had really discovered a weakness!

"styling magic"


Countless little eagle ice sculptures bombarded towards the wind element.

Just like before!

When they were about to get closer, they turned into a puddle of water and lost their magic effect.

"How about it? I'll just say it's useless."

The insecurity of the wind element disappeared, and his face returned to calm. Now it seems that it was just a bluff. But

Leon suddenly rushed over.

A fist hit Feng Yuan 733 Su directly on the cheek.

The wind element flew out directly.

Slumped against the wall.

Leon followed Gray's example and took off his shirt, revealing the six packs on his arms and abdominal muscles.

"You can only eliminate magic, which is your biggest weakness!"

In the beginning, in order to prevent them from completely relying on magic, Master Ulu trained their bodies.

Now it's time to show off the results!

Gray also understood at this time and stepped forward, with the same six-pack abs The figure appeared in front of me.

As for the clothes, they had already been taken off during the previous battle!


The wind element slowly stood up from the wall, coughed out a mouthful of blood from the corner of his mouth, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, looked at it for a while, and then turned his eyes to the front.

Shen Sheng:

"I really underestimate you!"

Overwhelming magic appears. Indeed, with this magic, although he looks tall, he has not undergone any training.

This situation is indeed a bit bad!


"Airspace. Destroy!"

The hands of the wind element are covered with the magic that just knocked out Makarov instantly with one move.

Confidence returned to his face:

"To use physical skills, you have to get close, and if you get close, there is a risk of the magic being dispersed by my hands. Your death is coming, damn goblins!".

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