After Chiyu left, Kurochu Raiga immediately suggested, "Kamiyo, we've had too little to eat these days. We'll have two million taels soon. Let's go have a good meal!"

Yahiko agreed very much, "That makes sense! Let's go!"

After Chiyu returned to Konoha, he took out two million taels from his own treasury, then wrote a piece of paper and asked the summoning beast to go to Tansho Street and give the money to Yahiko and the others.

Three days later.

On the bench in Tansho Street, three creatures that looked like humans were lying.

These three creatures that looked like humans were Yahiko, Yekura and Kurochu Raiga.

Three days ago.

After Chiyu left, Yahiko and the other two went to a high-end sushi restaurant to celebrate the arrival of two million taels of organizational funds.

After the three of them ate and drank to their heart's content, they spent a full 10,000 taels.

The money Chiyu gave, plus the money Yahiko had on him, totaled only 11,000 taels.

A meal cost them 10,000 taels.

The three of them only had the last 1,000 taels left in their pockets.

When Yahiko and the other two came out of the sushi restaurant, they were all stunned.

Because it normally takes two days to get from Tansho Street to Konoha, and four days to go back and forth, and three days at the earliest.

In other words, it would take at least three days to use this 1,000 taels.

But the cheapest bowl of ramen in Tansho Street costs 100 taels. Three people eat three meals a day, which costs 900 taels a day. With 1,000 taels in their pockets, they can only last for one day, and they will have to starve for two days.

In fact, if the three of them use this 1,000 taels sparingly, for example, if they share a bowl of noodles, they can last for three days.

But the most common thing in Tansho Street is casinos.

So the three of them thought of taking a chance, and they turned their bicycles into motorcycles, and went straight to the casino and went all in.

However, the result was obvious, otherwise the three of them would not have been lying on the bench like a puddle of mud.

If they hadn't been waiting for Qianyu's summoned beast, the three of them would have wanted to go hunting.

Ye Cang stroked his hungry belly and asked, "Hey, Kamishiro, when will the leader's funds be in place?"

Yahiko said weakly, "I don't know~"

Kurochu Raiga said listlessly, "Kamiyo, hurry up."

Yahiko sighed, "I asked him, and he said that the summoned beast is on the way, and he can't urge it anymore. He seems to have sensed it, and I'm worried about being scolded~"

Kurochu Raiga said sadly, "Thinking back then, I was also an elite jonin of the Hidden Mist Village, one of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, but I ended up in such a situation. It's really a big gap."

Yahiko and Ye Cang sighed together.

At this time, a sinister voice sounded: "You three guys who look like trash, are you the companions of Master Qianyu?"

Yahiko, Ye Cang and Kurochu Lei Ya suddenly jumped up from the bench, their eyes emitting a faint green light, staring at the little green snake on the ground.

The little green snake was panicked by the green eyes of Yahiko and the other two, and took a step back.

"Why are you three trash looking at me like this?"

Yahiko grabbed the little green snake and asked: "You are Qianyu's summoned beast, right? Give us the money!"

The little green snake twisted its body wildly in Yahiko's hand: "Let me go, you yellow-haired trash!"

Yeh Cang said faintly: "Snakes...should be edible, right?"

Kurochu Lei Ya swallowed his saliva: "Yes, I have eaten it, and it tastes very good!"

There was a big question mark in the little green snake's small eyes.

It finally understood that these three guys were crazy and wanted to eat it.

However, as a snake, it... is the most sensible: "Don't! I'm here to give you money! If you eat me, the money will be gone!"

Yahiko and the other two woke up instantly, and hurriedly put the little green snake on the ground, smiling as if treating an ancestor: "Why would we want to eat you? It's a misunderstanding. Where's the money? Take it out quickly."


The little green snake's belly squirmed: "Ugh~"

The little green snake spit out a sticky scroll and said: "The money is in this scroll, you three big fools who want to eat snakes!"

Before Yahiko and the other two could react, the little green snake turned into smoke and disappeared on the spot.

Yahiko and the other two were stunned for a moment.

"Did we just get scolded by a snake?"

"It seems not just now, it seems to have said that we look like trash from the beginning."

"This is too much!"

The three were indignant, but there was nothing they could do.

After the little green snake finished scolding, it ran directly to the Longchi Cave.

Yahiko and the other two

People can't vent their anger even if they want to.


Yahiko and the other two looked at the sticky scroll on the ground with shining eyes.

Yahiko ignored the sticky mucus on the scroll and directly opened the scroll to unlock the seal.

A large amount of money appeared from the scroll.

Yahiko, Ye Cang and Kurochu Raiga all laughed foolishly.

However, they were now on the street, and the money coming out of the scroll attracted the attention of most people.

Tansho Street was a mixed bag of people, and there were many gangsters. Seeing so much money, they slowly surrounded him like jackals smelling meat.

Kurochu Raiga saw a man trying to pick up the money, and he directly pulled out the Thunder Blade·Ya, with lightning surging all over his body, and slashed him with a knife.

Fortunately, Kurochu Raiga didn't really want to hurt anyone, otherwise, the man's hand would have disappeared.

Kurokugi Raiga said murderously: "If anyone dares to touch this money, I will hold a funeral for him!"

The people around realized that Kurokugi Raiga was not a character to be trifled with, so in order to avoid getting into trouble, they all withdrew.

Yahiko and Yekura had already put away all the money.

After having the money, Yahiko, Yekura and Kurokugi Raiga stood up straight and said confidently: "Let's go! Let's go eat! Eat well!"



Uzumaki Kushina asked Chiyu: "Chiyu, what's wrong with you? Why do you look so sad?"

Chiyu forced a smile: "I don't know why, but I always have a bad feeling."

Uzumaki Kushina sat next to Chiyu and whispered: "Is it your organization? Didn't you say that the three of them are very strong? There should be no need to worry, right?"

Because Chiyu had promised Uzumaki Kushina not to hide anything, he had already told Uzumaki Kushina about the Owl Organization.

At the same time, it also includes going to Tansho Street a few days ago.

Qianyu shook her head: "I am not worried about their strength, I am worried that they will spend money recklessly. Not long after I left Tansho Street, Yahiko contacted me with a ring and asked me when the money would arrive, but I just gave them more than 8,000 taels and told them to hold on for three or four days. He shouldn't be so anxious to contact me.

So I guess they are very likely to have used up the money directly, so they are so anxious to ask me."

Uzumaki Kushina smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, maybe you are just worrying."

Qianyu nodded and said: "Well, maybe, after all, apart from Yahiko, Ye Cang and Kurochu Raiga seem quite reliable."

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